#!/bin/bash # if [ ${git_helpers_sourced:-1} = "1" ]; then # readonly git_helpers_sourced=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} #else # return 0 #fi source ./general_utils exec_opkg_command () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" log_debug "$func:${LINENO} exec-ing [$*]" local __result=$(exec_process_substitution $*) local __result_code=$? log_debug "$func:${LINENO} result=$__result" printf '%s' "$__result" return $__result_code } # Fetch/merge updates from predefined repository using git. # fetch_customer_updates() { if ! pull_customer_repository $1; then return 1 fi return 0 } copy () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" local copy_necessary=0 readarray -td' ' files <<< "$1" for f in ${files[@]}; do log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: $f" # $f is determined by git if [[ "$f" =~ .*update[.]conf.* ]]; then continue fi # macht fuer dc keinen sinn # local sysdir=$(echo $f | # sed -E -e s'=(.*szeged/[0-9]/[0-9])(.*)(/.*)=\2=g') copy_necessary=1 PERCENT=$((PERCENT+1)) test $PERCENT -gt 100 && PERCENT=100 local readonly __f=${f##*/} local readonly __m="${CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR}/${f}" local __p="" # echo "TEST -> $sysdir/$__f" if grep -qE "^.*$DC\s*$" <<< ${f}; then __p="${DC_SYS_DIR}/${__f}" log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: __m=$__m" elif grep -qE "^.*[.]json\s*$" <<< ${f}; then __p="${CONF_SYS_DIR}/${__f}" log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: __m=$__m" elif grep -qE "^.*[.]ini\s*$" <<< ${f}; then if [ "$__f" = "$ATBQT_INI" ]; then log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: __m=$__m $ATB_SYS_DIR/$__f ${f%/*}" if grep -qE "$ATB_SYS_DIR" <<< "${f%/*}"; then __p="$ATB_SYS_DIR/${__f}" else __p="$ATBAPP_SYS_DIR/${__f}" fi elif [ "$__f" = "$SYSTEM_CONTROL_INI" ]; then if grep -qE "$ATB_SYS_DIR" <<< "${f%/*}"; then __p="$ATB_SYS_DIR/${__f}" else __p="$SYSCONFIG_SYS_DIR/${__f}" fi elif [ "$__f" = "$SYS_CONFIG_INI" ]; then if grep -qE "$ATB_SYS_DIR" <<< "${f%/*}"; then __p="$ATB_SYS_DIR/${__f}" else __p="$SYSCONFIG_SYS_DIR/${__f}" fi elif [ "$__f" = "$ISMASMGR_INI" ]; then if grep -qE "$ISMASMGR_SYS_DIR" <<< "${f%/*}"; then __p="$ISMASMGR_SYS_DIR/${__f}" elif grep -qE "$ATB_SYS_DIR" <<< "${f%/*}"; then __p="$ATB_SYS_DIR/${__f}" else __p="$SYSCONFIG_SYS_DIR/${__f}" fi fi fi if [ ! -z "$__p" ]; then if cp "$__m" "$__p"; then log_info "$func:${LINENO}: cp $__m $__p ok" update_psa_copy_conf_and_ini_files $UPDATE_ISMAS_PROGRESS \ $RC_SUCCESS "cp $__m $__p ok" else log_error "$func:${LINENO}: cp $__m $__p failed: error-code=$?" update_psa_copy_conf_and_ini_files \ $UPDATE_ISMAS_ERROR $RC_COPY_ERROR "cp $__m $__p failed" return $? fi else log_error "$func:${LINENO}: __p still empty" update_psa_copy_conf_and_ini_files \ $UPDATE_ISMAS_ERROR $RC_COPY_ERROR "__p still empty" EXITCODE=$((EXITCODE+1)) return $EXITCODE fi done if [ $copy_necessary -eq 0 ]; then update_psa_copy_conf_and_ini_files $UPDATE_ISMAS_PROGRESS $RC_SUCCESS \ "no copy of json/ini-files necessary" log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: no copy of conf/ini-files necessary" else log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: copied *conf/*ini-files to system-dirs" fi return 0 } filter_changed_files () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" log_debug "$func:${LINENO} $1" readarray -td' ' files <<< "$1" local __system_files="" for f in ${files[@]}; do log_debug "$func:${LINENO} $f" if grep -qE "^.*[.]($2)\s*$" <<< $f; then if [ -z $__system_files ]; then __system_files="${f}" else __system_files="$__system_files ${f}" fi fi done log_debug "$func:${LINENO} system-files=$__system_files" printf '%s' "$__system_files" } # md5_of () { printf '%s' "$(md5sum "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1)" } # Check if the fetched/merged files have the correct md5 and are # valid for the PSA. # check_md5_for_changed_json_and_ini_files () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" local js_key="" # used by json-parser 'jq' local md5sum_update_conf="" local md5sum_repository="" local readonly cut_md5="cut -d' ' -f1" log_debug "$func:${LINENO} files=$1" if ! [ -z $1 ]; then readarray -td' ' files <<< "$1" local readonly __cl=$CUSTOMER_LOCATION for file in ${files[@]}; do # .../szeged/1/1... log_debug "$func:${LINENO} checking file=${file}..." local __fs=${file##*.