Gerhard Hoffmann 5427844977 For each customer repository change the file ChangeLog in branch master
as last step. The git commit for this file will be used as output, so this file
has always be the last to be checked in.
2023-08-30 11:36:28 +02:00

372 lines
14 KiB

#include "git_client.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "worker.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
GitClient::GitClient(QString const &customerNrStr,
QString const &customerRepository,
QString const &workingDirectory,
QString const &branchName,
QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_worker(qobject_cast<Worker *>(parent))
, m_repositoryPath(QString("").arg(customerNrStr))
, m_customerNr(customerNrStr)
, m_workingDirectory(workingDirectory)
, m_branchName(branchName)
, m_customerRepository(customerRepository) {
if (!m_worker) {
bool GitClient::gitCloneCustomerRepository() {
QString gitCommand("git clone ");
gitCommand += m_repositoryPath;
Command c(gitCommand);
qInfo() << "IN CURRENT WD" << m_workingDirectory
<< "CLONE" << m_repositoryPath << "...";
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) { // execute the command in wd
QString const result = c.getCommandResult();
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
// Cloning into 'customer_281'...\n
static QRegularExpression re("(^\\s*Cloning\\s+into\\s+[']\\s*)(.*)(\\s*['].*$)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(result);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
if (re.captureCount() == 3) { // start with full match (0), then the other 3 matches
if (match.captured(2).trimmed() == m_customerNr) {
qInfo() << "CLONING" << m_repositoryPath << "OK";
return true;
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("ERROR CLONE RESULT HAS WRONG FORMAT. CLONE_RESULT=") + result);
return false;
bool GitClient::copyGitConfigFromMaster() { // only allowed when called in
// master branch (???)
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
QString const cp = QString("cp .gitconfig .git/config");
Command c("bash");
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository, QStringList() << "-c" << cp)) {
qInfo() << "cp .gitconfig .git/config OK";
return true;
qCritical() << "ERROR cp .gitconfig .git/config";
return false;
QStringList GitClient::gitBranchNames() {
// git config --global pager.branch false
QStringList bNames;
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
QString gitCommand("git branch -a");
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) {
QString const result = c.getCommandResult();
return result.split('\n');
return bNames;
bool GitClient::gitCheckoutBranch() {
// TODO: nachsehen, ob der Branch ueberhaupt existiert
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
int zoneNr = Utils::read1stLineOfFile("/mnt/system_data/zone_nr");
m_branchName = (zoneNr != 0)
? QString("zg1/zone%1").arg(zoneNr) : "master";
QString gitCommand("git checkout ");
gitCommand += m_branchName;
Command c(gitCommand);
return c.execute(m_customerRepository); // execute command in customerRepo
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("ERROR ") + m_customerRepository + " DOES NOT EXIST");
return false;
bool GitClient::gitCloneAndCheckoutBranch() {
qInfo() << "CLONE" << m_repositoryPath << "AND CHECKOUT" << m_branchName;
if (gitCloneCustomerRepository()) {
//if (copyGitConfigFromMaster()) {
if (gitCheckoutBranch()) {
return true;
} else {
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("CLONE ") + m_repositoryPath + " AND CHECKOUT FAILED");
return false;
QStringList GitClient::gitShowReason() {
QStringList lst;
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
// %h: commit (short form)
// %s: commit message
// %cI: commit date, strict ISO 8601 format
// Note: use master branch. By convention, there is a ChangeLog file
// in the root of the repository, which has to be always the last file
// to be checked in when the customer repository somehow changed.
Command c("git show origin/master -s --format=\"c=%h m=%s d=%cI\"");
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) {
QString const s = c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
int const c = s.indexOf("c=");
int const m = s.indexOf("m=");
int const d = s.indexOf("d=");
QString commit{""}, msg{""}, date{""};
if (c != -1) {
int start = c + 2;
if (m >= start) {
int length = m - start;
commit = s.mid(start, length).trimmed();
start = m + 2;
if (d >= start) {
length = d - start;
msg = s.mid(start, length).trimmed();
start = d + 2;
date = s.mid(start);
if (!commit.isEmpty() && !msg.isEmpty() && !date.isEmpty()) {
lst << commit << msg << date;
} else {
qCritical() << "CUSTOMER_REPOSITORY" << m_customerRepository
return lst;
Zu beachten: wird eine datei neu hinzugefuegt (git add/commit) dann aber gleich
wieder geloscht, so wird sie im diff nicht angezeigt.
