Gerhard Hoffmann
c1b9452 Added/merged from sources of Thomas (version CashAgentLib 3.3, 12.04.2023) git-subtree-dir: DCPlugin git-subtree-split: c1b945225bbdc9f254fff82ed69cf0194b7bc40b
1574 lines
63 KiB
1574 lines
63 KiB
#include <QtPlugin>
struct T_emp
// Fixdata from EMP:
uint8_t shaft; // = changer level
uint16_t countryCode;
uint8_t scale;
uint8_t decimals;
uint8_t coinValues[16];
uint16_t routing;
// Master specs:
uint8_t gotSetup; // 1: got specifications from master 0: no specs
uint16_t coinAccept; // bit 0 = coin1 bit H=accept
uint8_t tokenChannel;
uint16_t denomination[16];
// dynamic:
uint8_t state; // step counter of EMP (electronic coin checker) FSM (finite state machine):
// 0=Emp & Bus power off, 1=powered, poll off 2=polling on
// 3=device responded, requesting status
// 4=waiting for status 5=have status,
// 6: IDLE, have paramters from master, polling running, ready for payment
// Master can stop/start polling and acceptance
// 7: end of transaction, polling on, accept off, reporting coins, (wait for last coin)
// 8: transaction running, polling on, acceptance on, reporting coins,
uint8_t pollingRunning;
uint8_t paymentRunning;
struct Trtc_DateTime
uint8_t rtc_hour;
uint8_t rtc_min;
uint8_t rtc_sec;
uint8_t rtc_dayOfMonth;
uint8_t rtc_month;
uint8_t rtc_year;
uint8_t rtc_dayOfWeek;
struct Tprn_hw_state
// hardware (IO's)
bool powerRdBk; // prn pwr is on
bool rsSwOk; // serial switch (printer or modem) is set to printer
bool rsDrvOk; // RS232 converter for PTU, Printer and Modem in on
bool ReadyLine; // HW signal from printer showing ready
bool inIdle; // powered and free from errors
bool paperNearEnd; // paper roll runs out
bool noPaper;
bool ErrorTemp;
bool HeadOpen;
bool cutterJam;
bool noResponse; // printer is not connected, cable broken, wrong baudrate
bool badResponse;
struct Tprn_currentSettings
uint8_t currFont;
uint8_t currSize;
uint8_t currHeigth;
uint8_t currWidth;
bool nowBold;
bool nowInvers;
bool nowUnderlined;
uint8_t currDensity;
uint8_t currSpeed;
bool nowAligned;
struct T_dynDat
uint8_t licensePlate[8];
uint8_t vendingPrice[8];
uint8_t parkingEnd[8];
uint8_t currentTime[8];
uint8_t currentDate[8];
uint8_t dynDat5[8];
uint8_t dynDat6[8];
uint8_t dynDat7[8];
struct T_vaultRecord
// Kassenbeleg (Abrechnungsdatensatz = Kassenwechsel-Datensatz)
char startbuffer[4]; // Psa> // never move or change this 1st entry
uint16_t AccountingNumber;
uint16_t CUNU;
uint16_t MANU;
uint16_t resint1;
//uint16_t resint2;
char label1buffer[4]; // tim>
uint8_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t dom;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t DoW;
uint8_t reschar3;
char label2buffer[4]; // abs>
uint32_t AbsIncome1;
uint32_t AbsReserve;
uint32_t AbsNrOfCuts;
char label3buffer[4]; // mw >
// Verkauf, T<>r zu:
uint32_t VKcoinsInserted[16]; // nur f<>r Wechsler, soviel wurde eingeworfen
uint32_t VKcoinsReturned[6]; // nur f<>r Wechsler, Anzahl M<>nzen pro Typ, soviel wurde zur<75>ckgegeben
// Service, T<>r offen:
uint16_t ServCoinsInserted[16]; // nur f<>r Wechsler, soviel wurde eingeworfen
uint16_t ServCoinsReturned[6]; // nur f<>r Wechsler, Anzahl M<>nzen pro Typ, soviel wurde zur<75>ckgegeben
uint16_t resint3;
uint16_t resint4;
uint16_t currentTubeContent[6]; // nur f<>r Wechsler, aktueller F<>llstand
uint16_t resint5;
uint16_t resint6;
// 56
char label4buffer[4]; // box>
uint16_t coinsInVault[16];
uint16_t billsInStacker[8];
// 48
char label5buffer[4]; // val>
// actually constant unless exchange rate is changed
uint16_t coinDenomination[16]; // 5..50000 (z.B. 2? sind in Ungarn 760Ft)
uint16_t billDenom[8];
uint16_t tubeDenom[6];
uint16_t exchangeRate;
uint16_t resint9;
// 64
char endofblock[4]; // end>
// 316 byte Block im Speicher
struct T_moduleCondition
// store conditon of all system components, hold in RAM
// 0 means unknown, not yet tested/used
// 1 means OK
// 50..99 = HINT / Notification
// 100..150 = WARNING
// 200..250 = ERROR
uint8_t structStart; // always first!!!