} # local __bn=$(basename $file .$__fsuffix) # local __key_suffix=$(echo $file | # sed -E -e 's=(.*[0-9]/[0-9])([^.]+)(.*)=\2=g' -e 's=/=.=g') js_key="" case $file in *.ini | *.json | *.hex) set -x local __key_suffix=$(echo $file | sed -E -e 's=(.*[0-9]/[0-9])([^.]+)(.*)=\2=g' -e 's=/=.=g') js_key=".$__fs.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" set +x ;; # *.hex) # js_key=$(echo $file | # sed -E -e 's=(.*szeged)([^.]+)(.*)=\2=g' -e 's=/=.=g') # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" # ;; *) log_crit "$func:${LINENO} unknown file=${file}" ;; esac #if [[ "$file" =~ .*dc2c.hex.* ]]; then # js_key=$(echo $file | # sed -E -e 's=(.*$CUSTOMER_LOCATION)([^.]+)(.*)=\2=g' # -e 's=/=.=g') # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" #else # if [[ "$file" =~ .*cash[.]json.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*print[0-9][0-9][.]json.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*conf[.]json.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*serial[.]json.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository="$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file)" #################################################################### ## ATBQT.ini #################################################################### # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*/$ATBQT_INI.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository=$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file) #################################################################### ## sysconfig.ini #################################################################### # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*/$SYSCONF_INI.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository=$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file) #################################################################### ## SystemControl.ini #################################################################### # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*/$SYSCTRL_INI.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository=$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file) #################################################################### ## ISMASMgr.ini #################################################################### # elif [[ "$file" =~ .*/$ISMASMMGR_INI.* ]]; then # js_key=".ini.$__cl.zg[$ZONE_GROUP].z[$ZONE]$__key_suffix" # md5sum_update_conf=$(cat $PSA_UPDATE_CONF | jq -r $js_key) # md5sum_repository=$(md5_of $CUSTOMER_ID_BASE_DIR/$file) # fi #fi test -z $js_key && continue PERCENT=$((PERCENT+1)) test $PERCENT -gt 100 && PERCENT=100 if [ "$md5sum_repository" = "$md5sum_update_conf" ]; then log_info "$func:${LINENO}: md5sum for $file ok" update_psa_check_hash $UPDATE_ISMAS_PROGRESS $RC_SUCCESS \ "md5sum -|$md5sum_repository|- for $file ok" else local __r="repository: $md5sum_repository" local __u="update.conf=$md5sum_update_conf" local __m="$__r != $__u" log_error "$func:${LINENO}: md5sum for $file wrong: $__m" update_psa_check_hash $UPDATE_ISMAS_ERROR $RC_HASH_VALUE_ERROR \ "md5sum -|$md5sum_repository|- for $file wrong" return $? fi done else log_debug "$func:${LINENO} no changed conf-/ini-files" fi return 0 } check_hardware_compatibility () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # RC_HW_COMPATIBILITY_ERROR=6 update_psa_check_hardware_compatibility $UPDATE_ISMAS_PROGRESS \ $RC_SUCCESS "TODO: hardware compatibility" return $? } check_md5_for_opkg_packages () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" local -n opkg_output_ref=$1 local package="" local md5sum_opkg_info="" local filename="" for line in ${opkg_output_ref[@]}; do log_info "$func:${LINENO}: line=$line" if grep -qE "^\s*Package\s*:.*?$" <<< "$line"; then package=${line#*:* } elif grep -qE "^\s*MD5Sum\s*:.*?$" <<< "$line"; then md5sum_opkg_info=${line#*:* } elif grep -qE "^\s*Filename\s*:.*?