Fixed GetDurationFromCost()
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ double total_cost = 0.0f;
bool overtime = false;
#ifdef _WIN32
inline struct tm* localtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm* result){
inline struct tm* localtime_r(const time_t *clock, struct tm* result){
if(!clock || !result) return NULL;
return result;
/// <inheritdoc/>
@ -27,27 +27,29 @@ std::string Calculator::GetDurationFromCost(Configuration* cfg,
bool nextDay,
bool prepaid)
// Get current date time from input
struct tm current_datetime = Utilities::DateTimeToStructTm(start_datetime);
time_t current_datetime_t;
// Get input date
QDateTime inputDate = QDateTime::fromString(start_datetime,Qt::ISODate);
// Get day of week
DayOfWeek weekdayId = DayOfWeek::UndefinedDay;
weekdayId = Utilities::GetDayOfWeek(¤t_datetime);
//std::stringstream ss;
// ss << "*** Input date is: " << start_datetime << " [weekday id = " << weekdayId << "]" << endl;
LOG_DEBUG("*** Input date is: ", start_datetime, " [weekday id = ", weekdayId, "]");
int weekdayId = 0;
weekdayId = Utilities::ZellersAlgorithm(,,;
//Get min and max time defined in JSON
double minMin = 0;
minMin = cfg->PaymentOption.find(payment_option)->second.pop_min_time;
if (minMin < 0) minMin = 0;
double maxMin = 0;
maxMin = cfg->PaymentOption.find(payment_option)->second.pop_max_time;
if (maxMin <= 0) maxMin = 60;
double min_price = 0;
min_price = cfg->PaymentOption.find(payment_option)->second.pop_min_price;
if(price < min_price)
if (minMin < 0) minMin = 0;
if (maxMin < 0) maxMin = 0;
if (minMin >= maxMin)
LOG_ERROR("Error: min_min cannot be greater or equal to max_min");
@ -60,29 +62,30 @@ std::string Calculator::GetDurationFromCost(Configuration* cfg,
// Get payment method
uint8_t p_method = PaymentMethod::Undefined;
p_method = payment_option;
LOG_DEBUG("Payment method id: ", (unsigned)p_method);
// Check special day
double day_price = 0.0f;
int current_special_day_id = -1;
bool is_special_day = Utilities::CheckSpecialDay(cfg, start_datetime, ¤t_special_day_id, &day_price);
bool is_special_day = Utilities::CheckSpecialDay(cfg, inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString().c_str(), ¤t_special_day_id, &day_price);
LOG_DEBUG("Special day: ", is_special_day);
double money_left = price;
LOG_DEBUG("Total money:", money_left);
double price_per_unit = 0.0f;
string worktime_from = "";
string worktime_to = "";
QTime worktime_from;
QTime worktime_to;
if (is_special_day)
// Set special day price
price_per_unit = Utilities::CalculatePricePerUnit(day_price);
worktime_from = cfg->SpecialDaysWorktime.find(current_special_day_id)->second.pedwt_time_from;
worktime_to = cfg->SpecialDaysWorktime.find(current_special_day_id)->second.pedwt_time_to;
worktime_from = QTime::fromString(cfg->SpecialDaysWorktime.find(current_special_day_id)->second.pedwt_time_from.c_str());
worktime_to = QTime::fromString(cfg->SpecialDaysWorktime.find(current_special_day_id)->second.pedwt_time_to.c_str());
@ -94,72 +97,38 @@ std::string Calculator::GetDurationFromCost(Configuration* cfg,
size_t found = 0;
found = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.count(weekdayId);
if (found <= 0)
// When no workday found, go to next available day
if(found <=0)
LOG_DEBUG("- No workday found, trying to find next available day");
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
current_datetime_t += 86400;
current_datetime = *localtime(¤t_datetime_t);
char buffer_datetime[80];
strftime(buffer_datetime, 80, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ¤t_datetime);
// Make new datetime string and call function again recursively
start_datetime = buffer_datetime;
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, start_datetime, price, true);
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString().c_str(), money_left,true,prepaid);
worktime_from = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.find(weekdayId)->second.pwd_time_from;
worktime_to = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.find(weekdayId)->second.pwd_time_to;
worktime_from = QTime::fromString(cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.find(weekdayId)->second.pwd_time_from.c_str());
worktime_to = QTime::fromString(cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.find(weekdayId)->second.pwd_time_to.c_str());
if (price_per_unit < 0) price_per_unit = 1.0f;
LOG_DEBUG("Calculated price per minute: ", price_per_unit);
LOG_DEBUG("Worktime from: ", worktime_from);