uint8_t ram; // v
uint8_t intEe; // v
uint8_t extEe; // v
uint8_t rtc; // 1: time/date OK 100: time not plausible 200: hardware error
uint8_t boardHw; // v
uint8_t printer; // v
uint8_t modem; // v
uint8_t signal; // 1...99
uint8_t regist; // 100:not 1:reg 2:ping OK 3:gotTime
uint8_t mdbBus;
uint8_t coinChecker; // EMP, OMP or mei-cashflow
uint8_t coinEscrow; // v
uint8_t mifareReader; // v
uint8_t creditTerm; // not available
uint8_t coinReject; // v
uint8_t coinSafe; // v
uint8_t billSafe; // v
uint8_t voltage; // v // 1:11..14V
uint8_t temper; // v
uint8_t poweronTest;
uint8_t doorState; // 1: alles zu 200: t?r offen + bit1(S) +bit2(CB) + bit3(CB)
uint8_t doorWasOpened; // 1: all doors are closed 200: any door was just opened
uint8_t changer; // can only be tested by usage
uint8_t coinBlocker; // can only be tested by usage
uint8_t billReader; // can only be tested by usage
uint8_t ResetReason;
uint8_t allModulesChecked;
uint8_t alarmState;
uint8_t res11;
uint8_t res12;
uint8_t res13;
struct T_dynamicCondition
// dynamic conditions, change rapidly and frequently
// these are values for the Heartbeat
// T?rschalter entprellt:
char upperDoor; // 0:fehlt 1:drin
char middleDoor;
char lowerDoor;
char coinBox;
char billBox;
char modeAbrech;
char onAlarm;
char nowCardTest;
char nowPayment;
char lastMifCardType;
char openedAuthorized;
char allDoorsDebounced;
uint8_t lastSDoorState;
uint8_t lastVDoorState;
uint8_t CBinDebounced;
uint8_t lastCBstate;
char paymentInProgress;
char res1;
char res2;
char res3;
uint16_t U_Batt;
uint16_t Temperatur;
uint16_t cash_storedaccNumbers[8]; // List all stored accounting numbers in ext. eeprom
uint16_t nrCoinsInBox;
uint16_t resui1;
uint32_t amountInBox;
uint32_t amountJustPaid;
uint16_t lastInsCoinType; // wahrscheinlich uchar
uint16_t resui2;
uint32_t totalTransVolume;
uint32_t totalNrOfVends;
class hwinf
enum class DownloadResult {OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, NOP};
virtual ~hwinf() {}
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Use serial interface and protocol stack in Cashagent-Library
// Sending Output data to DeviceController DC2b
// Sending input requests to DC2 (single or auto-batch)
// Getting input data as receiver payload
// Furthermore the Cashagent-Library answers with status strings about sending and reading result
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual bool dc_openSerial(int BaudNr, QString BaudStr, QString ComName, uint8_t connect) const = 0;
// Command: open serial interface
// BaudNr: 0:1200 1:9600 2:19200 3:38400 4:57600 5:115200
// BaudStr: for exapmle "19200"
// ComName: for example "COM48"
// connect: 0, 1
virtual bool dc_closeSerial(void) const = 0;
// Command: close serial interface in order to save power while power down
// or if another port must be used
virtual bool dc_isPortOpen(void) const =0;
// returns true if port open (don't send unless open. Sending to closed port will crash program)
virtual uint8_t test_serialState(void) const =0;
// test on-board signals for the serials
// serial drv on/off, Serial mux1, Serial mux2
virtual bool test_serialIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool dc_updateDC(QString binFileName,
QString baudrate,
QString comPort) const = 0;
// download binary file down into device controller
virtual void dc_autoRequest(bool on) const =0;
// on = true: select that all READ-Requests are sent automatically
// on = false: select that all READ-Requests are sent manually one by one
// Every input information from DC2 must be requested
// ( digital and analog sensors, get time/date, get status information )
virtual uint8_t dc_isRequestDone(void) const =0;
// retval: 0: request is still in progress
// 1: answer from DC2 was OK
// 2: wrong answer from DC2
virtual uint16_t dc_getCompletePayLoad(uint16_t plBufSiz, uint8_t *payLoad) const =0;
// get data back in "payLoad", max 64 byte, can be used for diagnosis
// retval = nr of bytes received. If host buffer too small then
// only plBufSiz bytes are copied to "payLoad"
// plBufSiz<69>z=size of host buffer
virtual void dc_requTestResponse() const =0;
// tell DC2 to send a test-string, useful to see if cable and baudrate is OK
virtual bool dc_readAnswTestResponse() const =0;
// retval: true: test was successful, got right response
virtual uint8_t getRawRecLength(void) const =0;
// only needed if protocol stack in Cashagent-Library is bypassed
virtual uint8_t getRawReceivedData(uint8_t *receivedData) const =0;
// only needed if protocol stack in Cashagent-Library is bypassed
virtual QString dc_getSerialState(void) const =0;
// get result of opening-command like "ttyS0 opened with 115200 8N1!
// or error messages like "comport not available..."
// was saved by last opening event, can be passed for 100ms
virtual void dc_clrSerialStateText(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getTxt4HsStateLine(void) const =0;
// return string with status of handshakes
virtual void dc_clrTxt4HsStateLine(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getTxt4masterStateLine(void) const =0;
// returns string telling if the received packet is valid and complies protocol
// if OK: "slave response OK" in case of error: "wrong length received", "wrong start sign received",
// "received datalen to big", "wrong data len received", "wrong crc received"
virtual void dc_clrTxt4masterStateLine(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getTxt4resultStateLine(void) const =0;
// returns string telling response of DC. First question: did DC get a correct request telegram?
// and if: 2nd question did DC perform the contained output and input commands
// if OK: "Slave OUT and IN Result: 0 0"
// in case of error: "slave got wrong start sign" ..length" ...crc" ... address"
// slave does not perform and command!
// 2nd) received telegram was OK, DC tried to perform the master commands. result
// result of writing data (e.g switching leds and motors, sending stuff to printer...)
// OUT = 0: OK 1: unknown command 2: operation not possible
// result of reading data (e.g. switches, voltages, accepted coins, printer status....)
