Use new interface file.
This commit is contained in:
@ -344,7 +344,41 @@ struct T_devices
struct T_chg_Tub
uint8_t tubeLevel[8]; // [0]=nr coins of lowest value
uint8_t tubeFull[8]; // 1=full 0 else
uint16_t tubeValues[8]; // in cent [0]=lowest value 5c or 10cent
uint16_t tubeFilled[8]; // nr of every coin inserted
uint16_t tubeDispens[8]; // nr of every coin dispensed
// 64 byte
struct T_changer
// Fixdata from Coin Changer
uint8_t setup; // always 1
uint8_t state; // step of state machine
// 0..12 like EMP, 13...30 for coin dispense
uint8_t level; // mdb-level, always 3
uint16_t countryCode;
uint8_t scale;
uint8_t decimals;
uint8_t coinSetup[16]; // [0]=lowest coin, multiply with scale
uint16_t intendedAcceptance; //bitwise 0,1 1=accept coin, came from master
uint8_t tokenChannel;
uint8_t pollingRunning; // 1: emp is polled 0:not
uint8_t paymentRunning; // 1: coins are accepted
uint16_t denomination[16];
uint16_t availableTubes; //bitwise 0,1 1=av. bit0 = lowest coin value
struct T_bna
class hwinf
@ -1373,7 +1407,182 @@ public:
virtual void mif_getAtbCardExpire(uint8_t *year, uint8_t *month, uint8_t *day, uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *minute) const =0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Device-Controller-Bootloader convenient version 21.09.2023
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// use this to jump to BL:
//void hwapi::bl_rebootDC(void) const
// use this to start BL:
// void hwapi::bl_startBL(void) const
// call this in order to get response from BL:
//void hwapi::bl_checkBL(void) const
// evaluate BL response:
//bool hwapi::bl_isUp(void) const
// 29.9.23: new: "completeStart" function, replaces bl_rebootDC(), bl_startBL() and bl_checkBL()
// result can be verified with bl_isUp() as before
virtual bool bl_completeStart(void) const =0;
// must be used in DC's normal operation
// select binfile-name in GUI
// send binfile-name to BL-processor:
virtual bool bl_storeFirmware(QString fileName) const =0;
// load binary file 3x and compare
// return true if loaded correctly
// return false: error, could not load correctly
// request the number of blocks for this file
virtual uint16_t bl_getNrOfFirmwareBlocks(void) const =0;
// size of the loaded bin file in 64byte blocks
// call after bl_storeFirmware()
// call the next two function's repetitive with "blockNumber"=0,1,2,3....."bl_getNrOfFirmwareBlocks()"
virtual bool bl_blockAutoLoad(uint16_t blockNumber) const =0;
// call in loop from block number 0 up to <= "dcBL_getNrOfBlocks()"
//the last block "bl_getNrOfFirmwareBlocks()" is sent as conclusion command (important!)
// but after every call WAIT (!) for response "bl_blockAutoResponse()" !!!!
// data will be sent to DC, if neccesary addr will be sent additionally
// if neccesary sending will automatically repeat up to 3times
// retval: false if blockNumber>4095, true else
// check out this response after every block-sending, wait until >0!!!
virtual int8_t bl_blockAutoResponse(void) const =0;
// after every "bl_blockAutoLoad()" call this until response
// retval 0: wait 1: OK, blk was sent 2: OK, transfer complete
// 3: error despite repeating, cancel. probably bin file corrupted
// Max duration: 3x no response from BL = 900ms
// finally call:
// void hwapi::bl_stopBL(void) const
// -------------- end of bootloader ---------------------------------------------------
// new from 28.9.23 and earliest from DC version 4.45
// get all versions of the DC-Jsons
virtual void sys_requestJsonVersions(uint8_t jsonNr) const =0;
// send one request for every single version
// jsonNr=1...36, 1=config file (cust.Nr) 2=devices 3=cash 4=res.
// 5=printer template 1 ..... 36= template 32
virtual void sys_getJsonVersions(uint8_t jsonNr, char *versionString) const =0;
// jsonNr=1...36, 1=config file (cust.Nr) 2=devices 3=cash 4=res.
// 5=printer template 1 ..... 36= template 32
// length of buffer is always 16 byte
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Coin Changer
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// find above (same as for coin checker (EMP)):
// mdb_switchPower(true); // power on/off
// cash_startPayment(amount_cent); // start polling, enable coins, changer turns to green
// getInsertedAmount()
// getLastInsertedCoin()
// getAllInsertedCoins(uint16_t *types, uint16_t *values)
// all inserted coins of this past transaction are stored, max 64
// cash_stopPayment(); // and wait for further command (changer blinks yellow)
// cash_cancelPayment(); // and return complete paid amount
// after ticket/goods issue:
// vend_success()
// conclude payment process, keep all coins. Printing was successful
// return change (payment above start-amount), so it works only if
// Payment was started with real vending price (pre selection).
