GetCostFromDuration(): re-implement cpmputation for paymentMethod==progressive
(e.g. neuhauser/kirchdorf (743))
This commit is contained in:
@ -522,6 +522,10 @@ double Calculator::GetCostFromDuration(Configuration* cfg,
int weekdayIdLast = -1;
int durationMinutesBrutto = 0;
//#define _DEBUG_ 1
#define _DEBUG_ 0
QDateTime current = start;
int days = 7;
@ -571,149 +575,309 @@ double Calculator::GetCostFromDuration(Configuration* cfg,
uint price = 0;
if (carryOverNotSet) {
int range = 0;
int minsToCarryOver = 0; // from one work-time to the other on the same day
int minsUsed = 0;
QDateTime lastCurrent = QDateTime();
QVector<ATBWeekDaysWorktime> weekDayWorkTimeRanges;
using WTIterator = std::multimap<int, ATBWeekDaysWorktime>::const_iterator;
std::pair<WTIterator, WTIterator> p = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.equal_range(weekdayId);
for (WTIterator itr = p.first; itr != p.second; ++itr) {
weekDayWorkTimeRanges.append(itr->second); // working with vector is easier
int weekDayWorkTimeIndex = 0;
bool moveToNextTimeRange = false;
// time ranges for Neuhauser-Kirchdorf (743): 30, 5, 5, ... 5
auto timeRangeIt = cfg->TimeRange.cbegin();
for (; timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend(); ++timeRangeIt) {
using WTIterator = std::multimap<int, ATBWeekDaysWorktime>::const_iterator;
std::pair<WTIterator, WTIterator> p = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.equal_range(weekdayId);
while (timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend()) { // ; ++timeRangeIt) {
for (WTIterator itr = p.first; itr != p.second; ++itr) {
if (weekDayWorkTimeIndex >= weekDayWorkTimeRanges.size()) {
QTime const &from = Utilities::WeekDaysWorkTimeFrom(itr);
QTime const &to = Utilities::WeekDaysWorkTimeUntil(itr);
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "weekDayWorkTimeRanges.size()" << weekDayWorkTimeRanges.size();
end_datetime = current;
return price;
Q_ASSERT_X(from < to, __func__, "MISCONFIGURED WORK-TIMES");
QTime const &from = QTime::fromString(weekDayWorkTimeRanges[weekDayWorkTimeIndex].pwd_time_from.c_str(), Qt::ISODate);
QTime const &to = QTime::fromString(weekDayWorkTimeRanges[weekDayWorkTimeIndex].pwd_time_to.c_str(), Qt::ISODate);
if (current.time() >= to) {
continue; // try to use next available work-time
} else
if (current.time() <= from) {
if (prepaid) {
lastCurrent = current;
current.setTime(from); // move current forward (range==1),
// as prepaid is set
uint const minutesMoved = lastCurrent.secsTo(current) / 60;
durationMinutesBrutto += minutesMoved;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "from" << from.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "to" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate);
if (range == 1) {
start_datetime = current;
Q_ASSERT_X(from < to, __func__, "MISCONFIGURED WORK-TIMES");
while (timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend()) {
ATBTimeRange timeRange = timeRangeIt->second;
if (current.time() >= to) {
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "try to use next available work-time with"
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "price" << price;
// time range is not affected
} else
if (current.time() <= from) {
if (prepaid) {
lastCurrent = current;
current.setTime(from); // move current forward (range==1),
// as prepaid is set
uint const minutesMoved = lastCurrent.secsTo(current) / 60;
durationMinutesBrutto += minutesMoved;
int duration = timeRange.time_range_to_in_minutes_from_start -
qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "lastCurrent" << lastCurrent.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver;
<< "minutesMoved" << minutesMoved
<< "durationMinutesBrutto" << durationMinutesBrutto;
//if (minsUsed > 0) {
// duration -= minsUsed;
// minsUsed = 0;
if (current.addSecs(duration * 60).time() <= to) {
if (minsToCarryOver > 0) { // the price for this time range
// has been is paid already
if (minsUsed == 0) {
for(const auto &x: cfg->PaymentRate) {
ATBPaymentRate const rate = x.second;
if (rate.pra_payment_unit_id == timeRange.time_range_payment_type_id) {
price += (uint)rate.pra_price;
durationMinutes -= duration;
durationMinutesNetto += duration;
durationMinutesBrutto += duration;
current = current.addSecs(duration * 60);
if (durationMinutes <= 0) {
end_datetime = current;
return price;
} else {
durationMinutes -= duration;
durationMinutesNetto += duration;
durationMinutesBrutto += duration;
current = current.addSecs(duration*60);
minsToCarryOver = 0;
} else {
for(const auto &x: cfg->PaymentRate) {
ATBPaymentRate const rate = x.second;
if (rate.pra_payment_unit_id == timeRange.time_range_payment_type_id) {
price += (uint)rate.pra_price;
durationMinutes -= duration;
durationMinutesNetto += duration;
durationMinutesBrutto += duration;
current = current.addSecs(duration * 60);
if (durationMinutes <= 0) {
end_datetime = current;
return price;
} else {
lastCurrent = current;
minsUsed = lastCurrent.secsTo(current) / 60;
// mod duration: possibly discard some minutes in
// the next time-range
if (durationMinutes >= minsUsed) {
minsToCarryOver = durationMinutes - minsUsed;
durationMinutes -= minsUsed;
durationMinutesNetto += minsUsed;
durationMinutesBrutto += minsUsed;
