#include "calculate_price.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "calculator_functions.h" #include "payment_option.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "tariff_global_defines.h" #include "period_year.h" #include #include #include #include #include QString const CalcState::SUCCESS = "SUCCESS"; QString const CalcState::ERROR_PARSING_ZONE_NR = "ERROR_PARSING_ZONE_NR"; QString const CalcState::ERROR_LOADING_TARIFF = "ERROR_LOADING_TARIFF"; QString const CalcState::ERROR_PARSING_TARIFF = "ERROR_PARSING_TARIFF"; QString const CalcState::NEGATIVE_PARKING_TIME = "NEGATIVE_PARKING_TIME"; QString const CalcState::INVALID_START_DATE = "INVALID_START_DATE"; QString const CalcState::WRONG_PARAM_VALUES = "WRONG_PARAM_VALUES"; QString const CalcState::WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT = "WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT"; QString const CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_TIME = "ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_TIME"; QString const CalcState::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_TIME = "BELOW_MIN_PARKING_TIME"; QString const CalcState::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_PRICE = "BELOW_MIN_PARKING_PRICE"; QString const CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_PRICE = "ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_PRICE"; QString const CalcState::OVERPAID = "OVERPAID"; QString const CalcState::OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_PARKING_TIME = "OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_PARKING_TIME"; QList CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_time_steps(Configuration *cfg) { return Calculator::GetInstance().GetTimeSteps(cfg); } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_minimal_parkingtime(Configuration const *cfg, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, int paymentOptionIndex) { int minTime = 0; paymentOptionIndex = cfg->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << "paymentOptionIndex" << paymentOptionIndex; qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << "permit" << PermitType(permitType).toString(); switch(permitType) { case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING: { // e.g. szeged (customer_281) qCritical() << __LINE__ << Calculator::GetInstance().GetTimeSteps((Configuration *)cfg, paymentOptionIndex); minTime = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_time; qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << minTime; } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_ADULT: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_TEEN: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CHILD: { } break; default: // for each new sell-procedure, recomute the timesteps. implicitly, set // the minimal parking time. Calculator::GetInstance().ResetTimeSteps(paymentOptionIndex); qCritical() << __LINE__ << Calculator::GetInstance().GetTimeSteps((Configuration *)cfg, paymentOptionIndex); minTime = qRound(cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_time); } qCritical() << "minTime" << minTime; return minTime; } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_maximal_parkingtime(Configuration const *cfg, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, int paymentOptionIndex) { paymentOptionIndex = cfg->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); int maxTime = 0; switch(permitType) { case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING: { // e.g. szeged (customer_281) maxTime = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_max_time; } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_ADULT: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_TEEN: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CHILD: { } break; default: ; maxTime = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_max_time; } return maxTime; } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_minimal_parkingprice(Configuration *cfg, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, int paymentOptionIndex, QDateTime const &start) { int minPrice = -1; paymentOptionIndex = cfg->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); int payment_method_id = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id; if (payment_method_id == PaymentMethod::Degressive) { // Degressive: new for Fuchs Technik (500), ValserAlm (Fane): // the minimal price has to be calculated, in cannot be hard coded into // the tariff file. // The working times have a reference into the payment rates. Two special // entries (with the numbers 1000/1001) point to the respective prices. switch(permitType) { default: { // find the correct work time range int weekDay = start.date().dayOfWeek(); std::optional> const &wd = cfg->getAllWeekDayWorkTimes(); if (wd.has_value()) { QVector const &vec = wd.value(); for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) { ATBWeekDaysWorktime const &wt = vec[i]; if (wt.pwd_period_day_in_week_id == weekDay) { if (start.time() >= QTime::fromString(QString::fromStdString(wt.pwd_time_from), Qt::ISODate) && start.time() <= QTime::fromString(QString::fromStdString(wt.pwd_time_to), Qt::ISODate)) { // found worktime range int pop_id = wt.pwd_pop_id; // 1000 or 1001 for (auto[itr, rangeEnd] = cfg->PaymentRate.equal_range(pop_id); itr != rangeEnd; ++itr) { i = vec.size(); // to leave outer loop minPrice = itr->second.pra_price; // this is now the minimal price break; } } } } } } } } else { switch(permitType) { case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING: { // e.g. szeged (customer_281) minPrice = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_price; } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_ADULT: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_TEEN: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CHILD: { } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET: { minPrice = compute_product_price(cfg, permitType, start); } break; default: minPrice = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_price; } } return minPrice; } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_product_price(Configuration const *cfg, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, QDateTime const &start, QDateTime *productStart, QDateTime *productEnd) { switch(permitType) { case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING: { // e.g. szeged (customer_281) } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CHILD: // [[fallthrough]]; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_TEEN: // [[fallthrough]]; case PERMIT_TYPE::FOOD_STAMP: // [[fallthrough]]; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_ADULT: { std::optional> products = cfg->getTariffProductForProductId(permitType); if (products) { QVector product = products.value(); if (product.size() > 0) { ATBTariffProduct const &p = product[0]; return p.m_tariff_product_price; #if 0 // in case we do not have prepaid-option QTime const ¤tTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); if (p.m_tariff_product_start <= currentTime && currentTime <= p.m_tariff_product_end) { return p.m_tariff_product_price; } else { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")" << "ERROR currentTime" << currentTime.toString(Qt::ISODate) << "INVALID (" << p.m_tariff_product_start.toString(Qt::ISODate) << p.m_tariff_product_end.toString(Qt::ISODate) << ")"; } #endif } } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::INVALID: // [[fallthrough]]; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET: { std::optional> products = cfg->getTariffProductForProductId(permitType); if (products) { QVector product = products.value(); int product_price = 0; if (productStart && productEnd) { *productStart = start; *productEnd = start; if (product.size() > 0) { productStart->setTime(product[0].getTimeStart()); productEnd->setTime(product[0].getTimeEnd()); } } for (QVector::size_type i=0; i= startTime && start.time() < endTime) { product_price = p.getProductPrice(); if (productStart && productEnd) { productStart->setTime(startTime); productEnd->setTime(endTime); } } } return product_price; } else { // SZEGED int const pop_daily_card_price = cfg->getPaymentOptions().pop_daily_card_price; qDebug() << QString("(%1:%2) no products defined in tariff-file").arg(__func__).arg(__LINE__); qDebug() << QString("(%1:%2) pop_daily_card_price=%3").arg(__func__).arg(__LINE__).arg(pop_daily_card_price); // static const PaymentMethod paymentMethodId = Utilities::getPaymentMethodId(cfg); // return Utilities::getDailyTicketCardPrice(cfg, paymentMethodId); return pop_daily_card_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS_TICKET: { std::optional> products = cfg->getTariffProductForProductId(permitType); if (products) { int product_price = 0; QVector product = products.value(); if (product.size() > 0) { if (productStart && productEnd) { int pop_min_time = get_minimal_parkingtime(cfg, PERMIT_TYPE::TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS_TICKET); // in minutes int pop_max_time = get_maximal_parkingtime(cfg, PERMIT_TYPE::TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS_TICKET); // in minutes if (pop_max_time >= pop_min_time) { *productStart = start; *productEnd = start.addSecs(pop_max_time*60); product_price = product[0].getProductPrice(); } } } return product_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_PKW: { PermitType p(permitType); std::optional const paymentOption = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(p.get()); if (paymentOption.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = paymentOption.value(); int const pop_daily_card_price = option.pop_daily_card_price; qCritical() << "SHORT_TERM_PARKING_PKW: daily ticket price" << pop_daily_card_price; return pop_daily_card_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_BUS: { qCritical() << "TODO: SHORT_TERM_PARKING_BUS"; } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_CAMPER: { qCritical() << "TODO: SHORT_TERM_PARKING_CAMPER"; } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_PKW: { PermitType p(permitType); std::optional const paymentOption = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(p.get()); if (paymentOption.