Merge with TS 21.04.23
This commit is contained in:
@ -324,6 +324,7 @@ public:
// Sende Schreibbefehle die bereits vorher asynchron gespeichert wurden
void send_requests(uint16_t nextWrCmd);
void sendHighLevel(uint16_t nxtHLCmd);
bool areDataValid(void);
void ResponseRecieved();
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#ifndef hwchk_H
#define hwchk_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QObject>
#include "interfaces.h"
//#include "datIf.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSharedMemory>
#include "hwapi.h"
//class QSharedMemory;
class hwChk : public QObject,
public hwinf
// Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "" ) //FILE "HWapi.json")
// Q_INTERFACES(hwinf)
// QSharedMemory *m_sharedMem;
explicit hwChk(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~hwChk();
hwinf *HWaccess;
@ -1,87 +1,3 @@
matching interfaces.h:
// History
// 11.10.2021: V1.0 222 functions
// 23.12.2021: V1.1 added block-parameter to function "read mifare data"
// 30.12.2021: V1.2 added function: mif_clearDataBuffer(), mif_isBlockAvailable(uint8_t blkNr) and mif_getAvailableDataBlocks()
// 1.1.2022: V1.3 Mifare extended. ( background: read 16 x 48byte from card to DC, read 12 x 64byte from DC to CA)
// new: read full card with 768bytes from HWapi without block borders
// added: mif_getNrOfAvailableDataBytes mif_getCardData768byteDec(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize)
// mif_getCardDataDec(uint16_t fromAddr, uint16_t toAddr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize)
// mif_getCardDataStr(bool useHexFormat, char seperator)
// 29.03.2023: V3.1 some extensions for PSA1256_ptu5,
// V3.2 Bootloader improvement
// 12.04.2023: V3.3 new features extended: loading and using Json-files, cash-collection, cash-data-logging
//#define HWINF_iid ""
//#define HWINF_iid ""
#define HWINF_iid ""
PSA1259 hardware control using the DeviceController DC2
covering enclosure (switches and doors) and money devices,
controls mifare card to access or program
optional it can control printer, modem, bar code reader and credit card
* API to the PSA1259 Hardware
* All data come in from device controller via serial interface and will be stored
* in "PI" = peripheral image
* PI is updated every 100ms (up to 30ms possible)
* This api uses stored pi data and returns them in the following functions
* created: Q1/2020 TS
The devices, connected to device controller2 (DC2) can be controlled in different access levels.
Level 1:
direct connection to DC2, check versions, state and parameters
control serial interfaces
digital/analog IO's
read and write to connected devices on lowest level, this is a kind of fall-back-level
in case higher levels fail or do not support the needed (new) function
Example: send a specific printer command, several bytes that need to be conform to
printer manual. This command is routed to the printer through the DC2 without
any action of the DC. You can write your own device driver that way.
Level 1 is flexible but complicated
Level 2:
The DC controls the connected devices containing a device driver. The DC offers
usage of the device by simple commands,
Example: "Printer on", "set Font size 3" "print "hello world"", "cut"
In opposite to level 1 where you had to send a set of numbers and letters.
In other words: you "talk" to the device controller, not to the device itself.
Level 3:
start/stop complete processes.
Example: 1) print (predefined) document nr 3 with Text, letter size, font set, cut.
Also power up/down the printer, check if paper ok and so on.
Another access example: control the coin unit
Level 1): read digital inputs to detect coin,
switch digital output which opens coin slot
communicate with coin checker by certain mdb-commands (manual conform)
poll coin checker for inserted coins
close coin slot after 3seconds by setting DO to 0....
