#include "update.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (Q_OS_UNIX) || defined (Q_OS_LINUX) #include "unistd.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define UPDATE_OPKG (1) #define UPDATE_DC (0) qint64 Update::c_ppid = -1; static const QMap baudrateMap = { {"1200" , 0}, {"9600" , 1}, {"19200" , 2}, {"38400" , 3}, {"57600" , 4}, {"115200" , 5} }; QPluginLoader Update::pluginLoader; hwinf *Update::loadDCPlugin(QDir const &plugInDir, QString const &fname) { hwinf *hw = nullptr; if (plugInDir.exists()) { QString pluginLibName(fname); pluginLibName = plugInDir.absoluteFilePath(pluginLibName); QFileInfo info(pluginLibName); if (info.exists()) { pluginLibName = plugInDir.absoluteFilePath(pluginLibName); pluginLoader.setFileName(pluginLibName); // static QPluginLoader pluginLoader(pluginLibName); if (!pluginLoader.load()) { qCritical() << "in directory" << plugInDir.absolutePath(); qCritical() << "cannot load plugin" << pluginLoader.fileName(); qCritical() << pluginLoader.errorString(); return nullptr; } qCritical() << "loadDCPlugin() plugin directory:" << plugInDir.absolutePath(); qCritical() << "loadDCPlugin() plugin file name:" << pluginLoader.fileName(); if (!pluginLoader.isLoaded()) { qCritical() << pluginLoader.errorString(); return nullptr; } QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance(); if (!plugin) { qCritical() << "cannot start instance"; return nullptr; } if (! (hw = qobject_cast(plugin))) { qCritical() << "cannot cast plugin" << plugin << "to hwinf"; return nullptr; } } else { qCritical() << pluginLibName << "does not exist"; return nullptr; } } else { qCritical() << "plugins directory" << plugInDir.absolutePath() << "does not exist"; return nullptr; } return hw; } bool Update::unloadDCPlugin() { if (pluginLoader.unload()) { qCritical() << "unloaded plugin" << pluginLoader.fileName(); // Note: will re-instantiate the library ! // QObject *rootObject = pluginLoader.instance(); // if (rootObject) { // qCritical() << "reloaded plugin: root object again available"; // return false; // } // qCritical()unloaded plugin: root object gone"; return true; } return false; } class hwapi; Update::Update(QString customerRepository, QString customerNrStr, QString branchName, QString plugInDir, QString pluginName, QString workingDir, bool dryRun, QObject *parent, char const *serialInterface, char const *baudrate) : QObject(parent) // , m_hw(loadDCPlugin(QDir(plugInDir), pluginName)) , m_serialInterface(serialInterface) , m_baudrate(baudrate) , m_customerRepository(customerRepository) , m_customerNrStr(customerNrStr) , m_branchName(branchName) , m_pluginName(pluginName) , m_workingDir(workingDir) , m_dryRun(dryRun) , m_sys_areDCdataValid(false) { m_start = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (Update::ppid() == -1) { if (!m_hw) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ") m_hw == nullptr -> ca-slave plugin loaded ???"; } else { int tries = 20; while ((m_sys_areDCdataValid = m_hw->sys_areDCdataValid()) == false) { // must deliver 'true', only then are all data from hwapi valid if (--tries < 0) { qCritical() << "ERROR!!! DC DATA NOT VALID -> CA-MASTER-PLUGIN NOT CONNECTED"; break; } m_hw->dc_autoRequest(true); QThread::msleep(500); } qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ") m_sys_areDCDataValid ..." << m_sys_areDCdataValid; } } } Update::~Update() { // unloadDCPlugin(); } bool Update::doUpdate() { int numberOfFiles = 3; QString s = nextTimePoint(); s += " sending "; s += QString("%1 ...done ").arg("DC2C_cash.json"); s += QString::number(ceil(((1 * 100.0) / (double)numberOfFiles))); qInfo() << s.toUtf8().constData(); QThread::msleep(2000); s = nextTimePoint(); s += " sending "; s += QString("%1 ...done ").arg("DC2C_device.json"); s += QString::number(ceil(((2 * 100.0) / (double)numberOfFiles))); qInfo() << s.toUtf8().constData(); QThread::msleep(2000); s = nextTimePoint(); s += " sending "; s += QString("%1 ...done ").arg("DC2C_print01.json"); s += QString::number(ceil(((3 * 100.0) / (double)numberOfFiles))); qInfo() << s.toUtf8().constData(); QThread::msleep(2000); return true; } bool Update::doUpdate(QStringList const &filesToWorkOn, bool usbStickDetected) { if (!m_hw) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! m_hw == nullptr"; return false; } int tries = 20; while ((m_sys_areDCdataValid = m_hw->sys_areDCdataValid()) == false) { // must deliver 'true', only then are all data from hwapi valid if (--tries < 0) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! DC DATA NOT VALID -> CA-SLAVE-PLUGIN NOT CONNECTED"; return false; } qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! DC DATA NOT VALID -> CA-SLAVE-PLUGIN NOT CONNECTED (" << tries << ")"; m_hw->dc_autoRequest(true); QThread::msleep(500); } bool res = false; QList::const_iterator it; for (it = filesToWorkOn.cbegin(); it != filesToWorkOn.cend(); ++it) { QString const &fToWorkOn = usbStickDetected ? QDir::cleanPath(it->trimmed()) : QDir::cleanPath(m_customerRepository + QDir::separator() + it->trimmed()); if (fToWorkOn.contains("DC2C_print", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && fToWorkOn.endsWith(".json", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { res = true; int i = fToWorkOn.indexOf("DC2C_print", Qt::CaseInsensitive); int const templateIdx = fToWorkOn.mid(i).midRef(10, 2).toInt(); if ((templateIdx < 1) || (templateIdx > 32)) { qCritical() << "WRONG TEMPLATE INDEX" << templateIdx; res = false; } else { if ((res = updatePrinterTemplate(templateIdx, fToWorkOn))) { qCritical() << QString("DOWNLOADED PRINTER TEMPLATE %1 WITH INDEX=%2") .arg(fToWorkOn) .arg(templateIdx); } } } else if (fToWorkOn.contains("DC2C_cash", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && fToWorkOn.endsWith(".json", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if ((res = updateCashConf(fToWorkOn))) { qCritical() << QString("DOWNLOADED CASH TEMPLATE %1").arg(fToWorkOn); } } else if (fToWorkOn.contains("DC2C_conf", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && fToWorkOn.endsWith(".json", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if ((res = updateConfig(fToWorkOn))) { qCritical() << QString("DOWNLOADED CONFIG TEMPLATE %1").arg(fToWorkOn); } } else if (fToWorkOn.contains("DC2C_device", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && fToWorkOn.endsWith(".json", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if ((res = updateDeviceConf(fToWorkOn))) { qCritical() << QString("DOWNLOADED DEVICE TEMPLATE %1").arg(fToWorkOn); } } else { qCritical() << "UNKNOWN JSON FILE NAME" << fToWorkOn; res = false; } } return res; } bool Update::checkJsonVersions(QStringList const& jsonFileNames) { if (!m_hw) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! m_hw == nullptr"; return false; } int tries = 20; while ((m_sys_areDCdataValid = m_hw->sys_areDCdataValid()) == false) { // must deliver 'true', only then are all data from hwapi valid if (--tries < 0) { qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! DC DATA NOT VALID -> CA-SLAVE-PLUGIN NOT CONNECTED"; return false; } qCritical() << "(" << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "):" << "ERROR!!! DC DATA NOT VALID -> CA-SLAVE-PLUGIN NOT CONNECTED (" << tries << ")"; m_hw->dc_autoRequest(true); QThread::msleep(500); } for (QStringList::size_type i=0; i < jsonFileNames.size(); ++i) { uint8_t jsonNr = 0; QString const &fName = jsonFileNames[i]; // send one request for every single version // jsonNr=1...36, 1=config file (cust.Nr) 2=devices 3=cash 4=res. // 6=printer template 1 ..... 36= template 32 if (fName.endsWith("conf.json")) { jsonNr = 1; } else if (fName.endsWith("device.json")) { jsonNr = 2; } else if (fName.endsWith("cash.json")) { jsonNr = 3; } else { QRegularExpressionMatch match; static const QRegularExpression re("^(.*print)([0-3][0-9])\\.json\\s*$"); int idx = fName.indexOf(re, 0, &match); if (idx != -1) { QString captured = match.captured(match.lastCapturedIndex()); bool ok = false; int n = captured.toInt(&ok); if (ok) { // note: use 5 (instead of 4 -> index has been shifted) jsonNr = n + 5; } } } if (jsonNr != 0) { // send one request for every single version // jsonNr=1...36, 1=config file (cust.Nr) 2=devices 3=cash 4=res. // 5=printer template 1 ..... 