# kas - setup tool for bitbake based projects # # Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2021 # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Parts of this were based on kconfiglib, examples/menuconfig_example.py # # Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Ulf Magnusson # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # """ This plugin implements the ``kas menu`` command. When this command is executed, kas will open a configuration menu as described by a Kconfig file. It processes any pre-existing configuration file with saved settings, stores the final selections and invokes the build plugin if requested by the user. To make use of this plugin, a ``Kconfig`` file has to be provided. The menu can define these types of configuration variables that the plugin will translate into a kas configuration: - kas configuration files that will be included when building the generated configuration. Those are picked up from kconfig string variables that have the name prefix ``KAS_INCLUDE_``. - bitbake targets that shall be built via the generated configuration. Those are picked up from kconfig string variables that have the name prefix ``KAS_TARGET_``. - The ``build_system`` that will used. The static kconfig string variable ``KAS_BUILD_SYSTEM`` defines this value which must be ``openembedded``, ``oe`` or ``isar`` is set. - bitbake configuration variables that will be added to the ``local_conf_header`` section of the generated configuration. All other active kconfig string, integer or hex variables are treated as such. See https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/kconfig-language.html for a complete documentation of the Kconfig language. The menu plugin writes the selected configuration to a ``.config.yaml`` file in the kas work directory and also reads previous selection from such a file if it exists. The ``.config.yaml`` both contains the selected configuration in the ``menu_configuration`` key and also the effective settings that can be used to invoke ``kas build`` or other kas commands. """ import logging import os import pprint import yaml from kconfiglib import Kconfig, Symbol, Choice, expr_value, TYPE_TO_STR, \ MENU, COMMENT, STRING, BOOL, INT, HEX, UNKNOWN from kas import __version__, __file_version__ from kas.context import create_global_context from kas.config import CONFIG_YAML_FILE from kas.includehandler import load_config as load_config_yaml from kas.plugins.build import Build from kas.kasusererror import KasUserError try: from snack import SnackScreen, EntryWindow, ButtonChoiceWindow, \ ButtonBar, Listbox, GridFormHelp newt_available = True except ImportError: newt_available = False # will be reported in run() __license__ = 'MIT' __copyright__ = \ 'Copyright (c) 2011-2019, Ulf Magnusson \n' \ 'Copyright (c) Siemens AG, 2021' class VariableTypeError(KasUserError): pass class MissingModuleError(KasUserError): pass def check_sym_is_string(sym): if sym.type != STRING: raise VariableTypeError('Variable {} must be of string type' .format(sym.name)) def str_representer(dumper, data): style = '|' if len(data.splitlines()) > 1 else None return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style=style) class Args: pass class Menu: """ This class implements the menu plugin for kas. """ name = 'menu' helpmsg = ( 'Provides a configuration menu and triggers the build of the choices.' ) @classmethod def setup_parser(cls, parser): parser.add_argument('kconfig', help='Kconfig file', nargs='?', default='Kconfig') def load_config(self, filename): try: self.orig_config = load_config_yaml(filename) except FileNotFoundError: self.orig_config = {} return menu_configuration = self.orig_config.get('menu_configuration', {}) for symname in menu_configuration: sym = self.kconf.syms.get(symname) if not sym: logging.warning( 'Ignoring unknown configuration variable %s in %s', symname, filename) continue symvalue = menu_configuration[symname] if sym.type == BOOL: sym.set_value('y' if symvalue else 'n') elif sym.type == INT: sym.set_value(str(symvalue)) elif sym.type == HEX: sym.set_value(str(hex(symvalue))) else: # string sym.set_value(symvalue) def save_config(self, filename): kas_includes = [] kas_targets = [] kas_build_system = None kas_vars = {} menu_configuration = {} for symname in self.kconf.syms: if symname == 'MODULES': continue sym = self.kconf.syms[symname] symvalue = sym.str_value if expr_value(sym.direct_dep) < 2: continue if sym.visibility == 2: if sym.type == BOOL: menu_configuration[symname] = symvalue == 'y' elif sym.type == STRING: menu_configuration[symname] = symvalue elif sym.type == INT: menu_configuration[symname] = int(symvalue) elif sym.type == HEX: menu_configuration[symname] = int(symvalue, 16) else: raise VariableTypeError( 'Configuration variable {} uses unsupported type' .format(symname)) if symname.startswith('KAS_INCLUDE_'): check_sym_is_string(sym) if symvalue != '': kas_includes.append(symvalue) elif symname.startswith('KAS_TARGET_'): check_sym_is_string(sym) if symvalue != '': kas_targets.append(symvalue) elif symname == 'KAS_BUILD_SYSTEM': check_sym_is_string(sym) if symvalue != '': kas_build_system = symvalue elif sym.type in (STRING, INT, HEX): kas_vars[symname] = symvalue config = { 'header': { 'version': __file_version__, 'includes': kas_includes }, 'menu_configuration': menu_configuration } if kas_build_system: config['build_system'] = kas_build_system if len(kas_targets) > 0: config['target'] = kas_targets if len(kas_vars) > 0: config['local_conf_header'] = { '__menu_config_vars': '\n'.join([ '{} = "{}"'.format(key, value) for key, value in kas_vars.items() ]) } logging.debug('Menu configuration:\n%s', pprint.pformat(config)) if config != self.orig_config: logging.info('Saving configuration as %s', filename) # format multi-line strings more nicely yaml.add_representer(str, str_representer) try: os.rename(filename, filename + '.old') except FileNotFoundError: pass with open(filename, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write( '#\n' '# Automatically generated by kas {}\n' '#\n'.format(__version__)) yaml.dump(config, config_file) def dump_kconf_warnings(self): if len(self.kconf.warnings) > 0: logging.warning("\n".join(self.kconf.warnings)) self.kconf.warnings = [] def run(self, args): if not newt_available: raise MissingModuleError( 'Menu plugin requires \'python3-newt\' distribution package.') ctx = create_global_context(args) self.kconf = Kconfig(args.kconfig, warn_to_stderr=False) config_filename = os.path.join(ctx.kas_work_dir, CONFIG_YAML_FILE) self.load_config(config_filename) self.dump_kconf_warnings() menu = Menuconfig(self.kconf) action = menu.show() if action == 'exit': return self.save_config(config_filename) self.dump_kconf_warnings() if action == 'build': logging.debug('Starting build') build_args = Args() build_args.config = None build_args.target = None build_args.task = None build_args.extra_bitbake_args = [] build_args.skip = None Build().run(build_args) class Menuconfig(): def __init__(self, kconf): self.kconf = kconf self.screen = None @staticmethod def value_str(sym): """ Returns the value part ("[*]", "(foo)" etc.) of a menu entry. """ if sym.type in (STRING, INT, HEX): return "({})".format(sym.str_value) # BOOL (TRISTATE not supported) # The choice mode is an upper bound on the visibility of choice # symbols, so we can check the choice symbols' own visibility to see # if the choice is in y mode if sym.choice and sym.visibility == 2: return "(*)" if sym.choice.selection is sym else "( )" tri_val_str = (" ", None, "*")[sym.tri_value] if len(sym.assignable) == 1: # Pinned to a single value return "-{}-".format(tri_val_str) if sym.type == BOOL: return "[{}]".format(tri_val_str) raise RuntimeError() @staticmethod def node_str(node, indent): """ Returns the complete menu entry text for a menu node, or "" for invisible menu nodes. Invisible menu nodes are those that lack a prompt or that do not have a satisfied prompt condition. Example return value: "[*] Bool symbol (BOOL)" The symbol name is printed in parentheses to the right of the