// IN = 0: OK 1: unknown command 2: could not read due to hardware error 3: could not read because device is off
virtual void dc_clrTxt4resultStateLine(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getdataStateLine(void) const =0;
// check if recveied input data are ok/valid
// OK-string : "valid INdata...." with protocol details
// not OK: string empty
virtual void dc_clrTxt4dataStateLine(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getdatifLine(void) const =0;
// returns string with result of function dc_requTestResponse()
// "correct" or "false"
virtual void dc_clrTxt4datifLine(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_getTxt4RsDiagWin(void) const =0;
// returns string to be displayed in "serial traffic" window
// details about sent and received protocol
virtual void dc_clrTxt4RsDiagWin(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
virtual QString dc_get2ndTxt4RsDiagWin(void) const =0;
// returns string to be displayed in "serial traffic" window
// details about sent and received protocol
virtual void dc_clr2ndTxt4RsDiagWin(void) const =0;
// clear above text to avoid multiple repetive displaying
// 28 functions
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// DC2b internal data
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual QString dc_getSerialParams(void) const =0;
// get DC2 serial settings (not very meaningful as they will not come if different from master settings)
virtual QString dc_getHWversion(void) const =0;
// get DC2 hardware version
virtual QString dc_getSWversion(void) const =0;
// get DC2 software version
virtual QString dc_getState(void) const =0;
// get DC2 status (every OK or any error/warning? )
// UID - unique number, different in every DC
virtual void dc_getUID8byte(uint8_t *buf8byteUid) const =0;
// get 8 single bytes in buffer
virtual QString dc_getUIDstr() const =0;
// get as string
virtual uint64_t dc_getUIDnumber(void) const =0;
// get UID as one long number
// Analog values:
virtual uint32_t dc_getTemperature(void) const =0;
// in Sax-Format 0...400 (0=-50,0<>C 100=0,0<>C 141=20,5<>C 400=150,0<>C)
virtual QString dc_getTemperaturStr(void) const =0;
// as string like "-12,5<>C"
virtual uint32_t dc_getVoltage(void) const =0;
// as value in mV, 0...65,535V
virtual QString dc_getVoltagStr(void) const =0;
// as string in mV
virtual bool dc_mainFuseIsOk(void) const=0;
// true if 12V fuse is OK
// false: fuse blown, DC will continue working but no 12V device can be used!
virtual void dc_setWakeFrequency(uint8_t period) const =0;
// RTC wakes DC2 (and PTU) by hardware signal every 32seconds
// change wake signal period to 1...64s
virtual void dc_OrderToReset(void) const =0;
// want DC2 to reset (in order to start Bootloader)
// all read-requests can be sent manually by the following functions
// or automatically in background by: void hwapi::dc_autoRequest(bool on)
// in other words:
// if automatic-reading is on, then there's no need to send any of these commands,
// but it's allowed to send them in order to speed up the refreshing of the inputs
virtual void request_DC2serialConfig() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_HWversion() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_SWversion() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_condition() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_UID() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_analogues() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_digitalInputs() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
virtual void request_DC2_digitalOutputs() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
// 22
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// using DC2 Bootloader
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void bl_sendDataDirectly(uint8_t length, uint8_t *buf) const =0;
// send without protocol frame, needed for the DC bootloader
virtual void bl_iniChain(void) const =0;
virtual bool bl_importBinFile(QByteArray readBinFile, uint32_t fileSize, char withDispl) const =0;
virtual uint8_t bl_activatBootloader(uint8_t *sendData) const =0;
virtual uint8_t bl_startChain(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t bl_readBLversion(uint8_t *sendData) const =0;
// minimum size of sendData-buffer: 5byte retval: length
virtual uint8_t bl_readFWversion(uint8_t *sendData) const =0;
// minimum size of sendData-buffer: 5byte retval: length
virtual uint8_t bl_prepareDC_BLcmd(uint8_t Cmd, uint8_t SendDataLength, uint8_t *sendData, uint8_t *outBuf) const =0;
// make BL protocol, retval = outbuf length (5...133)
// bring data in correct form: start always with 0x02 finish with 0x03 and append checksum
// 0x02 Cmd < ...sendData ..> CRC CRC 0x03
// Data length = 0...64
// special conversion: if data contain 2 or 3 (STX, ETX) then write two bytes: 0x1B (=ESC) and data|0x80
// so maxlength = 5 + 2 x 64 (if all data are 2 or 3) without 2,3: maxlength = 5 + 64
virtual uint8_t bl_exitBL(uint8_t *sendData) const =0;
// minimum size of sendData-buffer: 5byte retval: length
// 9
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// get Time and Date from DC2b (contains a buffered real time clock) valid for about three days without power
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual uint8_t rtc_getDateTime(struct Trtc_DateTime *rtc_DateTime) const =0;
virtual uint8_t rtc_setDateTime(void) const =0;
// synch DC2 with PC or PTU system time and date
virtual void rtc_getTime(uint8_t *hh, uint8_t *mm, uint8_t *ss) const =0;
// get time directly
virtual void rtc_getDate(uint8_t *yy, uint8_t *mm, uint8_t *dd) const =0;
// get date directly
virtual uint8_t rtc_getToday(uint8_t *dow, uint16_t *minOfToday, uint32_t *secOfToday) const =0;
// dow=day of week, 1=monday...7
// minOfToday: 0=midnight...1439= 23:59
// secOfToday: 0=midnight...86399= 23:59:59
virtual bool rtc_isLeapYear(uint8_t *lastLeapYear, uint8_t *NextLeapYear) const =0;
// retval true: this year is leap year
virtual bool rtc_isLeapYear() const =0;
virtual void rtc_getWeek(uint8_t *DayOfWeek, uint8_t *HoursOfWeek, uint16_t *MinutesOfWeek) const =0;
// DayOfWeek: 1=monday...7
// HoursOfWeek: 0=Monday 0:00 o'clock...167=Sunday 23:00
// MinutesOfWeek: 0=Monday 0:00 o'clock...10079=Sunday 23:59
virtual void rtc_getMonth(uint8_t *DayOfMonth, uint16_t *HoursOfMonth, uint16_t *MinutesOfMonth) const =0;
