#ifndef TSLIB_H #define TSLIB_H #include #include "stdint.h" #define LOWBYTE false #define HIGHBYTE true uint16_t uchar2uint(char Highbyte, char Lowbyte); uint16_t uchar2uint(uint8_t Highbyte, uint8_t Lowbyte); uint32_t uchar2ulong(uint8_t Highbyte, uint8_t MHbyte, uint8_t MLbyte, uint8_t Lowbyte); uint8_t uint2uchar(uint16_t uival, bool getHighB); uint8_t ulong2uchar(uint32_t ulval, uint8_t getBytNr); // getBytNr: 0=LSB 3=MSB void delay(uint16_t MilliSec); #define MITSEK 1 #define OHNESEK 0 #define HourSys12h 1 #define HourSys24h 0 void GetTimeString(uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds, uint8_t System12h, uint8_t ShowSec, uint8_t *buf); // generate time as ascii string from integers hours/minutes/seconds // System12h=0: 24h system =1: 12h System // ShowSec=0: String has 5 digits (hh:mm) =1: String has 8 digits (hh:mm:ss) // return String in *buf // 12 byte für buf! #define DateFormatDeutsch 0 #define DateFormatAmerica 1 #define UsePointSeperator 0 #define UseSlashSeperator 1 void GetDateString(uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint8_t yearhigh, uint8_t yearlow, uint8_t format, uint8_t sep, uint8_t *buf); // generate date as ascii string from integers day/month/year // yearhigh in europe always 20 (not in arabia) // format= 0: dd.mm.yyyy (deutsch) // 1: mm.dd.yyyy (amerika) // 2: yyyy.mm.dd (Iran, Dubai) // 3: dd.yyyy.mm // 4: mm.yyyy.dd // 5: yyyy.dd.mm // sep: 0: use . as seperator 1: use / as seperator // return String in *buf // 11 byte für buf! void GetShortDateString(uint8_t day, uint8_t month, uint8_t yearlow, uint8_t format, uint8_t sep, uint8_t *buf); // generate date as ascii string from integers day/month/year // format= 0: dd.mm.yy (deutsch) // 1: mm.dd.yy (amerika) // 2: yy.mm.dd (Iran, Dubai) // 3: dd.yy.mm // 4: mm.yy.dd // 5: yy.dd.mm // sep: 0: use . as seperator 1: use / as seperator // return String in *buf // 11byte für buf! uint16_t tslib_strlen(char *buf); uint16_t tslib_strlen(uint8_t *buf); void tslib_strclr(char *buf, char clrsign, uint16_t len); void tslib_strclr(uint8_t *buf, char clrsign, uint16_t len); void tslib_strcpy(char *srcbuf, char *destbuf, uint16_t len); void tslib_strcpy(char *srcbuf, uint8_t *destbuf, uint16_t len); void tslib_strcpy(uint8_t *srcbuf, uint8_t *destbuf, uint16_t len); uint16_t tslib_calcCrcCcitt(uint16_t BufLength, uint8_t *buf); bool tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(char sign); bool tslib_isHexAsciiNumber(char sign); int tslib_getMinimum(int val1, int val2); void tslib_text2array(QByteArray text, char *aray, uint16_t maxArayLen); // usage: tslib_text2array("my text", ctmp, 50); void biox_CopyBlock(uint8_t *src, uint16_t srcPos, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t destPos, uint16_t len); // both buffers starting from pos 0 bool tslib_strComp(uint8_t *buf, char *compStr); uint16_t tslib_StrLen(char *str); void tslib_itoa(int n, char *str); // -23456 -> str[0]='-' str[1]='2' ...[5]='6' str[6]=0 // 5 -> str[0]='5' str[1..6]=0 void tslib_uitoa(unsigned int n, char *str); void tslib_ltoa(long n, char *str); // -2147483647 -> str[0]='-' str[1]='2' ...[10]='6' str[11]=0 void tslib_ultoa( long n, char *str); // 0... ->4294967296 str[0]='4' str[1]='2' ...[9]='6' str[10]=0 str[11]=0 void tslib_uitobin( int decval, char *str); long tslib_atol( char *AscString); // change ascii string ( of ascii numbers '0'..'9') to number // AscString must be 0-terminated! // a leading '-' is ignored, a'.' or a ',' stops calculation #endif // TSLIB_H // qDebug << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs) << QByteArray((const char*)dataSendBuf,dataBufLen).toHex(':');