LOG_DEBUG("Worktime to: ", worktime_to);
struct tm from_tm;
struct tm to_tm;
from_tm = Utilities::TimeToStructTm(worktime_from.c_str(), current_datetime.tm_year, current_datetime.tm_mon, current_datetime.tm_mday, current_datetime.tm_wday);
from_tm.tm_year = current_datetime.tm_year;
from_tm.tm_mon = current_datetime.tm_mon;
from_tm.tm_wday = current_datetime.tm_wday;
from_tm.tm_mday = current_datetime.tm_mday;
to_tm = Utilities::TimeToStructTm(worktime_to.c_str(), current_datetime.tm_year, current_datetime.tm_mon, current_datetime.tm_mday, current_datetime.tm_wday);
to_tm.tm_year = current_datetime.tm_year;
to_tm.tm_mon = current_datetime.tm_mon;
to_tm.tm_wday = current_datetime.tm_wday;
to_tm.tm_mday = current_datetime.tm_mday;
// Convert tm structures to time_t
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
time_t from_datetime_t = mktime(&from_tm);
time_t to_datetime_t = mktime(&to_tm);
/*Newly added */
//current_datetime.tm_hour = from_tm.tm_hour;
//current_datetime.tm_min = from_tm.tm_min;
//current_datetime.tm_sec = from_tm.tm_sec;
//current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
if (price_per_unit < 0)
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString().c_str(), money_left, true);
// If overtime flag is set
if (overtime || nextDay)
current_datetime.tm_hour = from_tm.tm_hour;
current_datetime.tm_min = from_tm.tm_min;
current_datetime.tm_sec = from_tm.tm_sec;
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
LOG_DEBUG(" *** New input date set according to worktime: ", asctime(¤t_datetime));
overtime = false;
// Validate ticket
// Check prepaid
if (!prepaid)
if ((current_datetime_t < from_datetime_t) || (current_datetime_t > to_datetime_t))
if ((inputDate.time() < worktime_from) || (inputDate.time() > worktime_to))
LOG_DEBUG("[STOP] * Ticket is not valid * ");
@ -168,103 +137,84 @@ std::string Calculator::GetDurationFromCost(Configuration* cfg,
if (current_datetime_t < from_datetime_t)
if (inputDate.time() < worktime_from)
current_datetime.tm_hour = from_tm.tm_hour;
current_datetime.tm_min = from_tm.tm_min;
current_datetime.tm_sec = from_tm.tm_sec;
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
LOG_DEBUG(" *** PREPAID *** Current time is before the time range start, adjusting time to: ", asctime(¤t_datetime));
else if (current_datetime_t > to_datetime_t)
else if(inputDate.time() > worktime_to)
LOG_DEBUG(" *** PREPAID *** Current time is past the time range end, searching for next available day");
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
current_datetime_t += 86400;
current_datetime = *localtime(¤t_datetime_t);
char buffer_datetime[80];
strftime(buffer_datetime, 80, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ¤t_datetime);
//Make new datetime string and call function again recursively
start_datetime = buffer_datetime;
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, start_datetime, price, true, prepaid);
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString().c_str(), money_left, true);
while (true)
if (!Utilities::IsYearPeriodActive(cfg, ¤t_datetime))
if(money_left <= 0) break;
// Check year period
bool isYearPeriodActive = false;
//// Parse input date
int dayCurrent =;
int monthCurrent =;
// Current date time
int cdt = (monthCurrent * 100) + dayCurrent;
multimap<int, ATBPeriodYear>::iterator year_period_itr;
for (year_period_itr = cfg->YearPeriod.begin(); year_period_itr != cfg->YearPeriod.end(); ++year_period_itr)
int dStart = year_period_itr->second.pye_start_day;
int dEnd = year_period_itr->second.pye_end_day;
int mStart = year_period_itr->second.pye_start_month;
int mEnd = year_period_itr->second.pye_end_month;
int start = (mStart * 100) + dStart;
int end = (mEnd * 100) + dEnd;
if (cdt >= start && cdt <= end) {
isYearPeriodActive = true;
if (!isYearPeriodActive)
LOG_DEBUG("Year period is not valid");
// Increment by 1 minute
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
current_datetime_t += 60;
current_datetime = *localtime(¤t_datetime_t);
total_duration_min += 1.0f;
money_left -= price_per_unit;
// If no money left (e.g. spent all of the money before reaching end of worktime)
if (money_left <= 0)
if(total_duration_min > maxMin)
LOG_DEBUG("No money left ");
if (total_duration_min >= maxMin)
LOG_DEBUG("Total duration is greater or equal to max_min");
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
current_datetime_t -= 60;
current_datetime = *localtime(¤t_datetime_t);