// DayOfMonth: 1...31
// HoursOfMonth: 0 = 0:00o'clock of in month up to 743
// MinutesOfMonth:0 = 0:00o'clock of in month up to 44639
virtual void rtc_getYear(uint16_t *DayOfYear, uint16_t *HoursOfYear, uint32_t *MinutesOfYear) const =0;
// DayOfYear: 1...366 1= 1.Jan of this current year
// HoursOfYear: 0=1.Jan 0:00o'clock ...8783=31.12 23 o'clock
// MinutesOfYear: 0=1.Jan 0:00o'clock ...527039=31.12 23:59 o'clock
virtual QString rtc_getTimStr(void) const =0;
virtual QString rtc_getDatStr(void) const =0;
virtual QString rtc_getTimDatStr(void) const =0;
virtual void request_DC2_TimeAndDate() const =0;
// read-request can be sent manually by this function, not needed if auto-request is on
// 14
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// PTU, Master
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void ptu_switchWake(bool WAKEACTIVE) const =0;
virtual bool ptu_WakeINisActive(void) const =0;
virtual bool ptu_WakeOutIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void sendDeviceSettings(uint8_t kindOfPrinter, uint8_t kindOfCoinChecker,
uint8_t kindOfMifareReader, uint8_t suppressSleep,
uint8_t kindOfModem, uint8_t kindOfCredit ) const =0;
// enable hardware in device controller:
// kindOfPrinter: 0:off 1: GPT4672 (only this one implemented)
// kindOfCoinChecker: 0:off 1:EMP820 2:EMP900 3: C<>_changer
// kindOfMifareReader: 0:off 1: SL025 (only this one implemented)
// suppressSleep: 0:sleep allowed 1: sleep surpressed for special reason
// kindOfModem: 0:off 1: ATB_Sunlink_LTE (not yet implemented)
// kindOfCredit: 0:off 1: cVendTopp 2:cVendPin (not yet implemented)
virtual void request_ReadbackDeviceSettings() const =0;
virtual void readback_DeviceSettings(uint8_t *length, uint8_t *data) const =0;
buf66[16]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETLOWBYT);
buf66[17]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETHIGHBYT);
buf66[18]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETLOWBYT);
buf66[19]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETHIGHBYT);
virtual void sendMachineID(uint16_t customerNr, uint16_t machineNr,
uint16_t borough, uint16_t zone,
uint16_t alias, char *location) const =0;
virtual void request_ReadbackMachineID() const =0;
virtual void readback_machineIDdata(uint8_t *length, uint8_t *data) const =0;
// state 5.5.21: byte[0,1]=customer number byte[2,3]=machine number
// byte[4,5]=borough byte[6,7]=zone byte[8,9]=alias name
// byte[10...41]=location
// 12.4.23TS still the same
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Printer
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void prn_switchPower(bool on) const =0;
virtual bool prn_isPrinterPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t prn_PrnFuseIsOk(void) const=0;
//retval: 0: fuse blown 1: fuse OK 2:unknown as printer power is off
virtual bool prn_readyINisActive(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t cash_getLowPaperSensor(void) const=0;
// 0: Sensor sees paper 1: no paper 99: off
// the following device state requests are deployed only if device is powered up:
virtual void request_PrinterHwState() const =0;
virtual void request_PrinterCurrentFonts() const =0;
virtual void request_PrinterStateComplete() const =0;
virtual bool test_serialMux1isSetToPrinter(void) const =0;
// read printer condition and settings
virtual uint8_t prn_getHwState(struct Tprn_hw_state *prn_hw_state) const =0;
// retval: status byte
// byte 0 = 0: prnter OK, >0: error
// bit0: paper low 1: no paper 2: temperature error
// 3: head open 4: paper jam in cutter
// 6: no response 7: bad response from printer
// and return struct "Tprn_hw_state"
virtual bool prn_isUpAndReady(void) const =0;
// true: printer is powered, serial is ok, no error, printer is connected and resonding
virtual void prn_getCurrentFontSetting(struct Tprn_currentSettings *prn_fonts) const =0;
// send Commands to printer:
virtual void prn_sendText(QByteArray *buf) const =0;
// up to 1280 bytes
virtual void prn_sendPrnSysCmd(uint8_t para1, uint8_t para2, uint32_t para3) const =0;
// send three byte through to printer, see printers manual
virtual void prn_sendPrnEscCmd(uint8_t para1, uint8_t para2, uint8_t para3, uint8_t para4) const =0;
// send four byte through to printer, see printers manual
virtual void prn_sendPrnSetup(uint16_t paperSpeed, uint8_t density, uint8_t alignment, uint8_t orientation) const =0;
// send 5 byte: byte 0,1: speed 5...250 mm/s
// byte2: density 0....(25)....50
// byte3: alignment 'l', 'c', 'r' = left, center, right
// byte4: orientation 0, 90, 180 = 0°, 90°, 180° rotation (by now not supported!)
// not batched! don't use twice within 100ms
virtual void prn_movePaper(uint8_t wayInMm, uint8_t direction) const =0;
//direction: 1=forward 2=backward
virtual void prn_setFonts(uint8_t font, uint8_t size, uint8_t width, uint8_t height) const =0;
// font = kind of font 5...11 (0..22)
// size = 6...20, 9..9: too tiny 10: small ...12 = normal size ...20=huge
// width: 0...4 0=1x 1=2x 2=4x (huge!) 3=8x 4=16x (3,4 make no sense)
// heigth: 0...7 = 1x...8x only 0,1,2,(3) make sense
virtual void prn_setLetters(uint8_t bold, uint8_t invers, uint8_t underlined) const =0;
// bold: 0/1
// invers: 0/1
// underlined: 0/1
virtual void prn_cut(uint8_t kindof) const =0;
// kindof: 1=full cut 2=partial cut 3=eject (5xLF + full cut)
virtual void prn_newLine(uint8_t nrOfLines) const =0;
virtual void prn_printCompleteFontTable(void) const =0;
virtual void prn_printBarcode(uint8_t kindOf, uint8_t withText, uint8_t offset, uint8_t rotation, uint8_t dataLeng, uint8_t *data) const =0;
// kind of barcode: 0=Code39 1=Code128 2=EAN13 3= 2/5interleaved 4=UPC-A 5=EAN8
// withText: print readable text below
// offset: move by pixel from left border
// rotation
// dataLeng in byte
virtual void prn_sendQRdata(QByteArray *buf) const =0;
// maximal 150 alphanummeric bytes
virtual void prn_printQRcode(void) const =0;
// QRcode may have 1...150 alphanummeric data, must be transfered in advance
virtual void prn_printLogo(uint8_t nrOfLogo, uint8_t offset ) const =0;
// nrOfLogo: 1..4 in flash 5...8 in Ram
// offset: in mm form left border
// .........................................................
// Parking Ticket (print-out document) designer TD
// .........................................................
