Start reimplementation of
private_GetCostFromDuration() in terms of ticket.
This commit is contained in:
@ -475,64 +475,64 @@ int Calculator::findNextWorkTimeRange(QDateTime const &dt,
using namespace Utilities;
uint32_t Calculator::private_GetCostFromDuration(Configuration const* cfg,
QDateTime const &start,
QDateTime &end,
int durationMinutes,
bool nextDay,
bool prepaid,
bool overtime) {
static const PaymentMethod paymentMethodId = PaymentMethod::Linear;
Ticket Calculator::private_GetCostFromDuration(Configuration const* cfg,
QDateTime const &start,
QDateTime &end,
int &durationMinutes,
bool nextDay,
bool prepaid,
bool overtime) {
static const PaymentMethod paymentMethodId = Utilities::getPaymentMethodId(cfg);
static const bool carryOverNotSet = isCarryOverNotSet(cfg, paymentMethodId);
static int const minParkingTimeMinutes = getMinimalParkingTime(cfg, paymentMethodId);
static int const maxParkingTimeMinutes = getMaximalParkingTime(cfg, paymentMethodId);
static bool const checkMinMaxMinutes = (minParkingTimeMinutes < maxParkingTimeMinutes);
static const int durationMinutesNetto = durationMinutes;
if (!checkMinMaxMinutes) {
qCritical() << QString(
"ERROR: CONDITION minMin < maxMin (%1 < %2) IS NOT VALID")
return 0;
return Ticket();
if (!checkDurationMinutes(overtime, minParkingTimeMinutes,
maxParkingTimeMinutes, durationMinutes)) {
return 0;
return Ticket();
// Get input date
QDateTime inputDate = start;
// Get day of week
int const weekdayId =;
uint32_t day_price = 0;
uint32_t price_per_unit = 0;
uint32_t price = 0;
double durationUnit = 60.0;
int current_special_day_id = -1;
// there might be more than 1 worktime ranges per day
int const timeRanges = std::max((int)cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.count(weekdayId), 1);
QScopedArrayPointer<TariffTimeRange> worktime(new TariffTimeRange[timeRanges]);
int index = 0;
int ranges = 0;
if(Utilities::CheckSpecialDay(cfg, inputDate, ¤t_special_day_id, &day_price)) {
if(Utilities::CheckSpecialDay(cfg, inputDate, ¤t_special_day_id, &price)) {
// Set special day price:
// ACHTUNG: price_per_unit ist eigentlich immer preis pro minute !!!
price_per_unit = CalculatePricePerUnit(day_price);
worktime[index].setTimeRange(SpecialDaysWorkTimeFrom(cfg, current_special_day_id),
SpecialDaysWorkTimeUntil(cfg, current_special_day_id));
durationUnit = 60.0;
worktime[ranges].setTimeRange(SpecialDaysWorkTimeFrom(cfg, current_special_day_id),
SpecialDaysWorkTimeUntil(cfg, current_special_day_id));
ranges = 1;
} else {
// Set new price for the normal day
// Set new price for the normal day: do not use a floating-point type
// for the price, rather compute with integers. Only at the very end of
// the computation the price is divided by durationUnit.
int pop_id = cfg->PaymentOption.find(paymentMethodId)->second.pop_id;
day_price = cfg->PaymentRate.find(pop_id)->second.pra_price;
price = cfg->PaymentRate.find(pop_id)->second.pra_price;
int durationId = cfg->PaymentRate.find(pop_id)->second.pra_payment_unit_id;
double durationUnit = cfg->Duration.find(durationId)->second.pun_duration;
price_per_unit = Utilities::CalculatePricePerUnit(day_price,durationUnit);
durationUnit = cfg->Duration.find(durationId)->second.pun_duration;
// If no working day found, skip it (recursively call method again)
if (cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.count(weekdayId) <= 0) {
@ -542,114 +542,162 @@ uint32_t Calculator::private_GetCostFromDuration(Configuration const* cfg,
return private_GetCostFromDuration(cfg, inputDate, end, durationMinutes, true, prepaid, overtime);
for (auto[itr, rangeEnd] = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.equal_range(weekdayId); itr != rangeEnd; ++itr) {
qCritical() << itr->first << itr->second.pwd_time_from.c_str() << itr->second.pwd_time_to.c_str();
index += 1;
using WTIterator = std::multimap<int, ATBWeekDaysWorktime>::const_iterator;
std::pair<WTIterator, WTIterator> p = cfg->WeekDaysWorktime.equal_range(weekdayId);
for (WTIterator itr = p.first; itr != p.second; ++itr) {
ranges += 1;
if (price_per_unit < 0) price_per_unit = 1.0f;
qDebug() << "Calculated price per minute=" << price_per_unit;
uint32_t costFromDuration = 0;
QTime const &lastWorktimeTo = worktime[ranges-1].getTimeUntil();
int currentRange = -1;
double costFromDuration = 0.0;
for (int w = 0; w < index; ++w) {
QTime worktime_from = worktime[w].getTimeFrom();
QTime worktime_to = worktime[w].getTimeUntil();
if (price_per_unit == 0) {
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
uint32_t const partialCost = private_GetCostFromDuration(cfg, inputDate, end, durationMinutes, true, prepaid);
if (partialCost == 0) {
return 0;
if (nextDay) { // this means the function has been called recursively
currentRange = 0;
} else {
// check if inputDate is located inside a valid worktime-range...
currentRange = findWorkTimeRange(inputDate, worktime, ranges);
if (currentRange == -1) { // no...
