forked from GerhardHoffmann/DCLibraries
116 lines
2.7 KiB
116 lines
2.7 KiB
//CAT is always master, no receive before request
#ifndef SER_H
#define SER_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <QObject>
//#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QSerialPort>
#include <QVector>
#include "tslib.h"
#include "controlBus.h"
#include "interfaces.h"
// display all inputs and outputs in output window:
class T_com : public QObject //, public QPlainTextEdit
// complete send message (protocol frame)
QByteArray sendBuffer; //[MAXTELEGRAMLEN];
uint16_t sendLen; // >0: Daten Sendebereit, nach senden wieder auf 0 setzen
// right after reception:
QByteArray rawInput; //[MAXTELEGRAMLEN];
uint16_t rawInLen; // 0: keine neuen Daten erhalten
// QSerialPort *CatSerial = nullptr;
QSerialPort *CatSerial;
QVector<uint16_t> readCmds; // list of active commands sent to DC
//char oeffneSerialPort();
char open_Serial_Port();
void closeSerialPort();
void receiveByLength(void);
private slots:
void readSomeBytes(void);
void serialSendComplete(void);
//void incomingWake(void); //bool LevelOfTheBit);
void receiveTO(void);
void ser_ISR100ms();
T_com(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QTimer *serRecTime;
bool isPortOpen(void);
void writeToSerial(const QByteArray &data, uint16_t sendLength);
void receiveFixLen(int64_t nrOfbytesToReceive);
bool readFromSerial(QByteArray &data, uint16_t &sendLength);
// retval: true: data available
QVector<uint16_t> &getReadCmds() { return readCmds; }
QVector<uint16_t> const &getReadCmds() const { return readCmds; }
uint8_t getAllPortPins(void);
// rs232pins: all signals bitwise coded in one byte:
// readback output: bit 0=TxD(=output) bit2=DTR (=output) bit 6=RTS (=output)
// unused inputs: bit1=RxD bit 3=DCD bit 5 = RING
// handshake inputs: bit 4=DSR (0x10) bit 7=CTS (0x80)
bool getHSin_CTS(void);
// return the CTS Handshake input): true= high level (+8V)
bool getHSin_DSR(void);
// return the DSR Handshake input): true= high level (+8V)
bool setHSout_RTS(bool hsout);
// hsout true=positiv voltage +12V false= -12V
// retval: true=setting OK
bool setHSout_DTR(bool hsout);
// hsout true=positiv voltage +12V false= -12V
// retval: true=setting OK
void receivingFinished();
void sendingFinished();
//void wasWokenBySerialHandshake();
#endif // SER_H