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = paymentOption.value(); int const pop_daily_card_price = option.pop_daily_card_price; qCritical() << "DAY_TICKET_PKW: daily ticket price" << pop_daily_card_price; return pop_daily_card_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_BUS: { PermitType p(permitType); std::optional const paymentOption = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(p.get()); if (paymentOption.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = paymentOption.value(); int const pop_daily_card_price = option.pop_daily_card_price; qCritical() << "DAY_TICKET_BUS: daily ticket price" << pop_daily_card_price; return pop_daily_card_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CAMPER: { PermitType p(permitType); std::optional const paymentOption = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(p.get()); if (paymentOption.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = paymentOption.value(); int const pop_daily_card_price = option.pop_daily_card_price; qCritical() << "DAY_TICKET_CAMPER: daily ticket price" << pop_daily_card_price; return pop_daily_card_price; } } break; default: break; } return 0; } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_maximal_parkingprice(Configuration *cfg, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, int paymentOptionIndex) { int maxPrice = -1; static const PaymentMethod paymentMethodId = Utilities::getPaymentMethodId(cfg); paymentOptionIndex = cfg->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); switch(permitType) { case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING: { // e.g. szeged (customer_281) if (paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Progressive || paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Steps) { maxPrice = Utilities::getMaximalParkingPrice(cfg, paymentMethodId); } else { // PaymentMethod::Linear -> e.g. szeged int const key = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_id; int const maxTime = cfg->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_max_time; // maxTime is given in minutes std::optional> const &pv = cfg->getPaymentRateForKey(key); if (pv) { QVector const &paymentRate = pv.value(); if (paymentRate.size() > 0) { int const price = paymentRate.last().pra_price; // price is given per hour maxPrice = qRound((maxTime * price) / 60.0f); } } } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_ADULT: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_TEEN: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CHILD: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_BUS: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_CAMPER: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::DAY_TICKET_PKW: break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_BUS: { std::optional po = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(permitType); if (po.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = po.value(); return option.pop_max_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_PKW: { std::optional po = cfg->getPaymentOptionForKey(permitType); if (po.has_value()) { ATBPaymentOption option = po.value(); return option.pop_max_price; } } break; case PERMIT_TYPE::SHORT_TERM_PARKING_CAMPER: break; default: ; } return maxPrice; } int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API get_zone_nr(int zone) { if(zone > -1) return zone; else { QFile zone("/etc/zone_nr"); if (zone.exists()) { QFileInfo finfo(zone); if (finfo.size() <= 4) { // decimal 000\n if (zone.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&zone); return in.readLine(100).toInt(); } } } return -1; } } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API init_tariff(parking_tariff_t **tariff, char const *config_file) { *tariff = new Configuration(); CalcState calcState; #if __linux__ int const zone = get_zone_nr(); // DEBUG qCritical() << "init_tariff:"; qCritical() << " ... zone = " << zone; if (zone <= 0) { delete *tariff; *tariff = nullptr; return calcState.set(CalcState::State::ERROR_PARSING_ZONE_NR); } QString confFile(config_file); if (!confFile.endsWith(QChar('/'))) { confFile += "/"; } char buffer[32]; memset(buffer, 0x00, sizeof(buffer)); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, "tariff%02d.json", zone); confFile += buffer; #else // windows QString confFile(config_file); #endif // DEBUG qCritical() << " ... confFile = " << confFile; QFile fname(confFile); if (fname.exists() && fname.