{ "Project" : "SV Bad Neuenahr", "Version" : "1.0.0", "Info" : "Shorttime-tariff-1", "comment_1": "20mins free (broetchentaste)", "comment_2": "every following 20mins: 0,40 euro", "comment_3": "max. parking-time on Mon-Sat: 1h", "comment_4": "max. parking-time on Sun-Holiday: 3h", "comment_5": "max. parking-price on Mon-Sat: 0,80 euro", "comment_6": "max. parking-price on Sun-Holiday: 3,20 euro", "comment_7": "carry-over restriction from sun/holiday to next day: only until 9.00", "Currency": [ { "pcu_id": 2, "pcu_sign": "€", "pcu_major": "EUR", "pcu_minor": "", "pcu_active": true } ], "PaymentMethod": [ { "pme_id": 1, "pme_label": "progressive" }, { "pme_id": 2, "pme_label": "degressive" }, { "pme_id": 3, "pme_label": "linear" }, { "pme_id": 4, "pme_label": "steps" } ], "TimeRange" : [ { "time_range_id": 1, "time_range_from": "18:00:00", "time_range_to": "08:00:00" }, { "time_range_id": 2, "time_range_from": "16:00:00", "time_range_to": "18:00:00" }, { "time_range_id": 3, "time_range_from": "08:00:00", "time_range_to": "09:00:00" } ], "PaymentOption": [ { "pop_id": 1049, "pop_label": "Zone 2", "pop_payment_method_id": 4, "pop_day_start_time": "08:00:00", "pop_day_end_time": "18:00:00", "pop_price_night": 0, "pop_min_time": 20, "pop_max_time": 60, "pop_max_price": 80, "pop_min_price": 0, "pop_carry_over": 0, "pop_carry_over_end_time_range": 3, "comment_1": "Mon-Sat can be target of a carry-over", "pop_daily_card_price": 0, "pop_business_hours": 16128, "comment_business_hours": "Mon-Sat: 0x0000000000003F00" }, { "pop_id": 1050, "pop_label": "Zone 2", "pop_payment_method_id": 4, "pop_day_start_time": "08:00:00", "pop_day_end_time": "18:00:00", "pop_price_night": 0, "pop_min_time": 20, "pop_max_time": 180, "pop_max_price": 320, "pop_min_price": 0, "pop_carry_over": 1, "pop_carry_over_time_range": 1, "pop_carry_over_start_time_range": 2, "comment_1": "Sun+Holiday can initiate a carry-over", "pop_carry_over_end_time_range": 3, "comment_2": "Sun+Holiday can be target of a carry-over", "pop_daily_card_price": 0, "pop_business_hours": 49152, "comment_business_hours": "Sun+Holiday: 0x000000000000C000" } ], "PaymentRate": [ { "pra_payment_option_id": 1049, "pra_payment_unit_id": 1, "pra_price": 0 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1049, "pra_payment_unit_id": 2, "pra_price": 40 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1049, "pra_payment_unit_id": 3, "pra_price": 80 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 4, "pra_price": 0 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 5, "pra_price": 40 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 6, "pra_price": 80 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 7, "pra_price": 120 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 8, "pra_price": 160 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 9, "pra_price": 200 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 10, "pra_price": 240 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 11, "pra_price": 280 }, { "pra_payment_option_id": 1050, "pra_payment_unit_id": 12, "pra_price": 320 } ], "Duration": [ { "pun_id": 1, "pun_label": "20 min", "pun_duration": 20 }, { "pun_id": 2, "pun_label": "40 min", "pun_duration": 40 }, { "pun_id": 3, "pun_label": "60 min", "pun_duration": 60 }, { "pun_id": 4, "pun_label": "20 min", "pun_duration": 20 }, { "pun_id": 5, "pun_label": "40 min", "pun_duration": 40 }, { "pun_id": 6, "pun_label": "60 min", "pun_duration": 60 }, { "pun_id": 7, "pun_label": "80 min", "pun_duration": 80 }, { "pun_id": 8, "pun_label": "100 min", "pun_duration": 100 }, { "pun_id": 9, "pun_label": "120 min", "pun_duration": 120 }, { "pun_id": 10, "pun_label": "140 min", "pun_duration": 140 }, { "pun_id": 11, "pun_label": "160 min", "pun_duration": 160 }, { "pun_id": 12, "pun_label": "180 min", "pun_duration": 180 } ], "WeekDaysWorktime": [ { "pwd_id": 621, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 1, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 622, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 2, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 623, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 3, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 624, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 4, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 625, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 5, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 626, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 6, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1049, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" }, { "pwd_id": 626, "pwd_period_week_day_id": 36, "pwd_period_day_in_week_id": 7, "pwd_payment_option_id": 1050, "pwd_time_from": "08:00:00", "pwd_time_to": "18:00:00" } ], "PeriodYear": [ { "pye_id": 8, "pye_label": "Whole year", "pye_start_month": 1, "pye_start_day": 1, "pye_end_month": 12, "pye_end_day": 31 } ], "SpecialDays": [ { "ped_id": 1, "ped_label": "Tag der Arbeit", "ped_date_start": "2024-05-01", "ped_date_end": "2024-05-01", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 0 }, { "ped_id": 2, "ped_label": "Christi Himmelfahrt", "ped_date_start": "2024-05-09", "ped_date_end": "2024-05-09", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 2024 }, { "ped_id": 3, "ped_label": "Pfingst Sonntag", "ped_date_start": "2024-05-19", "ped_date_end": "2024-05-19", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 2024 }, { "ped_id": 4, "ped_label": "Pfingst Montag", "ped_date_start": "2024-05-20", "ped_date_end": "2024-05-20", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 2024 }, { "ped_id": 5, "ped_label": "Fronleichnam", "ped_date_start": "2024-05-30", "ped_date_end": "2024-05-30", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 2024 }, { "ped_id": 6, "ped_label": "Tag der deutschen Einheit", "ped_date_start": "2024-10-03", "ped_date_end": "2024-10-03", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 0 }, { "ped_id": 7, "ped_label": "Allerheiligen", "ped_date_start": "2024-11-01", "ped_date_end": "2024-11-01", "ped_period_special_day_id": 2, "ped_payment_option_id": 1050, "ped_year": 0 }, { "ped_id": 8, "ped_label": "1. 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