Level 2): get message of attached coin from DC
send command "initialize coin checker" to DC
send command "open slot for 3s"
poll DC for inserted coins, DC polls coin checker in right way, no need
to know the data sheet of the coin checker or mdb-bus
command to DC "open coin escrow's return flap for 1s"
Level 3): send command: "start payment process"
all coin devices are started up
coin blocker opens for 3s if a coin is attached
coin checker summarizes inserted value and reports sum
later send command "stop payment process" (puts coins to vault) or
send command "cancel payment process" (returns coins to user)
#ifndef hwapi_H
#define hwapi_H
@ -121,7 +37,7 @@ public:
T_datif *myDatif;
QStringList dc_getStatus() const override;
virtual QStringList dc_getStatus() const override;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Level 0 commands, interface
@ -1080,6 +996,16 @@ public:
uint64_t sys_getWakeSource(void) const override;
// retval: 6 bytes, bit coded, 1=event keeps DC awake
uint8_t sys_getWakeReason(void) const override;
// Master was woken by following reason:
// 1: MDB Event
// 2: Coin Event
// ( 3: Master Event) - will not set the wake line
// ( 4: 32s pulse) - will not set the wake line
// 5: Door Event
// ( 6: Diag Event) - will not set the wake line
// 7: 30min-Pulse for HB
void sys_getDeviceConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const override;
void sys_getDeviceConditions(struct T_moduleCondition *devCond) const override;
@ -1102,6 +1028,50 @@ public:
// bit6: no response bit7: serial rec. error
// bit5: printer not ready
void sys_sendDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const override;
void sys_restoreDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const override;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------ supervise all hardware components
// ------------ assess the machine state
1. check if DC startup test is through, retrigger if not
2. get results and find errors
3. in case of error check if component is used (e.g. billreader is seldom used)
4: check doors
5. return value: 0: no response from DC
1: no Test results and Test not running. need retrigger!
2: state not clear by now, test ongoing, wait
3: Service or battery door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card goto SERVICE MODE
4: vault door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card and vault door closed goto TEST MODE
in TEST MODE: complete system check decides if vending mode allowed
5: All doors are closed but errors found,
goto OOO MODE (out-of-order)
from here: run system test until problem is fixed
6: All doors are closed, no error, maybe warnings,
goto VENDING MODE (normal operation)
(priority sinks from 0 to 6)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
uint8_t sys_componentAssessment(void) const override;
// this function decides if vending mode is possible, independant from door
// return >0 in case of error
// is inncluded in sys_superviseSystem
uint8_t sys_superviseSystem(void) const override;
// this function proofs if vending is possible depending of doors state
uint8_t sys_getSystemErrors(void) const override;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void hwapi_templatePrintFinished_OK(void) const override;
@ -182,29 +182,25 @@ struct T_moduleCondition {
uint8_t ResetReason;
uint8_t allModulesChecked;
uint8_t alarmState;
uint8_t res11;
uint8_t res12;
uint8_t res13;
struct T_dynamicCondition {
char allDoorsDebounced;
char allDoorsDebounced; // 99: undefined, 0=all closed, bit1=upper door open 2=midlle door open 3=lower door open
char openedAuthorized;
uint8_t CBinDebounced;
char upperDoor; // 0:fehlt 1:drin
char middleDoor;
char lowerDoor;
char coinBox;
char upperDoor; // 99: undefined 0:closed 1:open
char middleDoor; // 99: undefined 0:closed 1:open
char lowerDoor; // 99: undefined 0:closed 1:open
char reserve; // not used, always 0
char billBox;
char modeAbrech;
char onAlarm;
char onAlarm; // 0:alarm aus 1:alarm 2:alarm mit Sirene 3: Sirenentest
char nowCardTest;
char nowPayment;
char lastMifCardType;
uint8_t lastSDoorState;
uint8_t lastVDoorState;