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { // DEBUG qCritical() << " ... confFile is open"; QString json = fname.readAll(); if (! (*tariff)->ParseJson(*tariff, json.toStdString().c_str())) { delete *tariff; *tariff = nullptr; qCritical() << " ... error parsing tariff"; return calcState.set(CalcState::State::ERROR_PARSING_TARIFF); } } else { delete *tariff; *tariff = nullptr; qCritical() << " ... error loading tariff"; return calcState.set(CalcState::State::ERROR_LOADING_TARIFF); } qCritical() << "init_tariff: Parsing tariff config (" << confFile << ")"; return calcState; } void CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API free_tariff(parking_tariff_t *tariff) { if (tariff != nullptr) { delete tariff; } } // // UpDown 1 -> up; 0 -> down int CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_next_timestep(parking_tariff_t *tariff, int currentTimeMinutes, int UpDown, PermitType const &permitType) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() currentTimeMinutes: " << currentTimeMinutes; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() up/down (1=up, 0=down): " << UpDown; // FIXME //std::optional paymentOption = tariff->getPaymentOptionForKey(permitType.get()); //if (!paymentOption.has_value()) { // qCritical() << " compute_next_timestep() ERROR"; // return currentTimeMinutes; //} int const paymentOptionIndex = tariff->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); int const &pop_plus_steps = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_plus_steps; int const &pop_minus_steps = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_minus_steps; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() payment option index: " << paymentOptionIndex; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() plus steps: " << pop_plus_steps; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() minus steps: " << pop_minus_steps; Configuration const *cfg = tariff; // compute payment method id (e.g. Linear=3, Steps=4) PaymentMethod const paymentMethodId = Utilities::getPaymentMethodId(cfg); switch (paymentMethodId) { case PaymentMethod::Progressive: qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() paymentMethodId: Progressive"; break; case PaymentMethod::Degressive: qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() paymentMethodId: Degressive"; break; case PaymentMethod::Linear: qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() paymentMethodId: Linear"; break; case PaymentMethod::Steps: qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() paymentMethodId: Steps"; break; case PaymentMethod::Undefined: qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() paymentMethodId: Undefined"; break; } // use tariff with structure as for instance Schnau, Koenigsee: // without given YearPeriod, SpecialDays and SpecialDaysWorktime if ((paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Steps) || // progressive tariff: e.g. Neuhauser, Kirchdorf (743) (paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Progressive)) // (paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Degressive)) degressive tariff: e.g. Fuchs Technik (500) { QList &stepList = Calculator::GetInstance().GetTimeSteps(tariff, paymentOptionIndex); int const size = stepList.size(); if (size == 0) { qCritical() << "compute_next_timestep() *ERROR empty step-list*"; return currentTimeMinutes; } qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() first time step:" << stepList[0]; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() timeSteps:" << stepList; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() currentTimeInMinutes:" << currentTimeMinutes; // consider time shift: the step-list might have been computed at a // slightly different time point int currentStepIndex = stepList.indexOf(currentTimeMinutes); if (currentStepIndex == -1) { unsigned minimalDistance = ~0; int j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < stepList.size(); ++i) { unsigned distance = std::abs(stepList[i] - currentTimeMinutes); if (distance < minimalDistance) { minimalDistance = distance; j = i; } } // max. tolerance set to 3 minutes unsigned const tolerance = std::min(minimalDistance, (unsigned)(3)); if (j != -1) { stepList[j] = currentTimeMinutes; } } #if 0 int maxStep = -1; if (size >= 2) { maxStep = stepList[1] - stepList[0]; } // max. tolerance set to 5 minutes int const tolerance = (maxStep == -1) ? 5 : std::min(maxStep, 5); for (int i=0; i < stepList.size(); ++i) { if (std::abs(stepList[i] - currentTimeMinutes) <= tolerance) { qCritical().noquote() << __LINE__ << QString("compute_next_timestep() correction stepList[%1]=%2 -> %3:") .arg(i).arg(stepList[0]).arg(currentTimeMinutes); stepList[i] = currentTimeMinutes; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() NEW timeSteps:" << stepList; } } int currentStepIndex = stepList.indexOf(currentTimeMinutes); #endif currentStepIndex = stepList.indexOf(currentTimeMinutes); qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() currentStepIndex (" << currentStepIndex << ")"; if (currentStepIndex == -1) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() *NO STEP* for currentTimeMinutes (" << currentTimeMinutes << ")"; return currentTimeMinutes; } if (UpDown == 1) { // UP if (stepList[currentStepIndex] == stepList.last()) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() *NO NEXT STEP* for currentTimeMinutes (" << currentTimeMinutes << ")"; return currentTimeMinutes; } else { int const rest = currentStepIndex % pop_plus_steps; if (rest) { currentStepIndex -= rest; } qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() currentStepIndex (" << currentStepIndex << ")"; int const nextStepIndex = currentStepIndex + pop_plus_steps; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() next step index:" << nextStepIndex; if (nextStepIndex >= 0 && nextStepIndex < stepList.size()) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() return next time step:" << stepList[nextStepIndex]; return stepList[nextStepIndex]; } } } if (UpDown == 0) { // DOWN if (stepList[currentStepIndex] == stepList.first()) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() *NO PREVIOUS STEP* for currentTimeMinutes (" << currentTimeMinutes << ")"; return currentTimeMinutes; } else { int const nextStepIndex = currentStepIndex - pop_minus_steps; qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() next step index:" << nextStepIndex; if (nextStepIndex >= 0 && nextStepIndex < stepList.size()) { qCritical() << __LINE__ << "compute_next_timestep() return next time step:" << stepList[nextStepIndex]; return stepList[nextStepIndex]; } } } } else if (paymentMethodId == PaymentMethod::Linear) { // currentTimeMinutes is the number of minutes actually used. This // value is an offset from the start time and cannot be used as a // QDateTime. qCritical() << "compute_next_timestep() up/down (1=up, 0=down):" << UpDown; // get minimal and maximal parking times int const minParkingTime = Utilities::getMinimalParkingTime(cfg, paymentMethodId); int const maxParkingTime = Utilities::getMaximalParkingTime(cfg, paymentMethodId); qCritical() << " compute_next_timestep() maxParkingTime:" << maxParkingTime; qCritical() << " compute_next_timestep() minParkingTime:" << minParkingTime; // use the first (i.e. main duration step contained in the tariff json-file) int firstDurationStep = Utilities::getFirstDurationStep(cfg, paymentMethodId); firstDurationStep = ((UpDown == 1) ? firstDurationStep : -firstDurationStep); qCritical() << " compute_next_timestep() firstDurationStep:" << firstDurationStep; int const nextTimeStep = currentTimeMinutes + firstDurationStep; if (nextTimeStep >= minParkingTime && nextTimeStep <= maxParkingTime) { qCritical() << " compute_next_timestep() nextTimeStep:" << nextTimeStep; return nextTimeStep; } } qCritical() << "compute_next_timestep() *CAN NOT COMPUTE* for currentTimeMinutes (" << currentTimeMinutes << ")"; return currentTimeMinutes; } // this is currently not used CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_price_for_parking_ticket( parking_tariff_t *tariff, time_t start_parking_time, // in minutes time_t end_parking_time, // netto time in minutes struct price_t *price, PermitType permitType) { // permitType maps to product CalcState calcState; int const paymentOptionIndex = tariff->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType.get()); double minMin = tariff->PaymentOption.find(tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id)->second.pop_min_time; double maxMin = tariff->PaymentOption.find(tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id)->second.pop_max_time; if (minMin < 0 || maxMin < 0 || maxMin < minMin) { calcState.setDesc(QString("minMin=%1, maxMin=%2").arg(minMin).arg(maxMin)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::WRONG_PARAM_VALUES); } int const duration = end_parking_time - start_parking_time; if (duration < 0) { calcState.setDesc(QString("end=%1, start=%2") .arg(end_parking_time, start_parking_time)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::NEGATIVE_PARKING_TIME); } if (duration > maxMin) { calcState.setDesc(QString("duration=%1, maxMin=%2").arg(duration).arg(maxMin)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_TIME); } if (duration < minMin) { calcState.setDesc(QString("duration=%1, minMin=%2").arg(duration).arg(minMin)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_TIME); } if (duration == 0) { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } QDate const d(1970, 1, 1); QTime const t(0, 0, 0); QDateTime start(d, t, Qt::UTC); start = start.toLocalTime().addSecs(start_parking_time * 60); QDateTime end(start); if (start.isValid()) { double cost = Calculator::GetInstance().GetCostFromDuration( tariff, tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id, start, end, duration, false, true); double minCost = tariff->PaymentOption.find(tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id)->second.pop_min_price; if (cost < minCost) { calcState.setDesc(QString("line=%1 minCost=%2, cost=%3").arg(__LINE__).arg(minCost).arg(cost)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_PRICE); } price->units = cost; price->netto = cost; } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_price_for_parking_ticket( parking_tariff_t *tariff, QDateTime &start_parking_time_, int netto_parking_time, QDateTime &end_parking_time, struct price_t *price, PermitType permitType, bool prepaid) { CalcState calcState; QDateTime start_parking_time(start_parking_time_); int paymentOptionIndex = tariff->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); double minMin = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_time; double maxMin = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_max_time; // DEBUG qCritical() << "compute_price_for_parking_ticket() " << endl << " paymentOptionIndex: " << paymentOptionIndex << endl << " start_parking_time: " << start_parking_time << endl << " netto_parking_time: " << netto_parking_time << endl << " start + netto: " << start_parking_time.addSecs(netto_parking_time * 60) << endl << " minMin: " << minMin << endl << " maxMin: " << maxMin << " prepaid: " << prepaid << " permitType: " << permitType.toString(); if (netto_parking_time < 0) { calcState.setDesc(QString("end=%1, start=%2") .arg(end_parking_time.toString(Qt::ISODate), start_parking_time.toString(Qt::ISODate))); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::NEGATIVE_PARKING_TIME); } if (netto_parking_time > maxMin) { calcState.setDesc(QString("duration=%1, maxMin=%2").arg(netto_parking_time).arg(maxMin)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_TIME); } if (netto_parking_time < minMin) { calcState.setDesc(QString("duration=%1, minMin=%2").arg(netto_parking_time).arg(minMin)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_TIME); } if (netto_parking_time == 0) { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } double cost = -1; if (start_parking_time.isValid()) { if (tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id == PaymentMethod::Steps || tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id == PaymentMethod::Degressive) { // hier muesste man unterscheiden: uebertrag oder nicht? calcState = Calculator::GetInstance().isParkingAllowed(tariff, start_parking_time, netto_parking_time, paymentOptionIndex); if (calcState.getStatus() == CalcState::State::OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_PARKING_TIME) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")" << calcState.toString(); return calcState; } QList tlist = Calculator::GetInstance().GetTimeSteps(tariff); Q_UNUSED(tlist); cost = Calculator::GetInstance().GetCostFromDuration(tariff, start_parking_time, netto_parking_time, paymentOptionIndex); int weekDay = start_parking_time.date().dayOfWeek(); int pop_carry_over_option_id = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_carry_over_option_id; std::optional yperiod = Utilities::GetYearPeriodActive(tariff, start_parking_time); if (yperiod.has_value()) { ATBPeriodYear const &period = yperiod.value(); pop_carry_over_option_id = period.pye_id; } qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << "carryOver-id" << pop_carry_over_option_id; QTime const carryOverStart = tariff->TariffCarryOverOptions.find(pop_carry_over_option_id)->second.carryover[weekDay].static_start; int const carryOverDuration = tariff->TariffCarryOverOptions.find(pop_carry_over_option_id)->second.carryover[weekDay].duration; qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << "carryOverStart" << carryOverStart.toString(Qt::ISODate); qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__ << "carryOverDuration" << carryOverDuration; // handle prepaid option QDateTime effectiveStartTime(start_parking_time); int const prepaid_option_id = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_prepaid_option_id; std::optional prepaidOption = tariff->getPrepaidType(prepaid_option_id); if (prepaidOption.has_value()) { ATBPrepaid const &p = prepaidOption.value(); if (start_parking_time.time() < p.static_end) { // static_end: e.g. 08:00:00 effectiveStartTime.setTime(p.static_end); } else if (start_parking_time.time() > p.static_start) { // static_start: e.g. 22:00:00 effectiveStartTime.setTime(p.static_start); } } // handle carry over int minutesUntilCarryOver = effectiveStartTime.time().secsTo(carryOverStart) / 60; if (netto_parking_time > minutesUntilCarryOver) { int const rest = netto_parking_time - minutesUntilCarryOver; QDateTime s(effectiveStartTime); s = s.addSecs(minutesUntilCarryOver * 60); s = s.addSecs(carryOverDuration * 60); end_parking_time = s.addSecs(rest * 60); } else { end_parking_time = effectiveStartTime.addSecs(netto_parking_time*60); } } else { cost = Calculator::GetInstance().GetCostFromDuration( tariff, tariff->getPaymentOptions().pop_payment_method_id, start_parking_time, // starting time end_parking_time, // return value: end time netto_parking_time, // minutes, netto false, prepaid); } // qCritical() << __func__ << __LINE__; double minCost = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_min_price; if (cost < minCost) { calcState.setDesc(QString("line=%1 minCost=%2, cost=%3").arg(__LINE__).arg(minCost).arg(cost)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_PRICE); } // DEBUG //qCritical() << __LINE__ << " end_parking_time: " << end_parking_time; //qCritical() << __LINE__ << " -> calculated cost (netto): " << cost; price->brutto = price->vat = price->vat_percentage = 0; price->units = cost; price->netto = cost; } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_duration_for_parking_ticket( parking_tariff_t *tariff, time_t start_parking_time, double price, QString &duration, PermitType permitType) { CalcState calcState; QDate const d(1970, 1, 1); QTime const t(0, 0, 0); QDateTime