if (minsUsed > 0) {
for(const auto &x: cfg->PaymentRate) {
ATBPaymentRate const rate = x.second;
if (rate.pra_payment_unit_id == timeRange.time_range_payment_type_id) {
price += (uint)rate.pra_price;
if (weekDayWorkTimeIndex == 0) {
start_datetime = current;
ATBTimeRange timeRange = timeRangeIt->second;
int duration = timeRange.time_range_to_in_minutes_from_start -
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "price" << price;
if (minsToCarryOver > 0) { // the price for this time range
// has been is paid already
Q_ASSERT_X(weekDayWorkTimeIndex > 0, __func__, "WRONG-WORK-TIME");
current = current.addSecs(minsToCarryOver*60);
durationMinutes -= minsToCarryOver;
durationMinutesNetto += minsToCarryOver;
durationMinutesBrutto += minsToCarryOver;
minsToCarryOver = 0;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes
<< "durationMinutesNetto" << durationMinutesNetto
<< "durationMinutesBrutto" << durationMinutesBrutto;
if (durationMinutes <= 0) {
end_datetime = current;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "end_datetime" << end_datetime.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "price" << price;
return price;
if (current.addSecs(duration * 60).time() <= to) {
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "current.addSecs(" << duration * 60 << ")" << current.addSecs(duration*60).time().toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "to" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes;
moveToNextTimeRange = false;
for(const auto &x: cfg->PaymentRate) {
ATBPaymentRate const rate = x.second;
if (rate.pra_payment_unit_id == timeRange.time_range_payment_type_id) {
price += (uint)rate.pra_price;
durationMinutes -= duration;
durationMinutesNetto += duration;
durationMinutesBrutto += duration;
current = current.addSecs(duration * 60);
// price has been updated; use next time range
moveToNextTimeRange = true;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "to" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "price" << price
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes
<< "durationMinutesNetto" << durationMinutesNetto
<< "durationMinutesBrutto" << durationMinutesBrutto;
if (durationMinutes <= 0) {
end_datetime = current;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "end_datetime" << end_datetime.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "price" << price;
return price;
if (moveToNextTimeRange) {
if (++timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend()) {
// havin a new time range means that we always have a new
// work-time-range
// ++timeRangeIt;
} else { // current.addSecs(duration * 60).time() > to
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "current.addSecs(" << duration * 60 << ")" << current.addSecs(duration*60).time().toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< ", to:" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate);
lastCurrent = current;
minsUsed = lastCurrent.secsTo(current) / 60;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "lastCurrent" << lastCurrent.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "to" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes;
// mod duration: possibly discard some minutes in
// the next time-range
if (duration >= minsUsed) {
minsToCarryOver = duration - minsUsed;
durationMinutes -= minsUsed;
durationMinutesNetto += minsUsed;
durationMinutesBrutto += minsUsed;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "lastCurrent" << lastCurrent.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "to" << to.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "minsToCarryOver" << minsToCarryOver
<< "weekDayWorkTimeIndex" << weekDayWorkTimeIndex
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes
<< "price" << price;
moveToNextTimeRange = false;
if (minsUsed > 0) {
for(const auto &x: cfg->PaymentRate) {
ATBPaymentRate const rate = x.second;
if (rate.pra_payment_unit_id == timeRange.time_range_payment_type_id) {
price += (uint)rate.pra_price;
// price has been updated; use next time range
moveToNextTimeRange = true;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "current" << current.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "duration" << duration
<< "minsUsed" << minsUsed
<< "durationMinutes" << durationMinutes
<< "moveToNextTimeRange" << moveToNextTimeRange
<< "price" << price;
if (moveToNextTimeRange) {
if (++timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend()) {
// no valid time range left
end_datetime = current;
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "end_datetime" << end_datetime.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "price" << price;
return price;
end_datetime = start.addSecs(durationMinutesBrutto * 60);
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
<< "start" << start.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "end_datetime" << end_datetime.toString(Qt::ISODate)
<< "final price" << std::max(price, minParkingPrice);
return std::max(price, minParkingPrice);
} // while (timeRangeIt != cfg->TimeRange.cend()) {
#if _DEBUG_==1
qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ")"
end_datetime = QDateTime();
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user