uint8_t lastCBstate;
uint8_t lastCBstate; // 99: undefined 0:not there 1:insered
char paymentInProgress;
char res1;
uint16_t U_Batt;
@ -232,7 +228,8 @@ struct T_dynamicCondition {
// bit4: paper jam in cutter
// bit6: no response bit7: serial rec. error
// bit5: printer not ready
uint8_t startupTestIsRunning;
struct T_extTime {
@ -263,6 +260,39 @@ struct T_extTime {
uint32_t MinutesOfMillenium;
typedef uint8_t UCHAR;
typedef uint16_t UINT;
struct T_devices
// set by master, used(1) or notused (0) or type 2....20
UCHAR kindOfPrinter; // 0:off 1:Gebe
UCHAR kindOfCoinChecker; // 0: without 1=EMP820 2=EMP900 3=currenza c² (MW)
UCHAR kindOfMifareReader; // by now only stronglink SL025 =1
UCHAR suppressSleepMode; // 0:sleep allowed 1: no sleep
UCHAR kindOfModem; // 0:off 1:Sunlink
UCHAR kindOfCreditcard; // 0:off 1:Feig NFC
UCHAR CoinEscrow;
UCHAR CoinRejectUnit;
UCHAR CoinShutter;
UCHAR BillAcceptor;
UCHAR usevaultLock;
UCHAR autoAlarm; // 1: switch on siren for 1min in doors opened unauthorized
UCHAR autoOpen; // 1: open door covers after valid ATBcard
UCHAR printAccReceipt; // 0/1
UCHAR printDoorReceipt;
UCHAR printTokenTicket;
UINT VaultFullWarnLevel;
UINT VaultFullErrorLevel;
class hwinf {
enum class DownloadResult {OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, NOP};
@ -1451,6 +1481,16 @@ public:
virtual uint64_t sys_getWakeSource(void) const =0;
// retval: 6 bytes, bit coded, 1=event keeps DC awake
virtual uint8_t sys_getWakeReason(void) const=0;
// Master was woken by following reason:
// 1: MDB Event
// 2: Coin Event
// ( 3: Master Event) - will not set the wake line
// ( 4: 32s pulse) - will not set the wake line
// 5: Door Event
// ( 6: Diag Event) - will not set the wake line
// 7: 30min-Pulse for HB
virtual void sys_getDeviceConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const=0;
@ -1572,6 +1612,60 @@ public:
// bit6: no response bit7: serial rec. error
// bit5: printer not ready
virtual void sys_sendDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const=0;
virtual void sys_restoreDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const=0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------ supervise all hardware components
// ------------ assess the machine state
1. check if DC startup test is through, retrigger if not
2. get results and find errors
3. in case of error check if component is used (e.g. billreader is seldom used)
4: check doors
5. return value: 0: no response from DC
1: no Test results and Test not running. need retrigger!
2: state not clear by now, test ongoing, wait
3: Service or battery door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card goto SERVICE MODE
4: vault door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card and vault door closed goto TEST MODE
in TEST MODE: complete system check decides if vending mode allowed
5: All doors are closed but errors found,
goto OOO MODE (out-of-order)
from here: run system test until problem is fixed
6: All doors are closed, no error, maybe warnings,
goto VENDING MODE (normal operation)
(priority sinks from 0 to 6)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
virtual uint8_t sys_componentAssessment(void) const=0;
// this function decides if vending mode is possible, independant from door
// return >0 in case of error
// is inncluded in sys_superviseSystem
virtual uint8_t sys_superviseSystem(void) const=0;
// this function proofs if vending is possible depending of doors state
virtual uint8_t sys_getSystemErrors(void) const=0;
// retrigger System-Check with:
// bool hwapi::sys_runCompleteTest(void) const
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void hwapi_templatePrintFinished_OK(void) const=0;
virtual void hwapi_templatePrintFinished_Err(void) const=0;
@ -237,6 +237,14 @@ uint8_t check4freeFDlongCmd(void);
// returns number of free places in long-command stack
uint8_t epi_store64BdevParameter(uint8_t length, uint8_t *buf);
// HWapi writes data to be stored
uint8_t epi_restore64BdevParameter(uint8_t *length, uint8_t *buf);
@ -225,6 +225,9 @@ struct SharedMemBuffer {
uint8_t vaultrecord[360];
uint32_t amount;