total_duration_min = maxMin;
// If money has left but the end of worktime has been reached (go to next day)
if (current_datetime_t >= to_datetime_t)
// If reached end of worktime go to next day
if(inputDate.time() >= worktime_to)
total_duration_min -= 1.0f;
int carry_over_status = 0;
carry_over_status = cfg->PaymentOption.find(payment_option)->second.pop_carry_over;
LOG_DEBUG("Carry over status: ", carry_over_status);
if (carry_over_status < 1) break;
LOG_DEBUG("Reached end of worktime");
LOG_DEBUG("Trying to find next available day, money left = ", money_left);
current_datetime_t = mktime(¤t_datetime);
current_datetime_t += 86400;
current_datetime = *localtime(¤t_datetime_t);
char buffer_datetime[80];
strftime(buffer_datetime, 80, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ¤t_datetime);
// Make new datetime string and call function again recursively
start_datetime = buffer_datetime;
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
overtime = true;
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, start_datetime, price);
return GetDurationFromCost(cfg, payment_option, inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString().c_str(), money_left ,true, prepaid);
time_t valid_until_datetime_t = current_datetime_t;
inputDate = inputDate.addSecs(60);
if(price_per_unit > 0) total_duration_min +=1;
money_left -= price_per_unit;
//qDebug() <<"Timestamp:" << inputDate << ", total duration min: " << total_duration_min << ", money left = " << money_left;
if ((total_duration_min < minMin) || (price / price_per_unit) < minMin)
LOG_DEBUG("Total duration is lower than min_min");
//valid_until_datetime_t += (minMin - total_duration_min) * 60;
//total_duration_min = minMin;
valid_until_datetime_t = from_datetime_t;
inputDate.time() = worktime_from;
total_duration_min = 0;
@ -273,46 +223,20 @@ std::string Calculator::GetDurationFromCost(Configuration* cfg,
if (calc_price > 0 && total_duration_min > 0)
valid_until_datetime_t -= (int)ceil(calc_price) * 60;
ret_val = total_duration_min - calc_price;
inputDate.addSecs(-(int)ceil(calc_price) * 60);
else ret_val = total_duration_min;
ret_val = total_duration_min;
cout << "Total minutes: " << (int)ret_val << endl;
if(price >= min_price && total_duration_min >= minMin)
qDebug() << "Valid until: " << inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate);
else qDebug() << "Parking not allowed";
if(ret_val < 0) ret_val = 0;
qDebug() << "Duration: " << ret_val;
if (ret_val <= 0) return "PARKING NOT ALLOWED";
#ifdef __linux__
#if !defined(_SVID_SOURCE) && !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)
// needed for timezone-correction
#error "!defined(_SVID_SOURCE) && !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE)"
// timezone correction: localtime() needs argument in UTC-timezone
// The global variable 'timezone' is set by tzset(), see
//, so I change of the timezone will
// also change the value of the variable 'timezone'.
valid_until_datetime_t += timezone;
#else // windows, only for testing
static const long timezone = -3600;
valid_until_datetime_t += timezone;
struct tm valid_until_datetime;
memset(&valid_until_datetime, 0x00, sizeof(valid_until_datetime));
if (!localtime_r(&valid_until_datetime_t, &valid_until_datetime)) {
// return in ISO-format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
char buf[128];
memset(buf, 0x00, sizeof(buf));
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &valid_until_datetime);
LOG_DEBUG("Ticket is valid until ", buf);
total_duration_min = 0.0f;
return std::string(buf);
total_duration_min = 0;
return inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate).toStdString();
@ -36,20 +36,20 @@ int main() {
memset(&price, 0x00, sizeof(price));
QDateTime start = QDateTime::fromString("2023-05-11T07:50:00",Qt::ISODate); //QDateTime::currentDateTime();
time_t start_parking_time = start.toSecsSinceEpoch() / 60;
time_t end_parking_time = start_parking_time + 1230;
time_t end_parking_time = start_parking_time + 1236;
if (compute_price_for_parking_ticket(tariff,
&price)) {
qDebug() << "price=" << price.netto;
qDebug() << "GetCostFromDuration() => price=" << price.netto;
// QString duration;
// if(compute_duration_for_parking_ticket(tariff,start_parking_time,3090,duration))
// {
// qDebug() << "duration=" << duration;
// }
QString duration;
qDebug() << "GetDurationFromCost() => duration=" << duration;
// // tests
// struct tm now;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user