prompt. This is so that symbols can easily be referred to in the configuration interface. """ if not node.prompt: return "" # Even for menu nodes for symbols and choices, it's wrong to check # Symbol.visibility / Choice.visibility here. The reason is that a # symbol (and a choice, in theory) can be defined in multiple # locations, giving it multiple menu nodes, which do not necessarily # all have the same prompt visibility. Symbol.visibility / # Choice.visibility is calculated as the OR of the visibility of all # the prompts. prompt, prompt_cond = node.prompt if not expr_value(prompt_cond): return "" if node.item == MENU: return " " + indent * " " + prompt + " --->" if type(node.item) == Choice: return " " + indent * " " + prompt if node.item == COMMENT: return " " + indent * " " + "*** {} ***".format(prompt) # Symbol sym = node.item if sym.type == UNKNOWN: return "" # {:3} sets the field width to three. Gives nice alignment for empty # string values. res = "{:3} {}{}".format(Menuconfig.value_str(sym), indent * " ", prompt) # Append a sub-menu arrow if menuconfig and enabled if node.is_menuconfig: res += " ---" + (">" if sym.tri_value > 0 else "-") return res @staticmethod def menu_node_strings(node, indent): items = [] while node: string = Menuconfig.node_str(node, indent) if string: items.append((string, node)) if (node.list and node.item != MENU and (type(node.item) == Choice or not node.is_menuconfig)): items.extend(Menuconfig.menu_node_strings(node.list, indent + 2)) node = node.next return items def show_menu(self, title, top_node): selection = 0 while True: items = Menuconfig.menu_node_strings(top_node, 0) height = len(items) scroll = 0 if height > self.screen.height - 13: height = self.screen.height - 13 scroll = 1 buttons = [ ('Save & Build', 'build', 'B'), ('Save & Exit', 'save', 'S'), (' Help ', 'help', 'h'), (' Exit ', 'exit', 'ESC') ] buttonbar = ButtonBar(self.screen, buttons) listbox = Listbox(height, scroll=scroll, returnExit=1) count = 0 for string, _ in items: listbox.append(string, count) if (selection == count): listbox.setCurrent(count) count = count + 1 grid = GridFormHelp(self.screen, title, None, 1, 2) grid.add(listbox, 0, 0, padding=(0, 0, 0, 1)) grid.add(buttonbar, 0, 1, growx=1) grid.addHotKey(' ') rc = grid.runOnce() action = buttonbar.buttonPressed(rc) if action and action != 'help': return action if count == 0: continue selection = listbox.current() _, selected_node = items[selection] sym = selected_node.item if action == 'help': prompt, _ = selected_node.prompt if hasattr(selected_node, 'help') and selected_node.help: help = selected_node.help else: help = 'No help available.' ButtonChoiceWindow( screen=self.screen, title="Help on '{}'".format(prompt), text=help, width=60, buttons=[' Ok ']) continue show_submenu = False if type(sym) == Symbol: if rc == ' ': if sym.type == BOOL: sym.set_value('n' if sym.tri_value > 0 else 'y') else: if selected_node.is_menuconfig: show_submenu = True elif sym.type in (STRING, INT, HEX): action, values = EntryWindow( screen=self.screen, title=sym.name, text='Enter a %s value:' % TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type], prompts=[('', sym.str_value)], buttons=[(' Ok ', 'Ok'), ('Cancel', '', 'ESC')]) if action == 'Ok': self.kconf.warnings = [] val = values[0] if sym.type == HEX and not val.startswith('0x'): val = '0x' + val sym.set_value(val) # only fetching triggers range check - how ugly... sym.str_value if len(self.kconf.warnings) > 0: ButtonChoiceWindow( screen=self.screen, title="Invalid entry", text="\n".join(self.kconf.warnings), width=60, buttons=[' Ok ']) self.kconf.warnings = [] elif selected_node.is_menuconfig and type(sym) != Choice: show_submenu = True if show_submenu: submenu_title, _ = selected_node.prompt action = self.show_menu(submenu_title, selected_node.list) if action != 'exit': return action def show(self): self.screen = SnackScreen() action = self.show_menu(self.kconf.mainmenu_text, self.kconf.top_node.list) self.screen.finish() return action __KAS_PLUGINS__ = [Menu]