// Predefine document Layout (e.g. parking ticket) in advance and stroe it for quick and easy use
// in opposite to the above "single" commands you need only one or a few commands at vending time.
// Stored text is just send to printer once the printing command is issued
// stored commands within the text are interpreted and executed right at the place (in ticket) they are
// example: start bold, <text in bold>, stop bold
// Predefinition of up to 16 ticket Layouts is possible, 0...1280 byte each
// Number 0..15, al keept non-volatile
// up to 8 dynamic values can be defined in the template ("print val3 here") and will be sent with printing command
// example: print current time at this point (the time of printing not the storage time!!)
virtual void pri_startTicketDesign(void) const =0;
// start for every new printer document, reseting collecting buffer
// all further functions write/append text, numbers and command to the ticket-buffer, up to 1278 bytes allowed
// return val of the appending functions: true=ok false=too long, buffer full
virtual int pri_TD_getCurrentSize(void) const =0;
// retval: 0...1278
virtual bool pri_TD_addText(QByteArray text) const =0;
// example: pri_TD_addText("Hello") const =0;
// example: pri_TD_addText(tempStr) const =0;
// retval: true=ok false=too long, buffer full
virtual bool pri_TD_addValue(int val) const =0;
// +/- 0...2^(31)
virtual bool pri_TD_addNewLine(void) const =0;
virtual bool pri_TD_addSign(char sign) const =0;
// example: '.' ' ' 0x20 'W' '$'
virtual bool pri_TD_addCommand(char group, char attribute, char p1, char p2, char p3, char p4, char p5) const =0;
// always add 8 byte to the ticket layout: ESC & group & attribute & parameter1...5
/* complete list of possible commands:
group 50 : paper
attribute 10 : move forward
p1: wayInMm p2: direction
attribute 11 : cut
p1: kind of, 1=full 2=partial, 3=eject
attribute 12 : new line(s)
p1: nr of lines 1...100
group 51 : fonts
attribute 10 : kind of font see description above
p1: 0...8
attribute 11 : font size
p1: 6...20
attribute 12 : font width
p1: 0...4
attribute 13 : font heigth
p1: 0...7
attribute 14 : switch bold print on/off
p1: 0=off 1=on
attribute 15 : switch invers print on/off
p1: 0=off 1=on
attribute 16 : switch underlined print on/off
p1: 0=off 1=on
group 52 : print graphics
attribute 10 : print barcode with dynamic data 6 and 7
p1...p5 = kindOf, withText, offset, rotation, dataLeng, see description above
attribute 11 : print QRcode with preset data
attribute 12 : print Logo
p1=nrOfLogo, p2=offset
group 53 : print dynamics
attribute 10 :
p1: 1...8 = print dynData 0..7 at this place
virtual char prn_clearDocument(uint8_t documentNumber) const =0;
// clear memory buffer for ONE document
// function takes a second! don't send right before "store doc"
virtual bool prn_store_Document(uint8_t documentNumber ) const =0;
// send the predefined Layout (generated with above TD functions) to DeviceController to save
// documentNumber=0...15
// maximal 1280 bytes each
// allowed: 0x20...0xFF, 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x1B (LF, CR, Esc)
// 0x1B=start of embedded command (next 7bytes = command)
// with a print command a set of 8 dynamic strings can be sent
// the place in the ticket layout is predefined (already in DC memory)
// the dynamics are first calculated at printing time
virtual bool prn_printDocument(uint8_t documentNumber, struct T_dynDat *dynTicketData) const =0;
// 36
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Mifare Card Reader
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void mif_readerOn(bool on) const =0;
virtual bool mif_cardIsAttached(void) const =0;
virtual bool mif_isMifarePowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual void request_MifareReaderState() const =0;
virtual void request_MifareCardType() const =0;
virtual void request_MifareAtbType() const =0;
virtual void request_MifareID() const =0;
virtual void request_MifareData(uint8_t dataBlockNumber) const =0;
//virtual void request_MifareData() const =0;
// dataBlockNumber must be 0....11, returns 64byte of data
virtual bool test_serialMux2isSetToMifare(void) const =0;
virtual void mif_creatAtbCard(uint8_t cardType) const =0;
/* data description:
byte 0: current read state: 0=power off 1=reader-fault 2=ready
3=just reading 4=read complete
5=read partial, removed too early
6=state unknown
byte 1,2: read data length from card
3: 1=reader is OK (reported serial nr is OK) 0=wrong or no reader
4...15: reader version, expected "ATB25-1.8"
byte16: 1=card is present 0:not
17: 0
18: card type reported from reader
19: 1=allowed card type 0=not
20: card size: 1 or 4 (dec) = card size
21: LengthOfUID: 4 or 7 (dec) (byte)
22: UID 8 byte in hex
byte 30: sector logged: 0
byte 31: current sector: 0
byte 32: result, always 0
virtual uint8_t mif_returnReaderStateAndCardType(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t maxBufferSize) const =0;
// retval 0=OK 1=error host buffer too small
virtual bool mif_readerIsOK(void) const =0;
virtual bool mif_cardAttached(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t mif_readResult(void) const =0;
// result: 0: unknown or still in progress
// 1: card read successful
// 2: reading error
//virtual void mif_clearDataBuffer(void) const =0;
virtual QString mif_cardUID(void) const =0;
// returns string with 8 byte
//virtual bool mif_isBlockAvailable(uint8_t blkNr) const =0;