start(d, t, Qt::UTC); start = start.toLocalTime().addSecs(start_parking_time * 60); if (start.isValid()) { QString cs = start.toString(Qt::ISODate); bool prepaid = true; int paymentOptionIndex = tariff->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); int prepaid_option_id = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_prepaid_option_id; if (prepaid_option_id == 2) { // see tariff03.json for 502: 2 means no prepaid-option prepaid = false; } bool const nextDay = false; // DEBUG qCritical() << "compute_duration_for_parking_ticket(1): "; qCritical() << " payment option index: " << paymentOptionIndex; qCritical() << " prepaid: " << prepaid; qCritical() << " start (cs): " << cs; qCritical() << " price: " << price; duration = Calculator::GetInstance().GetDurationFromCost(tariff, tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_payment_method_id, cs.toLocal8Bit().constData(), price, permitType, nextDay, prepaid).c_str(); QDateTime d = QDateTime::fromString(duration, Qt::ISODate); if (!d.isValid()) { calcState.setDesc(QString("ticketEndTime=%1").arg(duration)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT); } } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_duration_for_parking_ticket( parking_tariff_t *tariff, QDateTime const &start_parking_time, double price, QDateTime &ticketEndTime, PermitType permitType) { CalcState calcState; bool prepaid = true; int paymentOptionIndex = tariff->getPaymentOptionIndex(permitType); int prepaid_option_id = tariff->getPaymentOptions(paymentOptionIndex).pop_prepaid_option_id; if (prepaid_option_id == 2) { prepaid = false; } bool const nextDay = false; // DEBUG if (DBG_LEVEL >= DBG_DEBUG) { qCritical() << "compute_duration_for_parking_ticket(2): "; qCritical() << " payment option index: " << paymentOptionIndex; qCritical() << " prepaid: " << prepaid; qCritical() << " price: " << price; } if (start_parking_time.isValid()) { QString cs = start_parking_time.toString(Qt::ISODate); QString endTime = Calculator::GetInstance().GetDurationFromCost( tariff, tariff->getPaymentOptions().pop_payment_method_id, cs.toLocal8Bit().constData(), price, permitType, nextDay, prepaid).c_str(); if (endTime == CalcState::SUCCESS) { calcState.setDesc(QString("SUCCESS")); calcState.setStatus(endTime); } else if (endTime == CalcState::ERROR_PARSING_ZONE_NR) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::ERROR_LOADING_TARIFF) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::ERROR_PARSING_TARIFF) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::NEGATIVE_PARKING_TIME) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::INVALID_START_DATE) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::WRONG_PARAM_VALUES) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_TIME) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_TIME) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::BELOW_MIN_PARKING_PRICE) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_PRICE) { calcState.setDesc(CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_PRICE); calcState.setStatus(CalcState::ABOVE_MAX_PARKING_PRICE); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::OVERPAID) { calcState.setDesc(CalcState::OVERPAID); calcState.setStatus(CalcState::OVERPAID); return calcState; } else if (endTime == CalcState::OUTSIDE_ALLOWED_PARKING_TIME) { calcState.setStatus(endTime); return calcState; } else { ticketEndTime = QDateTime::fromString(endTime,Qt::ISODate); // DEBUG //qCritical() << "compute_duration_for_parking_ticket(): "; //qCritical() << " endTime: " << endTime; //qCritical() << " ticketEndTime: " << ticketEndTime; if (!ticketEndTime.isValid()) { calcState.setDesc(QString("ticketEndTime=%1").arg(endTime)); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT); } } } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_duration_for_daily_ticket(parking_tariff_t *tariff, QDateTime const &start_parking_time, QDateTime &ticketEndTime, PermitType PermitType) { CalcState calcState; if (start_parking_time.isValid()) { ticketEndTime = Calculator::GetInstance().GetDailyTicketDuration(tariff, start_parking_time, tariff->getPaymentOptions().pop_payment_method_id, false); // carry over // DEBUG qCritical() << "compute_duration_for_daily_ticket(): "; qCritical() << " ticketEndTime: " << ticketEndTime; if (!ticketEndTime.isValid()) { calcState.setDesc(QString("ticketEndTime=%1").arg(ticketEndTime.toString(Qt::ISODate))); return calcState.set(CalcState::State::WRONG_ISO_TIME_FORMAT); } } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); } CalcState CALCULATE_LIBRARY_API compute_price_for_daily_ticket( parking_tariff_t *tariff, QDateTime const &startDatetime, QDateTime &endDatetime, PERMIT_TYPE permitType, struct price_t *price) {// return value CalcState calcState; if (startDatetime.isValid()) { if (std::optional p = Calculator::GetInstance().GetDailyTicketPrice(tariff, startDatetime, endDatetime, permitType)) { *price = p.value(); } } else { return calcState.set(CalcState::State::INVALID_START_DATE); } return calcState.set(CalcState::State::SUCCESS); }