36= template 32 m_hw->sys_requestJsonVersions(jsonNr); QThread::msleep(500); char buf[64]; memset(buf, 0x00, sizeof(buf)); m_hw->sys_getJsonVersions(jsonNr, buf); buf[16] = '\0'; // the DC only handles 16 bytes static const QByteArray cb(16, (char)0xff); QString const installedVersion(QString::fromStdString(buf)); QString const fileVersion = getFileVersion(jsonFileNames[i]); QFileInfo fi(jsonFileNames[i]); qCritical() << endl; qCritical() << " json request nr:" << jsonNr; if (installedVersion == fileVersion) { qCritical() << " json file:" << fi.fileName(); qCritical() << " installed version in DC:" << installedVersion; } else if (cb == QByteArray(buf) && fileVersion == "") { qCritical() << "unknown json file (repo and DC):" << fi.fileName(); } else { qCritical() << " json file:" << fi.fileName(); qCritical() << " installed version in DC:" << installedVersion; qCritical() << " file version in repository:" << fileVersion; } } else { qCritical() << "CANNOT FIND JSON-NR FOR" << fName; } } return false; } QString Update::getFileVersion(QString const& jsonFileName) { // "version":"15.10.2023 14:55 02.00.06", static const QRegularExpression re("^.*(\\\"[Vv]ersion\\\":)([\\s\\\"]{0,})([^,\\\"]{0,}).*$"); QString fileVersion(""); QFile inputFile(QDir::cleanPath(m_customerRepository + QDir::separator() + jsonFileName)); if (inputFile.exists()) { if (inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream in(&inputFile); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readLine(); QRegularExpressionMatch match; int idx = line.indexOf(re, 0, &match); if (idx != -1) { int const lastCaptured = match.lastCapturedIndex(); // the dc only sends 16 Byte fileVersion = match.captured(lastCaptured); fileVersion.truncate(16); break; } } inputFile.close(); } } else { // qCritical() << "ERROR" << inputFile.fileName() << "does not exist"; } return fileVersion; } bool Update::downloadJson(enum FileTypeJson type, int templateIdx, QString jsFileToSendToDC) const { m_hw->dc_autoRequest(true); // downloading Json needs the AutoEmission flag qDebug() << "SET AUTO-REQUEST=TRUE"; QThread::sleep(1); // make sure the auto-request flag is acknowledged QStringList lst; bool ready = false; int nTry = 25; while ((ready = m_hw->sys_ready4sending()) == false) { QThread::msleep(200); if (--nTry <= 0) { qCritical() << "SYS NOT READY FOR SENDING AFTER 5 SECONDS"; break; } } bool ret = false; QString msg; lst.clear(); if (ready) { QFile file(jsFileToSendToDC); QFileInfo fi(jsFileToSendToDC); // max. size of template file is 800 bytes if (file.exists()) { if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { if (fi.size() > 0 && fi.size() <= 800) { QByteArray ba = file.readAll(); // kindOfFile: 1=config, 2=device, 3=cash, 4=serial, 5=time, 6=printer // nrOfTemplate=1...32 if kindOfFile==6 // content = content of the Json file, max 800byte ascii signs if (m_hw->sys_sendJsonFileToDc((uint8_t)(type), templateIdx, (uint8_t *)ba.data())) { /* * Note: the machine id is contained in DC2C_conf.json. * The idea was to use this to check if the download of * the json-file was correct. It did not work, as the * update of the PSA (to reflect a change in the * machine id) did not happen immediately. * m_hw->dc_autoRequest(true); QThread::msleep(500); // testing m_hw->request_ReadbackMachineID(); QThread::msleep(500); uint8_t data[64]; memset(data, 0x00, sizeof(data)); uint8_t length = 0; m_hw->readback_machineIDdata(&length, data); QThread::msleep(500); QByteArray ba((const char*)data, length); qCritical() << length << "MACHINE ID =" << ba.toHex(':'); */ ret = true; } else { qCritical() << QString("ERROR SEND JSON-FILE %1 TO DC").arg(file.fileName()); } } else { qCritical() << QString("SIZE OF %1 TOO BIG (%2 BYTES)").arg(jsFileToSendToDC).arg(fi.size()); } } else { qCritical() << QString("CAN NOT OPEN ") + jsFileToSendToDC + " FOR READING"; } } else { qCritical() << (QString(jsFileToSendToDC) + " DOES NOT EXIST"); } } return ret; } bool Update::updatePrinterTemplate(int templateIdx, QString jsFile) const { return downloadJson(FileTypeJson::PRINTER, templateIdx, jsFile); } bool Update::updateConfig(QString jsFile) { return downloadJson(FileTypeJson::CONFIG, 0, jsFile); } bool Update::updateCashConf(QString jsFile) { return downloadJson(FileTypeJson::CASH, 0, jsFile); } bool Update::updateDeviceConf(QString jsFile) { return downloadJson(FileTypeJson::DEVICE, 0, jsFile); }