//virtual uint32_t mif_getAvailableDataBlocks(void) const =0;
// bit0=1 if block 0 = valid ...up to ... bit 11=1 if block 11=read
virtual uint8_t mif_getCardDataDec(uint8_t blkNr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t maxBufferSize) const =0;
virtual QString mif_getCardDataStr(uint8_t blockNumber) const =0;
// with blockNumber=0...11
// read mifare data independant from blocks
//virtual uint16_t mif_getNrOfAvailableDataBytes(void) const =0;
//virtual bool mif_getCardData768byteDec(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize) const =0;
//virtual bool mif_getCardDataDec(uint16_t fromAddr, uint16_t toAddr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize) const =0;
//virtual QString mif_getCardDataStr(bool useHexFormat, char seperator) const =0;
// 16
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Credit Card Terminal
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void credit_switchPower(bool on) const =0;
// the same as modem power
virtual bool cred_isCreditPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool test_serialMux2isSetToCredit(void) const =0;
virtual void credit_switchWake(bool WAKEACTIVE) const =0;
// 4
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Modem
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void mod_switchPower(bool on) const=0;
virtual bool mod_isGsmPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool test_serialMux1isSetToModem(void) const =0;
virtual void mod_switchWake(bool WAKEACTIVE) const=0;
// 2
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// MDB Bus
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void mdb_switchPower(bool on) const =0;
virtual void mdb_switchWake(bool WAKEACTIVE) const =0;
virtual bool mdb_WakeINisActive(void) const =0;
virtual bool mdb_testIsmdbTxDon(void) const =0;
virtual bool mdb_isMdbPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual void request_MDB_Status() const =0;
virtual void request_MDB_lastResponse() const =0;
virtual bool test_getDO_mdbRXtst(void) const =0;
// readback digital outputs of connected devices
// these functions are not needed for normal operation
// but can be used to test and verify conditions
virtual void mdb_sendBusReset(void) const =0;
virtual void mdb_sendCommand(uint8_t toMdbDevice, uint8_t mdbCommand) const =0;
// send one bus command directly over mdb bus, refer to mdb manual for commands
// this command is not needed in normal operation, just for new or special things
virtual void mdb_sendMessage(uint8_t toMdbDevice, uint8_t mdbCommand, uint8_t nrOfData, uint8_t *dataBuffer) const =0;
// nrOfData = sizeOf(dataBuffer) maximal 34 byte according mdb specs
// same as mdb_sendCommand, just with data
virtual bool mdb_busIsReadyToWork() const =0;
virtual bool mdb_deviceVoltageOK() const =0;
virtual bool mdb_busVoltageOk() const =0;
virtual uint8_t mdb_getLastDeviceResponse(uint8_t *fromDevice, uint8_t *lastRequest,
uint8_t *responseLength, uint8_t *responseBuffer) const =0;
// fromDevice: device nr from which data was requested 0,1,2,3
// lastRequest: sent mdb command
// responseLength: nr of payload data (after mdb-ack) 0...34
// responseBuffer holds payload data (answer from mdb device)
// return val: mdb result of this request: 1=got ACK 2=got 3xNAK 3=no or bad response 4:got Data (after ACK)
// 15
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Coin Changer, Checker (EMP)
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void request_EMP_allParameters() const =0;
virtual void request_EMP_lastCoin() const =0;
virtual uint8_t emp_returnLastCoin(uint16_t *value, uint8_t *signal) const =0;
// use for changer
// ---------------------------------- Electronic Coin Validator EMP -----------------------------------------
virtual void emp_sendSettings(uint16_t coinAcceptance, uint8_t tokenChannel, uint16_t *coinDenomination ) const =0;
// coinAcceptance: bit0=coin1 (lowest donomination) bit15=coin16 bitH=accept bit L = deny coin (no validation)
// tokenChannel 0...31: if this signal comes from emp then a token was inserted
// coinDenomination = array of 16 coin values (e.g. 5, 10, 20...)
virtual void emp_pollingOnOff(uint8_t on) const =0;
virtual void emp_startCoinAcceptance(void) const =0;
virtual void emp_stopCoinAcceptance(void) const =0;
virtual void emp_getAllParameters(struct T_emp *emp) const =0;
// see struct in hwapi.h
// usage example:
// hwapi *HWaccess const =0;
// HWaccess = new hwapi() const =0;
// struct T_emp myEmp const =0;
// HWaccess->emp_getAllParameters(&myEmp) const =0;
// readval=myEmp.pollingRunning const =0;
virtual uint8_t emp_chkIfCoinInserted(void) const =0;
// retval: 0...16 coins left in FIFO
virtual void emp_getNewCoinRecord(uint8_t *valid, uint8_t *signal, uint8_t *error, uint16_t *value) const =0;
// with every call ONE coin is taken out of FIFO and pointer decremented
// valid: should be 1
// signal: comes right from coin checker, 0...15 (0=first programmed coin type) 0xFF=no signal
// error: was reported from EMP as dynamic signal right after coin insertion (instead of
// coin signal), example: 3=unknown coin 4=coin is blocked by host. 0xFF=no error
// value: of the coin. Depends on parameter "coinDenomination" in function "emp_sendSettings"
// if coinDenomination[coin 0..15] = 0 then the value programmed in coin checker is taken
// if coinDenomination > 0 then this value is taken.
// Useful in case of two currencies (adapt to local currency) or for token.
