add json files for linsinger

This commit is contained in:
Gerhard Hoffmann 2024-02-28 13:39:16 +01:00
parent bdf040f423
commit 319ae2464e
18 changed files with 685 additions and 0 deletions

etc/psa_config/DC2C_cash.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"title":"DC2C_cash ",
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_conf.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_device.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
Template for Ticket to be printed
Max Length 500bytes
Can be concatenated unless they contain a cut
important for the document-numer 1...99 is the :
"title":"DC2C_pri02", <---- not the file name
Never finish file with a TEXT-Line (set a "nl" after it)!!!
-> TEXT without nl at the end will not be printed
but with next doc nonsens will be printed [0:0...]
Following keys are used:
text // drucke Text direkt
styl // wie soll der Text aussehen
feed // Papier bewegen
vari // Werte aus Speicher drucken
graf // drucke Log, QRcode oder Barcode, rufe Funktionen und stelle Werte bereit
Following value pairs are allowed:
// print a direct textline, max 64bytes, always without "NewLine"
"text":"Parking Ticket",
// select text style bold on/off, underlined on/off or italic on/off
// once switched on it's active until next off or end of document
// not used for appended docs
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"under off",
"styl":"latin on",
"styl":"font 12", // select Font-type for the following print,
/ range: 1...99
"styl":"size 01", // select Font size for the following print
// range: 1...99, depends on font-type, selects hight and width
// 10th:height 1th=width
"styl":"align c" // 'l' 'c' 'r' // left center right
"styl":"density25"; // 0....[25]...50 0=blass
// move or cut paper:
"feed":"eject", // 5 line forward and cut
"feed":"line3", // 3 line forward (1..9)
"feed":"back1", // 1 line back (1..9)
"feed":"BM", // Blackmark
"feed":"nl", // NewLine LF & CR (1..9)
"feed":"margin05", // left border in mm
"feed":"rim05", // right border in mm
"feed":"speed10", // printer speed *10mm/s
// print predefined grafical components like logos, barcodes or QR-Codes
"graf":"barc8", // kind and content is fixed programmed, 1..9
"graf":"logo2", // programmed in printer, 1...9
"graf":"q.r.1", // content is fixed programmed 1..9
// print machine parameters
// print current date or time
// ge=german style 15:45 / 31.12.23
// us=us format 3:45PM / 23/12/31
// time long: 14:45:58
// time short: 14:45
// dow short: Mo
// dow long: Monday
"vari":"date ge",
"vari":"date us",
"vari":"time long",
"vari":"wday eng short",
//"wday eng long" "wday deu short" "wday deu long"
#print dynamic values, come per cmd 17 from Master right before printing
#command contains 8 strings (1..8) with 8bytes each
#will be printed as they are
// following varis not yet installed:
// Values from current transaction, to come dynamic from master
"vari":"Amount_bru", // = inserted
"vari":"Amount_net", // = netto
"vari":"percent", // tax rate in percent
"vari":"perc_am", // amount of tax
"vari":"PE dow__short", short/long
"vari":"PE date us", ge/us
"vari":"PE time long", short/long
"vari":"TickCtr" // print consecutive ticket counter
"vari":"LicPl", // License Plate
"styl":"size 1",
"text":"parking until:",
"styl":"size 3",
"vari":"parkend date",
"vari":"parkend time",
"styl":"size 1",
"text":"printed at ",
"vari":"current date",
"vari":"current time",
"text":"payed amount: ",
Umsetzung im Programm bzw Speicherung im Eeprom:
Text: einfach rein, alles andere als ESC-Sequenz mit acht bytes (fünf + reserve) speichern
STYL: ruft eine Druckerfunktion auf
<27><s><b><48><32><32><32><32> (Escape, s für style, b für bold (oder u,l,f,s)
und asc-zahl, hier bold off
<27><s><f><48><50><32><32><32> Font 2
FEED: ruft eine Druckerfunktion auf
<27><f><c><32><32><32><32><32> f für feed, und c für cut (oder p,e,l,b,B,n)
VARI: sucht entspr. Daten, formt sie im string und schickt sie als Text zum Drucker
<27><v><0x35><0x38><32><32><32><32> v für Vari dann zwei Ziffern
Variablen werden durchnummeriert von 10..99
Länge: Json Datei max 500byte, dh. sie enthält max400byte text
Jeder Textspeicher hat 512 Byte, aber Esc-Sequ braucht 8 byte!
Wenn also viele Varis drin sind wirds knapp, aber dann ist die Json ja auch zur Hälfte mit keys gefüllt.
Also besser 1k pro Doc vorsehen, Rest immer mit bin-0 gefüllt --->32kB gesamt
Dann bleiben noch 32 kB übrig:
Abr.-Datensatz je256byte, also Platz für 128DS
Noch 64kB Reserve, evtl von Master zu verwenden
(alle settings liegen im int. eeprom)

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print1.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print2.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. 2345",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. 12345/23 ",
"vari":"date ge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. 2345",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. 12345/23 ",
"vari":"date ge",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print3.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"project":"door close print",
"Version":"15.11.2023 00001",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"size 11",
"text":"Türöffnung um:",
"styl":"size 00",
"vari":"date ge",
"vari":"time long",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. 2345",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. 12345/23 ",
"vari":"date ge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"project":"refund reciept",
"Version":"15.11.2023 00001",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"size 11",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"Erstattungsbetrag: ",
"text":"KuNu: ",
"text":"MaNu: ",
"text":"Ort: ",
"text":"Gruppe: ",
"text":"Zone: ",
"text":"Name: ",
"text":"Am: ",
"vari":"date us",
"text":"Um: ",
"vari":"time long",
"text":" * * * * * * * * ",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print5.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on"

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print6.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print7.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",

etc/psa_config/DC2C_print8.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"project":"NVT Linsinger",
"issued":"18.10.2023 15:00",
"styl":"font 08",
"styl":"size 00",
"styl":"align l",
"styl":"size 10",
"styl":"align c",
"styl":"bold on",
"styl":"bold off",
"styl":"size 00",
"text":"€ 3,00 (Wert € 6,00)",
"text":"Mitarbeiter Nr. ",
"text":"Lauf. Nr. ",
"vari":"date ge",