uint16_t nrOfCoins;
bool dcDataValid;
uint8_t wakeReason;
} store;
struct T_globTime {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tslib.h"
//#include "tslib.h"
#include <QString>
@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ bool epi_CurrentPaymentGetAllCoins(uint16_t *types, uint16_t *values);
void gpi_storeWakeSources(uint8_t const *receivedData);
uint64_t epi_getWakeSources(void);
uint8_t epi_getWakeReason(void);
void gpi_storeExtendedTime(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data);
void epi_restoreExtendedTime(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data);
@ -415,6 +416,11 @@ uint8_t epi_mifGetCardType(uint8_t const *holder);
//holder[8] = name of card holder
// retval Type of MifareCard, 1=upper door, 2=lower door 3=test printer 4=test coins
void gpi_storeDcDataValid(bool isVal);
bool gpi_areDcDataValid();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "src/ATBAPP/ATBDeviceControllerPlugin.h"
#include "src/ATBAPP/ATBHealthEvent.h"
#include <QTimer>
ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::ATBDeviceControllerPlugin(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent),
@ -58,6 +60,14 @@ void ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::requestPrintTicket(const QHash<QString, QVariant
struct T_dynDat *dynTicketData = new T_dynDat;
qCritical() << "ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::requestPrintTicket( " << endl
<< " licenseplate = " << printingData["licenseplate"] << endl
<< " amount = " << printingData["amount"] << endl
<< " parkingEnd = " << printingData["parkingEnd"] << endl
<< " currentTime = " << printingData["currentTime"] << endl
<< " currentDate = " << printingData["currentDate"] << endl;
strncpy((char*)dynTicketData->licensePlate, printingData["licenseplate"].toByteArray().data(), 7);
strncpy((char*)dynTicketData->vendingPrice, printingData["amount"].toByteArray().data(), 7);
strncpy((char*)dynTicketData->parkingEnd, printingData["parkingEnd"].toByteArray().data(), 7);
@ -71,9 +81,11 @@ void ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::requestPrintTicket(const QHash<QString, QVariant
emit this->onPrintFinishedERR();
if (!this->hw->prn_printDocument(1, dynTicketData)) {
this->errorCode = "hwapi::prn_printDocument";
this->errorDescription = "hwapi method 'hwapi::prn_printDocument' result is false";
// TODO: wird hier nur 'licensePlate' gedruckt?
if (!this->hw->prn_sendDynamicPrnValues(dynTicketData->licensePlate)) {
this->errorCode = "hwapi::prn_sendDynamicPrnValues";
this->errorDescription = "hwapi method 'hwapi::prn_sendDynamicPrnValues' result is false";
qCritical() << "ERROR:";
qCritical() << "ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::requestPrintTicket( " << endl
@ -85,10 +97,30 @@ void ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::requestPrintTicket(const QHash<QString, QVariant
emit this->onPrintFinishedERR();
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(onPrinterDataPrepared()));
void ATBDeviceControllerPlugin::onPrinterDataPrepared()
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
qCritical() << " ... print template " << i;
if (!this->hw->prn_printTemplate(i)) {
this->errorCode = "hwapi::prn_printTemplate";
this->errorDescription = QString("hwapi method 'hwapi::prn_printTemplate(%1)' result is false").arg(i);
emit this->onPrintFinishedERR();
* private slots, interface to low level hwapi
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ private:
private slots:
void onPrinterDataPrepared();
void onPrintFinishedOK();
void onPrintFinishedERR();
void onGotCoin();
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ static uint16_t datif_OutCmdpara5;
static uint32_t datif_OutCmdpara6;
static uint8_t cycl_running;
//static bool datif_DCdataValid;
T_datif::T_datif(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
@ -46,6 +48,8 @@ T_datif::T_datif(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
void T_datif::resetChain(void)
@ -1478,6 +1482,10 @@ char T_datif::loadRecDataFromFrame()
if (RdDleng>40)
//datif_DCdataValid=1; // das hier sind die wichtigsten Daten, deshalb hierrein!