// if payment was started with maximum price (for direct coin insertion)
// then use "changer_returnCoins()", not vend_success()
// vend_failed()
// conclude payment process and return complete paid amount
// also valid for changer:
// emp_sendSettings(uint16_t coinAcceptance, uint8_t tokenChannel, uint16_t *coinDenomination ) const =0;
// coinAcceptance: bit0=coin1 (lowest donomination) bit15=coin16 bitH=accept bit L = deny coin (no validation)
// tokenChannel 0...31: if this signal comes from emp then a token was inserted
// coinDenomination = array of 16 coin values (e.g. 5, 10, 20...)
virtual void changer_returnCoins(uint32_t amountInCent) const =0;
virtual void changer_requestChangeResult(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t changer_getChangeResult(uint32_t *returnedAmount) const =0;
// get result of coin dispensing
// receivedData[0]: 0: not yet started 1:amount returned
// 2:only partial return 3: no return possible
// receivedData[2,3,4,5]: returned amount
virtual void changer_getAllParameters(struct T_changer *mw) const =0;
// requested automatically with 23, same like EMP
virtual void changer_requestTubelevel(void) const =0;
virtual void changer_getTubelevel(struct T_chg_Tub *tubLevel) const =0;
// don't use tubeDispens[], it's not yet correct!
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bank note acceptor
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// already defiened functions applying for BNA as well:
// mdb_switchPower(true); // power on/off
// bank notes are integrated in the normal transaction process, so use the usual functions to run a vending cycle:
// cash_startPayment(amount_cent); // start polling, enable bills, reader shows green
// getInsertedAmount()
// cash_stopPayment();
// cash_cancelPayment();
// vend_success()
// vend_failed()
virtual void bna_sendSettings(uint16_t notesToAccept, uint16_t parameters,
uint16_t *billDenomination,
uint32_t acceptanceLimit) const =0;
// notesToAccept: bit0=bill1 (lowest donomination) bitH=accept bit L = deny
// parameters: e.g. use escrow function for some notes
// billDenomination = array of 16 bill values (e.g. 5, 10, 20...)
// these can be set alternatively by Json-File DC2C_cash.json
// acceptanceLimit: device will stop acceptance once this amount is reached and
// optionally keep last bill in escrow until vend_success()
// is called (put bill to stacker) or vend_failed() is called (return bill)
virtual void bna_setCurrentAcceptance(uint16_t notesToAccept) const =0;
// can be used to block notes dynamically, example: from now only 5€ bills are allowed (if only 3€ are to be paid)
virtual void bna_requestParameters(void) const =0;
// send command to DC in order to get static invariable device parameters like currency
// device must be powered and polled to get these
virtual bool bna_getAllParameters(struct T_bna *bna) const =0;
// get all constant data from reader (e.g. currency)
// and actual Host-Settings (sent with bna_sendSettings() or json)
// retval = true if data are valid
virtual void bna_requestCurrentNotes(void) const =0;
// send command to DC in order to get transaction data
virtual uint8_t bna_getCurrentNotes(uint16_t latestBill, uint16_t *currentNotes) const =0;
// returns number of collected bank notes since start-command (current transaction)
// latestBill: last accepted bank note, value in cent
// currentNotes an array with up to 16 (further) notes collected
virtual void bna_requestStackerLevel(void) const =0;
virtual uint16_t bna_getStackerLevel(uint32_t *amountInStacker, uint16_t *countOfBills) const =0;
// return val: nr of bills in stacker
// countOfBills: array of up to 16 sums, countOfBills[0]=nr of 5€-bills in stacker
// countOfBills[1] for 10€ and so on
@ -1395,8 +1604,6 @@ signals:
virtual void hwapi_payCancelled(void) const=0;
virtual void hwapi_coinProcessJustStopped(void) const=0;
// new from 2023.06.12
virtual void hwapi_doorServiceDoorOpened(void) const=0;
virtual void hwapi_doorVaultDoorOpened(void) const=0;
virtual void hwapi_doorCoinBoxRemoved(void) const=0;
@ -1454,9 +1661,17 @@ signals:
// 18.9.2023 major improvements for DC data exchange
// verification of door and cash box signals
// intensive verification of Json-Programming Master-Slave (PTU to DC), 100% ok
#define HWINF_iid ""
//#define HWINF_iid ""
// 20.9.2023: speeding up door and cash box signals
//#define HWINF_iid ""
// 26.09.2023: added improved DC-bootloader files
//#define HWINF_iid ""
// 28.09.2023: added version request of DC-Json-Files
//#define HWINF_iid ""
// 10.10.2023: added coin changer
#define HWINF_iid ""
// 20.10.2023: added bill validator
Reference in New Issue
Block a user