if (!prepaid) { // parking is not allowed
return Ticket(start, end, durationMinutesNetto, 0,
costFromDuration += partialCost;
// find the next worktime-range (on the same day), and start from there
currentRange = findNextWorkTimeRange(inputDate, worktime, ranges);
// If overtime flag is set
if (overtime || nextDay) {
overtime = false;
for (int w = currentRange; w < ranges; ++w) {
if (durationMinutes > 0) {
QTime const &worktime_from = worktime[w].getTimeFrom();
QTime const &worktime_to = worktime[w].getTimeUntil();
// Check prepaid
if (!prepaid) {
if ((inputDate.time() < worktime_from) || (inputDate.time() > worktime_to)) {
qDebug() << "[STOP] * Ticket is not valid * ";
return 0.0f;
} else {
qDebug() << "* PREPAID MODE ACTIVE *";
if (inputDate.time() < worktime_from) {
} else if(inputDate.time() > worktime_to) {
qDebug() << " *** PREPAID *** Current time is past the time range end, searching for next available day";
qCritical() << "from" << worktime_from;
qCritical() << "until" << worktime_to;
//if (w > 0) { // durationMinutes are always meant as netto time and
// // the time between worktime-ranges are free.
// inputDate.setTime(worktime_from);
// TODO: hier muss dann der preis hin
if (price == 0) {
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
uint32_t const partialCost = private_GetCostFromDuration(cfg, inputDate, end, durationMinutes, true, prepaid);
if (partialCost == 0) {
return 0;
Ticket t = private_GetCostFromDuration(
cfg, // TODO: erklaerung
end, durationMinutes,
true, prepaid);
if (!t.isValid()) {
return t;
costFromDuration += partialCost;
costFromDuration += t.getPrice();
while(durationMinutes > 0) {
// Check for active year period
if (std::none_of(cfg->YearPeriod.begin(),
[&inputDate](std::pair<int, ATBPeriodYear> const &year) {
QDate const input(2004, // 2004 is a leap year
QDate const s(2004, year.second.pye_start_day, year.second.pye_start_month);
QDate const e(2004, year.second.pye_end_day, year.second.pye_end_month);
return (input >= s && input <= e);
})) {
qCritical() << "NO VALID YEAR PERIOD";
return 0.0;
// If overtime flag is set
// TODO: ueberpruefen, kann man wohl nach oben ziehen
//if (overtime || nextDay) {
// inputDate.setTime(worktime_from);
// overtime = false;
qCritical() << "inputDate.time()=" << inputDate.time();
// Check prepaid
if (!prepaid) {
if ((inputDate.time() < worktime_from) || (inputDate.time() > worktime_to)) {
qDebug() << "[STOP] * Ticket is not valid * ";
return Ticket();
} else {
qDebug() << "* PREPAID MODE ACTIVE *";
if (inputDate.time() < worktime_from) {
//} else if(inputDate.time() > worktime_to) {
} else if(inputDate.time() > lastWorktimeTo) {
qDebug() << " *** PREPAID *** Current time is past the time range end, searching for next available day";
// wieso ist hier overtime nicht gesetzt
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
Ticket t = private_GetCostFromDuration(
cfg, inputDate, end,
durationMinutes, true, prepaid);
if (!t.isValid()) {
return t;
costFromDuration += t.getPrice();
// Go to next day if minutes not spent
if(inputDate.time() >= worktime_to) {
// check for carry_over status
if (cfg->PaymentOption.find(paymentMethodId)->second.pop_carry_over < 1) {
while(durationMinutes > 0) {
// Check for active year period
if (!IsYearPeriodActive(cfg, inputDate)) {
return Ticket();
qDebug() << "Reached end of worktime, searching for the next working day";
qDebug() << "inputDate" << inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate);
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
overtime = true;
uint32_t const partialCost = private_GetCostFromDuration(cfg, inputDate, end, durationMinutes, true, prepaid, overtime);
if (partialCost == 0) {
return 0;
if(inputDate.time() >= lastWorktimeTo) {
// Go to next day if minutes not spent
if (carryOverNotSet) {
// no carry_over, so stop computation
qDebug() << "Reached end of worktime, searching for the next working day";
inputDate = inputDate.addDays(1);
overtime = true;
Ticket t = private_GetCostFromDuration(
cfg, inputDate, end,
durationMinutes, true, prepaid, overtime);
if (!t.isValid()) {
return t;
costFromDuration += t.getPrice();
break; // stop while, and continue in outer loop
} else {
if(inputDate.time() < worktime_to) {
// Increment input date minutes for each monetary unit
inputDate = inputDate.addSecs(60);
qDebug() << "inputDate" << inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate);
durationMinutes -= 1;
//costFromDuration += price_per_unit;
costFromDuration += price;
} else break;
costFromDuration += partialCost;
break; // stop while, and continue in outer loop
} else {
// Increment input date minutes for each monetary unit
inputDate = inputDate.addSecs(60);
durationMinutes -= 1;
costFromDuration += price_per_unit;
qDebug() << "GetCostFromDuration(): Valid until:" << inputDate.toString(Qt::ISODate);
end = inputDate;
if (inputDate >= end) {
end = inputDate;
//double ret_val = total_cost;
//total_cost = 0.0f;
//return ceil(ret_val);
if (nextDay == false) {
qDebug() << "GetCostFromDuration(): Valid until:" << end.toString(Qt::ISODate);
// TODO: runden nur falls oberster stack-rahmen
return ceil(costFromDuration);
Ticket(start, end,
start.secsTo(end) / 60,
nextDay ?
costFromDuration :
llround(Utilities::CalculatePricePerUnit(costFromDuration, durationUnit)),
Reference in New Issue
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