gpi_storeDynMachineConditions(RdDleng, receivedData);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "hwChk.h"
hwChk::hwChk(QWidget *parent) : QObject(parent)
// myDCIF = new T_prot();
// h: T_prot *myDCIF;
//myDatif = new T_datif();
HWaccess = new hwinf();
struct T_moduleCondition dcModCond;
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include "shared_mem_buffer.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSharedMemory>
#include "interfaces.h"
static uint32_t hwapi_lastStartAmount;
@ -1637,20 +1636,6 @@ uint8_t hwapi::coin_escrowFlapOpened(void) const
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Level4 devices are operated by DC
// processes with more then one devices
// timer controlled or long term processes
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void hwapi::sendDeviceSettings(uint8_t kindOfPrinter, uint8_t kindOfCoinChecker,
uint8_t kindOfMifareReader, uint8_t suppressSleep,
uint8_t kindOfModem, uint8_t kindOfCredit) const
@ -3702,6 +3687,20 @@ uint64_t hwapi::sys_getWakeSource(void) const
return epi_getWakeSources();
uint8_t hwapi::sys_getWakeReason(void) const
// Master was woken by following reason:
// 1: MDB Event
// 2: Coin Event
// ( 3: Master Event) - will not set the wake line
// ( 4: 32s pulse) - will not set the wake line
// 5: Door Event
// ( 6: Diag Event) - will not set the wake line
// 7: 30min-Pulse for HB
return epi_getWakeReason();
void hwapi::sys_getDeviceConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const
@ -3837,3 +3836,209 @@ uint8_t hwapi::prn_getCurrentPrinterState() const
// 21.4.23TS: change function "sendDeviceSettings()" to use this struct: "struct T_devices"
void hwapi::sys_sendDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const
// same as "sendDeviceSettings()" but with much more data
uint8_t buf[64];
uint16_t LL, nn;
uint8_t *start;
// den gesamten struct in einen Puffer kopieren
LL=sizeof(struct T_devices);
start = &deviceSettings->kindOfPrinter;
buf[nn] = *start;
} while(++nn<LL);
epi_store64BdevParameter(LL,buf); // this buffer holds the device settings to be used here in hwapi
epi_store64ByteSendData(LL, buf); // this buffer holds sending data temporarely
void hwapi::sys_restoreDeviceParameter(struct T_devices *deviceSettings) const
uint8_t buf[64];
uint8_t LL, nn;
uint8_t *start;
epi_restore64BdevParameter(&LL, buf);
// Puffer in struct eintragen:
start = &deviceSettings->kindOfPrinter;
*start = buf[nn];
} while(++nn<LL);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------ supervise all hardware components
// ------------ assess the machine state
1. check if DC startup test is through, retrigger if not
2. get results and find errors
3. in case of error check if component is used (e.g. billreader is seldom used)
4: check doors
5. return value: 0: no response from DC
1: no Test results and Test not running. need retrigger!
2: state not clear by now, test ongoing, wait
3: Service or battery door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card goto SERVICE MODE
4: vault door is open, goto INTRUSION MODE
from here: after valid ID-card and vault door closed goto TEST MODE
in TEST MODE: complete system check decides if vending mode allowed
5: All doors are closed but errors found,
goto OOO MODE (out-of-order)
from here: run system test until problem is fixed
6: All doors are closed, no error, maybe warnings,
goto VENDING MODE (normal operation)
(priority sinks from 0 to 6)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
uint8_t hwapi::sys_componentAssessment(void) const
// this function decides if vending mode is possible, independant from door
// return >0 in case of error
// is inncluded in sys_superviseSystem
struct T_moduleCondition *modCond=0;
struct T_dynamicCondition *dynMaCond=0;
struct T_devices *devPara=0;
if (modCond->rtc>=200)
return 1;
if (modCond->printer==200 || modCond->printer==201) // 200: not connected 201: printer-HW-error 202: no paper
return 2;
if (modCond->printer==202)
return 3;
if (modCond->coinBlocker>=200)
return 4;
if (modCond->mdbBus>=200)
return 5;
if (modCond->intEe>=200)
return 6;
if (devPara->kindOfCoinChecker==1 || devPara->kindOfCoinChecker==2) // 0: without 1=EMP820 2=EMP900 3=currenza c² (MW)
if (modCond->coinChecker>=200 || modCond->coinEscrow>=200)
// Fehler Münzver.
