# kas - setup tool for bitbake based projects # # Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2017-2018 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. """ This module contains common commands used by kas plugins. """ import tempfile import logging import shutil import os import pprint import sys from .libkas import (ssh_cleanup_agent, ssh_setup_agent, ssh_no_host_key_check, get_build_environ, repos_fetch, repos_apply_patches) from .includehandler import IncludeException __license__ = 'MIT' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2017-2018' class Macro: """ Contains commands and provides method to run them. """ def __init__(self): self.commands = [] def add(self, command): """ Appends commands to the command list. """ self.commands.append(command) def run(self, ctx, skip=None): """ Runs a command from the command list with respect to the configuration. """ skip = skip or [] for command in self.commands: command_name = str(command) if command_name in skip: continue logging.debug('execute %s', command_name) command.execute(ctx) class Command: """ An abstract class that defines the interface of a command. """ def execute(self, ctx): """ This method executes the command. """ pass class Loop(Command): """ A class that defines a set of commands as a loop. """ def __init__(self, name): self.commands = [] self.name = name def __str__(self): return self.name def add(self, command): """ Appends a command to the loop. """ self.commands.append(command) def execute(self, ctx): """ Executes the loop. """ loop_name = str(self) def executor(command): command_name = str(command) logging.debug('Loop %s: execute %s', loop_name, command_name) return command.execute(ctx) while all(executor(c) for c in self.commands): pass class SetupHome(Command): """ Sets up the home directory of kas. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.tmpdirname = tempfile.mkdtemp() def __del__(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdirname) def __str__(self): return 'setup_home' def execute(self, ctx): with open(self.tmpdirname + '/.wgetrc', 'w') as fds: fds.write('\n') with open(self.tmpdirname + '/.netrc', 'w') as fds: fds.write('\n') with open(self.tmpdirname + '/.gitconfig', 'w') as fds: fds.write('[User]\n' '\temail = kas@example.com\n' '\tname = Kas User\n') if os.environ.get('AWS_CONFIG_FILE', False) \ and os.environ.get('AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE', False): os.makedirs(self.tmpdirname + "/.aws") shutil.copy(os.environ['AWS_CONFIG_FILE'], self.tmpdirname + "/.aws/config") shutil.copy(os.environ['AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE'], self.tmpdirname + "/.aws/credentials") ctx.environ['HOME'] = self.tmpdirname class SetupDir(Command): """ Creates the build directory. """ def __str__(self): return 'setup_dir' def execute(self, ctx): os.chdir(ctx.kas_work_dir) if not os.path.exists(ctx.build_dir): os.mkdir(ctx.build_dir) class SetupSSHAgent(Command): """ Sets up the ssh agent configuration. """ def __str__(self): return 'setup_ssh_agent' def execute(self, ctx): ssh_setup_agent() ssh_no_host_key_check() class CleanupSSHAgent(Command): """ Removes all the identities and stops the ssh-agent instance. """ def __str__(self): return 'cleanup_ssh_agent' def execute(self, ctx): ssh_cleanup_agent() class SetupEnviron(Command): """ Sets up the kas environment. """ def __str__(self): return 'setup_environ' def execute(self, ctx): ctx.environ.update(get_build_environ()) class WriteBBConfig(Command): """ Writes bitbake configuration files into the build directory. """ def __str__(self): return 'write_bbconfig' def execute(self, ctx): def _write_bblayers_conf(ctx): filename = ctx.build_dir + '/conf/bblayers.conf' if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as fds: fds.write(ctx.config.get_bblayers_conf_header()) fds.write('BBLAYERS ?= " \\\n ') fds.write(' \\\n '.join( sorted(layer for repo in ctx.config.get_repos() for layer in repo.layers))) fds.write('"\n') def _write_local_conf(ctx): filename = ctx.build_dir + '/conf/local.conf' with open(filename, 'w') as fds: fds.write(ctx.config.get_local_conf_header()) fds.write('MACHINE ??= "{}"\n'.format( ctx.config.get_machine())) fds.write('DISTRO ??= "{}"\n'.format( ctx.config.get_distro())) fds.write('BBMULTICONFIG ?= "{}"\n'.format( ctx.config.get_multiconfig())) _write_bblayers_conf(ctx) _write_local_conf(ctx) class ReposFetch(Command): """ Fetches repositories defined in the configuration """ def __str__(self): return 'repos_fetch' def execute(self, ctx): repos_fetch(ctx.config.get_repos()) class ReposApplyPatches(Command): """ Applies the patches defined in the configuration to the repositories. """ def __str__(self): return 'repos_apply_patches' def execute(self, ctx): repos_apply_patches(ctx.config.get_repos()) class ReposCheckout(Command): """ Ensures that the right revision of each repo is checked out. """ def __str__(self): return 'repos_checkout' def execute(self, ctx): for repo in ctx.config.get_repos(): repo.checkout() class InitSetupRepos(Command): """ Prepares setting up repos including the include logic """ def __str__(self): return 'init_setup_repos' def execute(self, ctx): ctx.missing_repo_names = ctx.config.find_missing_repos() ctx.missing_repo_names_old = None class SetupReposStep(Command): """ Single step of the checkout repos loop """ def __str__(self): return 'setup_repos_step' def execute(self, ctx): """ TODO refactor protected-access """ if not ctx.missing_repo_names: return False if ctx.missing_repo_names == ctx.missing_repo_names_old: raise IncludeException('Could not fetch all repos needed by ' 'includes.') logging.debug('Missing repos for complete config:\n%s', pprint.pformat(ctx.missing_repo_names)) ctx.config.repo_dict = ctx.config._get_repo_dict() ctx.missing_repos = [] for repo_name in ctx.missing_repo_names: if repo_name not in ctx.config.repo_dict: logging.error('Include references unknown repo: %s', repo_name) sys.exit(1) ctx.missing_repos.append(ctx.config.repo_dict[repo_name]) repos_fetch(ctx.missing_repos) for repo in ctx.missing_repos: repo.checkout() ctx.config.repo_dict = ctx.config._get_repo_dict() repo_paths = {r: ctx.config.repo_dict[r].path for r in ctx.config.repo_dict} ctx.missing_repo_names_old = ctx.missing_repo_names (ctx.config._config, ctx.missing_repo_names) = \ ctx.config.handler.get_config(repos=repo_paths) return ctx.missing_repo_names class FinishSetupRepos(Command): """ Finalizes the repo setup loop """ def __str__(self): return 'finish_setup_repos' def execute(self, ctx): """ TODO refactor protected-access """ # now fetch everything with complete config and check out layers repos_fetch(ctx.config.get_repos()) for repo in ctx.config.get_repos(): repo.checkout() logging.debug('Configuration from config file:\n%s', pprint.pformat(ctx.config._config))