Setup tool for bitbake based projects ===================================== +------------+------------------+ | Branch | Build Status | +============+==================+ | ``master`` | |travis-master|_ | +------------+------------------+ | ``next`` | |travis-next|_ | +------------+------------------+ .. |travis-master| image:: .. _travis-master: .. |travis-next| image:: .. _travis-next: This tool provides an easy mechanism to setup bitbake based projects. The OpenEmbedded tooling support starts at step 2 with bitbake. The downloading of sources and then configuration has to be done by hand. Usually, this is explained in a README. Instead kas is using a project configuration file and does the download and configuration phase. Key features provided by the build tool: - clone and checkout bitbake layers - create default bitbake settings (machine, arch, ...) - launch minimal build environment, reducing risk of host contamination - initiate bitbake build process See the `kas documentation `_ for further details.