#include "CArun.h" #include "datei.h" #include "CCWakelineAbstraction.h" CArun::CArun(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , setupStep(SETUP_STEP::INIT) { this->timerChainCtrl = new QTimer(this); this->connect(timerChainCtrl, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(chainControl())); this->timerChainCtrl->setSingleShot(true); this->timerChainCtrl->setInterval(100); loadPlugIn(1); // Start setup-steps: qCritical() << "CArun: start setup..."; this->timerChainCtrl->start(); this->ccWakelineAbstraction = new CCWakelineAbstraction(this->HWaccess, this); } char CArun::loadPlugIn(char lade1_entlade2) { plugInDir.cd("plugins"); QPluginLoader *pluginLoader = new QPluginLoader(); pluginLoader->setFileName("/usr/lib/libCAmaster.so"); // for ptu5 if (lade1_entlade2==2) { pluginLoader->unload(); return 0; } if (!pluginLoader->load()) { qCritical() << "CArun: cannot load plugin"; } else qCritical() << "CArun: plugin loaded: " << pluginLoader->fileName(); if (!pluginLoader->isLoaded()) { qCritical() << "CArun: ERROR loading plugin: " << pluginLoader->errorString();; return 0; } QObject *plugin = pluginLoader->instance(); if ( plugin == nullptr) { // make instance of the root component (which can hold more then one clases) // also loads the lib if not yet done qCritical() << "CArun: ERROR cannot start instance"; return 0; } this->HWaccess = qobject_cast(plugin); // make instance to class "hwinf" in dll_HWapi.h over "interfaces.h" return 0; } void CArun::openSerialPort() { #define FILENAME_COMPORT "../comport.csv" // TODO: use absolute path // use settings (ini-file) // comport.csv wird mit installiert in: /opt/app/ // k.A., ob "../comport.csv" gefunden wird. qCritical() << "CArun: open serial port..."; QString bs, cn; int br, ci; // load and use last settings: -------------------- QByteArray myBA; myBA=datei_readFromFile(FILENAME_COMPORT); if (myBA.length()>0) { bs=csv_getEntryAsString(myBA,0); // read the 's' war 2!?? br=csv_getEntryAsInt(myBA,1); // z.B. 5 (5.Eintrag in der Baud-Liste) bs=csv_getEntryAsString(myBA,2); // z.B 115200 cn=csv_getEntryAsString(myBA,3); // z.B. COM9 ci=csv_getEntryAsInt(myBA,4); // Eintragsnummer in COM-Fenster this->HWaccess->dc_openSerial(br,bs,cn,1); } else { // vermutlich wird dies hier ausgeführt? // open with default settings qCritical() << "CArun: open serial with default values"; bs="115200"; br=5; //cn="COM14"; // Windows cn="ttymxc2"; // PTU5 ci=2; HWaccess->dc_openSerial(br,bs,cn,1); } } void CArun::chainControl(void) { switch (this->setupStep) { case SETUP_STEP::INIT: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::INIT"; this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::OPEN_SERIAL_PORT; this->timerChainCtrl->start(); break; case SETUP_STEP::OPEN_SERIAL_PORT: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::OPEN_SERIAL_PORT"; this->openSerialPort(); this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::TEST_OPEN_PORT; this->timerChainCtrl->start(); break; case SETUP_STEP::TEST_OPEN_PORT: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::TEST_OPEN_PORT"; if (this->HWaccess->dc_isPortOpen()) { this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_REQUEST; } else { qCritical() << "CArun: port is still closed, restarting.."; this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::INIT; } this->timerChainCtrl->start(); break; case SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_REQUEST: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_REQUEST"; this->HWaccess->dc_requTestResponse(); this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_CHECK; this->timerChainCtrl->start(); break; case SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_CHECK: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::TEST_RESPONSE_CHECK"; if (this->HWaccess->dc_readAnswTestResponse()) { // response was correct this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::SETUP_AUTOREQEUST; } else { qCritical() << "CArun: got no answer from DC, retry.."; this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::INIT; } this->timerChainCtrl->start(); break; case SETUP_STEP::SETUP_AUTOREQEUST: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::SETUP_AUTOREQEUST"; this->HWaccess->dc_autoRequest(1); this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::CHECK_VALID_DATA; this->timerChainCtrl->start(2000); break; case SETUP_STEP::CHECK_VALID_DATA: qCritical() << "CArun: SETUP_STEP::CHECK_VALID_DATA"; if (this->HWaccess->sys_areDCdataValid()) { qCritical() << "CArun: DC is connected"; // do not start timer again } else { qCritical() << "CArun: auto request is not running, retry..."; this->setupStep = SETUP_STEP::INIT; this->timerChainCtrl->start(); } break; default: qCritical() << "CArun: invalid setup step"; break; } }