std::optional<QStringList> GitClient::gitDiff(QString const &commits) {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
// 409f198..6c22726
QString gitCommand("git diff --compact-summary ");
gitCommand += commits;
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) { // execute command in local customerRepo
QString s = c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
Utils::printInfoMsg("GIT DIFF RESULT " + s);
QStringList lines = Update::split(s, '\n');
QStringList fileNames;
// each line has the format "etc/psa_config/DC2C_print01.json | 1 +
// or the format "etc/psa_config/DC2C_print01.json (new) | 1 +
// the filenames are relativ to the repository
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
QString const &line =;
int newIndex = line.indexOf("(new"); // for new files
int goneIndex = line.indexOf("(gone"); // for removed files
int modeIndex = line.indexOf("(mode");
int pipeIndex = line.indexOf('|');
if (newIndex != -1) {
QString file = line.left(newIndex).trimmed();
qInfo() << "FILE (NEW)" << file;
fileNames << file;
} else
if (modeIndex != -1) {
QString const file = line.left(modeIndex).trimmed();
qInfo() << "FILE (MODE)" << file;
fileNames << file;
} else
if (goneIndex != -1) {
QString const file = line.left(goneIndex).trimmed();
qCritical() << "FILE (GONE)" << file;
} else
if (pipeIndex != -1) {
QString const file = line.left(pipeIndex).trimmed();
qInfo() << "FILE (PIPE)" << file;
fileNames << file;
if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) {
return fileNames;
return std::nullopt;
Hat sich nichts geaendert, so werden auch keine Commits <>..<> angezeigt
std::optional<QString> GitClient::gitFetch() {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
qInfo() << "BRANCH NAME" << m_branchName;
Command c("git fetch");
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) {
QString const s = c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
QStringList lines = Update::split(s, '\n');
if (!lines.empty()) {
int zoneNr = Utils::read1stLineOfFile("/mnt/system_data/zone_nr");
m_branchName = (zoneNr != 0) ? QString("zg1/zone%1").arg(zoneNr) : "master";
// lines can look like this:
// From
// 41ec581..5d25ac3 master -> origin/master
// ff10f57..43530a1 zg1/zone1 -> origin/zg1/zone1
// 6ed893f..5d9882c zg1/zone2 -> origin/zg1/zone2
// 4384d17..77045d8 zg1/zone3 -> origin/zg1/zone3
// 89d2812..36a0d74 zg1/zone5 -> origin/zg1/zone5
bool found = false;
for (int i=0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
if ( {
found = true;
// 409f198..6c22726 zg1/zone1 -> origin/zg1/zone1
static QRegularExpression re("(^\\s*)([0-9A-Fa-f]+..[0-9A-Fa-f]+)(.*$)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(;
if (match.hasMatch()) {
if (re.captureCount() == 3) { // start with full match (0), then the other 3 matches
return match.captured(2);
} else {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch",
QString("(wrong cap-count (%1)").arg(re.captureCount()));
} else {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch",
"no regex-match for commits");
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg("NO REGEX MATCH FOR COMMITS");
if (!found) {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch",
QString("unkown branch name ") + m_branchName);
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg("UNKNOWN BRANCH NAME " + m_branchName);
} else {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch",
QString("wrong format for result of 'git fetch' ") + s);
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("WRONG FORMAT FOR RESULT OF 'GIT FETCH' ") + s);
} else {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch", "empty result for 'git fetch'");
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg("EMPTY RESULT FOR 'GIT FETCH'");
} else {
emit m_worker->showErrorMessage("git fetch", QString("repository ") + m_customerRepository + " does not exist");
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("REPOSITORY ") + m_customerRepository + " DOES NOT EXIST");
return std::nullopt;
bool GitClient::gitFetchAndDiff() {
if (gitFetch()) {
QString gitCommand("git diff --compact-summary HEAD..FETCH_HEAD");
Command c(gitCommand);
return c.execute(m_workingDirectory);
return false;
bool GitClient::gitPull() {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
Command c("git pull");
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) {
qInfo() << "PULLED INTO" << m_customerRepository;
return true;
Utils::printCriticalErrorMsg(QString("PULL INTO " + m_customerRepository + " FAILED"));
return false;
std::optional<QStringList> GitClient::gitMerge() {
Command c("git merge");
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) {
QString s = c.getCommandResult();
QStringList lst = Update::split(s, '\n');
return lst;
return std::nullopt;
QString GitClient::gitLastCommit(QString fileName) {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
QString const filePath
= QDir::cleanPath(m_customerRepository + QDir::separator() + fileName);
if (QFile(filePath).exists()) {
QString const gitCommand = QString("git log %1 | head -n 1").arg(fileName);
Command c("bash");
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository, QStringList() << "-c" << gitCommand)) {
QString const r = c.getCommandResult();
int const idx = r.indexOf("commit ");
if (idx != -1) {
return r.mid(idx + 8).trimmed();
return "";
// fileName has to an absolute path
QString GitClient::gitBlob(QString fileName) {
QFileInfo fi(fileName);
if (fi.exists()) {
QString const gitCommand = QString("git hash-object %1").arg(fileName);
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute("/tmp")) {
return c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
return "N/A";
QString GitClient::gitCommitForBlob(QString blob) {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
QString const gitCommand
= QString("git whatchanged --all --find-object=%1 | head -n 1").arg(blob);
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute(m_customerRepository)) {
return c.getCommandResult();
return "";
bool GitClient::gitIsFileTracked(QString fName) {
if (QDir(m_customerRepository).exists()) {
QString const gitCommand
= QString("git ls-files --error-unmatch %1").arg(fName);
Command c(gitCommand);
return c.execute(m_customerRepository);
return false;
//get_commit_for_blob () {
// # search for the blob in all commits for the file(name) $1
// echo $(git log --all --pretty=format:%H -- $2 |
// xargs -I{} bash -c "git ls-tree {} -- $2 |
// grep -q $1 && echo -n {} && head -n 1")