$" <<< "$line"; then filename=${line#*:* } fi done local __update_conf="${CUSTOMER_LOCATION_DIR}/update.conf" md5sum_repo=$(cat $__update_conf | jq -r .opkg.${package}.MD5Sum) if ! [ -z $md5sum_repo ]; then if [ "$md5sum_opkg_info" = "$md5sum_repo" ]; then log_info "$func:${LINENO}: md5 $md5sum_repo OK for $package" return 0 else log_error "$func:${LINENO}: md5sum_repo [$md5sum_repo] "\ "!= md5sum_opkg_info [$md5sum_opkg_info] for $package" fi else log_error "$func:${LINENO}: md5sum_repo empty" fi return 1 } # In case the new checked-out files are not correct, revert the git # repository to its previous state. # revert_customer_repository () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # TODO return 0 } # Backup before the update-process. # backup_previous_version () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # TODO return 0 } exec_opkg_info () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" log_info "$func:${LINENO}: executing info $1" opkg_result=$(exec_opkg_command "opkg info $1") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # make sure the keywords start with '\n' opkg_result=$(sed -E -e "s/(^.*)(Package)(.*$)/\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Version)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Depends)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Status)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Architecture)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Maintainer)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(MD5Sum)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Filename)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Source)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Description)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Installed-Size)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Section)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*[^-])(Size)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g"\ -e "s/(^.*)(Installed-Time)(.*$)/\1\n\2\3/g" <<< "$opkg_result") local -n output_ref=$2 readarray -d $'\n' output_ref < <(printf '%s' "$opkg_result") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log_error "$func:${LINENO}: readarray finished with error" return 1 fi log_info "$func:${LINENO}: ... done" # log_info "$func:${LINENO}: opkg_result=${output_ref[@]}" return 0 fi log_error "$func:${LINENO}: executing info $1" return 1 } # Try to install new opkg-packages (in case the are some # in the new git-checkout). # exec_opkg_noaction() { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" local opkg_command_no_action="opkg --noaction $1" log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: executing $opkg_command_no_action" local __opkg_result=$(exec_opkg_command "opkg --noaction $1") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log_info "$func:${LINENO}: opkg_result=$__opkg_result" return 0 fi log_error "$func:${LINENO}: error executing opkg --noaction $1" return 1 } # Install the new packages using opkg. # exec_opkg () { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" log_debug "$func:${LINENO}: executing $1" local __opkg_result=$(exec_opkg_command "opkg $1") if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log_info "$func:${LINENO}: opkg_result=$__opkg_result" return 0 fi log_error "$func:${LINENO}: error executing $1" return 1 } # In case there was some error, re-install the previous package(s) # and use the backup to restore any conf/ini-files. # fallback_to_previous_version() { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # TODO return 0; } # If all went well, then execute all necessary cleanup steps. # cleanup_previous_version() { local func="${FUNCNAME[0]}" # TODO return 0 } check_for_apism () { nc localhost 7778 } get_customer_id () { echo $(cat CUST_ID_FILE) } get_zone_nr () { echo $(cat ZONE_FILE) } get_plugins () { local __plugins="" for __f in /opt/app/ATBAPP/plugins/*; do local plugin=$__f plugins+=" \"${plugin##*/}\": { " plugins+=$(strings $__f | grep -A4 \"Interface\": | grep \"Version\" | sed -E -e 's/^\s*/\n/g') # remove trailing ',' which is already contained in returned value plugins=${plugins/%,} plugins+=" }," done printf '%s' ${plugins/%,} } # get_plugins