// function gives more details as "emp getLastCoin()" but "emp getLastCoin()" is easier to use
// alternativ to emp_getNewCoinRecord( ):
virtual uint8_t emp_giveLastCoin(uint16_t *value, uint8_t *signal) const =0;
// retval: 0: NO coin stored 1: valid coin 2: got wrong coin or coin denied
// value: if retval1: value of the coin if reval=2: error number
// 0xFF means NO error or NO signal (as 0 is a valid error/signal)
// signal: channel nr reported from checker 0...15
// 11
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// Coin blocker, Coin Escrow, Coin reject
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void shut_move(bool open) const =0;
virtual void esc_moveFlaps(uint8_t flap ) const =0;
// 0: close both 1: open take-flap 2: open return
virtual void coin_switchRejectMotor(uint8_t dir) const =0;
virtual bool coid_isAttached(void) const =0;
virtual bool coin_escrowIsOpen(void) const =0;
virtual bool cash_getRejectMotorHomePos(void) const=0;
virtual bool coin_shutterIsOpen(void) const =0;
virtual bool coin_shutterTestOutput(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t coin_escrowFlapOpened(void) const =0;
// retval: 1:return flap is open 2:take flap is open 0:closed
virtual void shut_openOnce(void) const =0;
// and close automatic after shutter time
virtual void shut_openForCoin(bool start) const =0;
// open flap if coin is attached
// once process is started it runs until stop command
virtual void shut_sendOpeningTime(uint16_t timeIn_ms ) const =0;
// after this time without retrigger the flap is closed
virtual void esc_takeMoney(void) const =0;
// and close automatically after escrow time (1s)
virtual void esc_returnMoney(void) const =0;
// and close automatically after escrow time (1s)
virtual void coin_rejectCoins(void) const =0;
// 15
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// MDB Bill evaluator
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// doors, locks, cashboxes
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void lock_switchContactPower(bool on) const =0;
virtual bool door_isContactPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t door_getLocks(void) const =0;
// retval bit0: upper lever is up (=open)
// bit1: upper lever is down (=locked)
// bit2: lower lever is up
// bit3: lower lever is down (=locked)
virtual bool door_upperDoorIsLocked(void) const =0;
virtual bool door_upperDoorIsUnlocked(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t lock_switchUpperLock(uint8_t dir) const =0;
// dir 0=off 1=up 2=down
// move lock until stop cmd (0)
virtual uint8_t lock_openUpperDoor(void) const =0;
// Locks stops automatically at end switch or by timeout
virtual uint8_t lock_closeUpperDoor(void) const =0;
// Locks stops automatically at end switch or by timeout
virtual uint8_t door_getSwitches(void) const =0;
// retval: bit0: upper door 1: low door 2:vault door
virtual bool door_isUpperDoorOpen(void) const =0;
virtual bool door_lowerDoorIsLocked(void) const =0;
virtual bool door_lowerDoorIsUnlocked(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t lock_switchLowerLock(uint8_t dir) const =0;
// dir 0=off 1=up 2=down
// move lock until stop cmd (0)
virtual uint8_t lock_getDO_motors(void) const =0;
// bit0: upper lock forward bit 1 backward
// bit2: lower lock forward bit 3 backward
virtual uint8_t lock_openLowerDoor(void) const =0;
// there's no closing function as Lock always makes one complete cycle and can be locked again immed.
virtual uint8_t lock_closeLowerDoor(void) const =0;
virtual bool door_isLowerDoorOpen(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t vault_getSwitches(void) const =0;
// retval bit0: cash box, bit 1: bill box
virtual bool vault_isVaultDoorOpen(void) const =0;
virtual void lock_switchVaultDoor(void) const =0;
virtual bool vault_isCoinVaultIn(void) const =0;
virtual bool vault_isBillVaultIn(void) const =0;
// 21
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
// LEDs, Barrier, Alarm, Relais, Aux
// $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
virtual void led_switchLedIllumination(uint8_t on) const = 0;
virtual void led_switchLedCoinbassin(uint8_t on, uint8_t ton, uint8_t tof) const =0;
virtual bool led_coinIsOn(void) const =0;
// read back digital output from DC-uC-Port
virtual bool led_frontIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void led_switchLedService(uint8_t on) const =0;
// on=1 off=0
virtual bool led_insideIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void led_switchLedPaper(uint8_t on, uint8_t ton, uint8_t tof) const =0;
virtual bool led_ticketIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void led_switchLedStart(uint8_t on, uint8_t ton, uint8_t tof) const =0;
virtual bool led_StartIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void led_switchLedPinPad(uint8_t on, uint8_t ton, uint8_t tof) const =0;
virtual bool led_pinIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void fan_switchFan(bool on) const =0;
virtual void alarm_switchSiren(bool on) const =0;
virtual bool fan_isOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool siren_isOn(void) const =0;
virtual void bar_OpenBarrier(bool open) const =0;
virtual bool bar_relayIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool bar_optoIn1isOn(void) const =0;
virtual bool bar_optoIn2isOn(void) const =0;
virtual void aux_power(bool on) const =0;
virtual bool aux_powerIsOn(void) const =0;
virtual void aux_setUsage(uint8_t PinDirection) const =0;
virtual void aux_setOutputs(uint8_t PinIsHigh) const =0;
virtual bool aux_isAuxPowerOn(void) const =0;
virtual uint8_t aux_getAuxInputs(void) const =0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 27.3.2023: Use Device-Controller's Bootloader to send hex-file
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual void bl_rebootDC(void) const =0;
virtual void bl_startBL(void) const = 0;
// send command within 4s after DC power-on, otherwise bl is left
virtual bool bl_checkBL(void) const = 0;
// send command to verify if bl is up
virtual bool bl_isUp(void) const =0;
// return true is bl is up and running
// also initializes "sendFile"
virtual void bl_sendAddress(uint16_t blockNumber) const=0;
// send start address, nr of 64byte-block, start with 0
// will be sent only for following block-numbers:
// 0, 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096, so basically every 64kByte
// for other addresses nothing happens
virtual uint8_t bl_wasSendingAddOK(void) const=0;
// return val: 0: no response by now 1:error 10: OK
virtual void bl_openBinary(void) const=0;
// to be used within CashAgent, momentary not processed
virtual void bl_sendDataBlock(uint8_t length, uint8_t *buffer) const=0;
// send 64 byte from bin file
virtual void bl_sendLastBlock(void) const=0;
// send this command after all data are transfered
virtual uint8_t bl_wasSendingDataOK(void) const=0;
// return val: 0: no response by now 1:error 10: OK
virtual void bl_stopBL(void) const=0;
// leave BL and start (the new) application
//virtual bool bl_isDiagAvailable(void) const=0;
//virtual QString dc_getDiagText(void) const=0;
// Komplett-schreib Funktion, noch nicht getestet
// Nachteil: keine R<>ckmeldung wie lang's noch dauert
//virtual void bl_startSending(void) const=0;
// call once after BL is working and file is loaded
//virtual void bl_sendFile(void) const=0;
// call cyclic while loading bin-file to bootloader
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6.4.2023: new functions for coin collection and printing
// some new system functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual bool rtc_setTimeDateDirect(struct Trtc_DateTime *DateTime) const=0;
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool rtc_getExtendedTime(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const=0;
buf[7]=' '; // immer auf 32bit auff<66>llen sonst Speicherproblem beim Master!