return 7;
if (modCond->coinSafe>200) // 200: kasse fehlt 201: voll 100:fast voll 1:ok
return 8;
} else
if (devPara->kindOfCoinChecker==3)
if (modCond->changer>=200)
// Fehler Münzver.
return 7;
if (modCond->coinSafe>200) // 200: kasse fehlt 201: voll 100:fast voll 1:ok
return 8;
if ( modCond->billReader>=200 && devPara->BillAcceptor>0)
// Fehler BNA
return 9;
if (dynMaCond->onAlarm>0)
return 10;
if (dynMaCond->modeAbrech>0)
return 11;
if (dynMaCond->nowCardTest>0)
return 12;
if (dynMaCond->startupTestIsRunning>0)
return 13;
if (modCond->voltage>=200)
return 14;
if (modCond->temper>=200)
return 15;
return 0;
// retrigger System-Check with:
// bool hwapi::sys_runCompleteTest(void) const
uint8_t hwapi::sys_superviseSystem(void) const
// this function proofs if vending is possible depending of doors state
struct T_dynamicCondition *dynMaCond=0;
struct T_moduleCondition *modCond=0;
if (!gpi_areDcDataValid())
// es gibt keinerlei gültige Daten vom DC
return 0;
// jetzt sind die DC-Daten aktuell, also reinholen:
if (!modCond->allModulesChecked)
// noch keine Testergebnisse
if (dynMaCond->startupTestIsRunning)
return 2; // Starttest läuft gerade
return 1; // Starttest ist noch nicht gelaufen
// all doors: 99: undefined 0:closed 1:open
if (dynMaCond->lowerDoor || dynMaCond->upperDoor)
return 3;
if (dynMaCond->middleDoor)
return 4;
if (sys_componentAssessment() >0)
return 5; // errors found
return 6; // everything fine
uint8_t hwapi::sys_getSystemErrors(void) const
return sys_componentAssessment();
@ -671,3 +671,34 @@ uint8_t check4freeFDlongCmd(void)
static uint8_t Sdata_DeviceParameter[64];
static uint8_t Sdata_DevParaLen;
uint8_t epi_store64BdevParameter(uint8_t length, uint8_t *buf)
// HWapi writes data to be stored
uint8_t nn;
for (nn=0; nn<length; nn++)
for (nn=length; nn<64; nn++)
return 0;
uint8_t epi_restore64BdevParameter(uint8_t *length, uint8_t *buf)
for (uint8_t nn=0; nn<Sdata_DevParaLen; nn++)
return 0;
@ -1172,17 +1172,26 @@ bool epi_CurrentPaymentGetAllCoins(uint16_t *types, uint16_t *values) {
void gpi_storeWakeSources(uint8_t const *receivedData) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc = 0;
for (int nn=7; nn>=0; nn--) {
for (int nn=5; nn>=0; nn--) {
uint8_t const uctmp = receivedData[nn];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc |= uctmp;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc <<= 8;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeReason = receivedData[6];
uint64_t epi_getWakeSources(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.wakeSrc;
uint8_t epi_getWakeReason(void)
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.wakeReason;
void gpi_storeExtendedTime(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
leng = std::min(leng, (uint8_t)(64));
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.rbDevParamLen = leng;
@ -1303,3 +1312,25 @@ uint32_t epi_getCashBoxContent(void) {
uint16_t epi_getNrOfCoinsInCashBox(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.nrOfCoins;
void gpi_storeDcDataValid(bool isVal)
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.dcDataValid = isVal;
bool gpi_areDcDataValid()
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.dcDataValid;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user