buf[8]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0);
buf[9]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
buf[10]=' ';
buf[11]=' ';
buf[12]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 0);
buf[13]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 1);
buf[14]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 2);
buf[15]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 3);
buf[19]=swl_hoursOfThisWeek(GlobTime.DOW, GlobTime.Hours);
uitmp=swl_minutesOfThisWeek(GlobTime.DOW, GlobTime.Hours, GlobTime.Min);
buf[20]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0); // 0=low byte 1=high byte
buf[21]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
uitmp=swl_hoursOfThisMonth(GlobTime.Day, GlobTime.Hours);
buf[22]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0);
buf[23]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
uitmp=swl_minutesOfThisMonth(GlobTime.Day, GlobTime.Hours, GlobTime.Min);
buf[24]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0);
buf[25]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
uitmp=swl_GetDaysOfYear(GlobTime.Year, GlobTime.Month, GlobTime.Day);
buf[26]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0);
buf[27]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
uitmp=swl_GetHoursOfYear(GlobTime.Year, GlobTime.Month, GlobTime.Day, GlobTime.Hours);
buf[28]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 0);
buf[29]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, 1);
ultmp= swl_GetMinutesOfYear(GlobTime.Year, GlobTime.Month, GlobTime.Day,
GlobTime.Hours, GlobTime.Min);
buf[32]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 0);
buf[33]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 1);
buf[34]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 2);
buf[35]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 3);
ultmp= 0; // Minutes of the Millenium
buf[40]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 0);
buf[41]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 1);
buf[42]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 2);
buf[43]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, 3);
dc2prot_setReadData(44, buf);
virtual bool sys_runCompleteTest(void) const=0;
// warning: lasts 20s in one pace
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool sys_ready4sending(void) const=0;
// return true if a Json-file can be sent
virtual bool sys_sendJsonFileToDc(uint8_t kindOfFile, uint8_t nrOfTemplate, uint8_t *content ) const=0;
// kindOfFile: 1=config, 2=device, 3=cash, 4=serial, 5=time, 6=printer
// nrOfTemplate=1...32 if kindOfFile==6
// content = content of the Json file, max 800byte ascii signs
// file is 0-terminated
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool prn_sendDynamicPrnValues(uint8_t *dynPrnVal ) const=0;
// dynPrnVal = array of 8 Variables with 8 byte each, come as ascii string
// like: char prn_dynPrnVal[8][8];
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool prn_printTemplate(uint8_t nrOftemplate) const=0;
// print one of the templates loaded by Json prior
// nr = 1..32
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual void log_getHoldAccountNumbers(uint32_t *accNr ) const=0;
// returns all acc nrs of the backuped vault records
// use: uint32_t backupedAccNumbers[8]
virtual bool log_selectVaultRecord(uint16_t accountNr ) const=0;
// return true if sending, false if cmd-stack is full
//request, isAvailable
virtual void log_getVaultRecord(struct T_vaultRecord *retVR) const=0;
// which was selected by: log_selectVaultRecord()
// to be forwarded to Ismas
virtual bool prn_printAccountReceipt(void) const=0;
// return true if sending to DC OK, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool prn_printTestTicket(void) const=0;
// return true if sending to DC OK, false if cmd-stack is full
virtual bool cash_startPayment(uint16_t amount) const=0;
virtual uint32_t getInsertedAmount(void) const=0;
virtual uint16_t getLastInsertedCoin(void) const=0;
virtual bool getAllInsertedCoins(uint16_t *types, uint16_t *values) const=0;
// all inserted coins (max 64) since "cash_startPayment"
virtual bool cash_cancelPayment(void) const=0;
// and return coins
virtual bool cash_stopPayment(void) const=0;
// and keep coins in escrow
// after ticket/goods issue:
virtual bool vend_success(void) const=0;
// conclude payment process, encash all inserted coins to vault. Printing was successful
// if possible return change
virtual bool vend_failed(void) const=0;
// conclude payment process and return all inserted coins
virtual uint8_t mif_getCardType(QString cardholder) const=0;
// return 1,2,3,4 = upper, lower access card, printer test, coin test
// cardholder: 7byte Name-String
virtual uint64_t sys_getWakeSource(void) const =0;
// retval: 6 bytes, bit coded, 1=event keeps DC awake
//virtual void sys_getDeviceConditions(struct T_moduleCondition *devCond) const=0;
virtual void sys_getDeviceConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const=0;
//virtual void sys_getDynMachineConditions(struct T_dynamicCondition *dynMachCond) const=0;
virtual void sys_getDynMachineConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) const=0;
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETLOWBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETHIGHBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETLOWBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETHIGHBYT);
uitmp=dynCond.nrCoinsInBox; // send seperate also
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETLOWBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUint(uitmp, GETHIGHBYT);
ultmp=dynCond.amountInBox; // send seperate also
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWESTBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHESTBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWESTBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHESTBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWESTBYT);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETLOWMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHMID);
outBuf[pBuf++]=swl_getOneByteFromUlong(ultmp, GETHIGHESTBYT);
// 36
// History
// 11.10.2021: V1.0 222 functions
// 23.12.2021: V1.1 added block-parameter to function "read mifare data"
// 30.12.2021: V1.2 added function: mif_clearDataBuffer(), mif_isBlockAvailable(uint8_t blkNr) and mif_getAvailableDataBlocks()
// 1.1.2022: V1.3 Mifare extended. ( background: read 16 x 48byte from card to DC, read 12 x 64byte from DC to CA)
// new: read full card with 768bytes from HWapi without block borders
// added: mif_getNrOfAvailableDataBytes mif_getCardData768byteDec(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize)
// mif_getCardDataDec(uint16_t fromAddr, uint16_t toAddr, uint8_t *buf, uint16_t bufferSize)
// mif_getCardDataStr(bool useHexFormat, char seperator)
// 29.03.2023: V3.1 some extensions for PSA1256_ptu5,
// V3.2 Bootloader improvement
// 12.04.2023: V3.3 new features extended: loading and using Json-files, cash-collection, cash-data-logging
//#define HWINF_iid ""
//#define HWINF_iid ""
#define HWINF_iid ""