#include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "worker.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utils_internal.h" #include "progress_event.h" #include "update_dc_event.h" #include "process/update_command.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include MainWindow::MainWindow(Worker *worker, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) , m_worker(worker) , m_width(70) , m_progressRunning(false) , m_updateStep(UpdateDcEvent::UpdateStep::NONE) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setStatusBar(new QStatusBar(this)); QFont f; f.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace); f.setWeight(QFont::Bold); f.setFamily("Misc Fixed"); f.setPointSize(11); this->statusBar()->setFont(f); ui->updateProgress->setRange(0, 100); ui->updateProgress->reset(); QStringList lst; QString start = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate); lst << QString("Start: ") + start.leftJustified(m_width-10); lst << QString("").leftJustified(m_width-3, '='); lst << QString("Update tool version : %1 - %2 %3").arg(APP_VERSION).arg(APP_BUILD_DATE).arg(APP_BUILD_TIME).leftJustified(m_width-3); lst << QString("Machine number : %1 ").arg(m_worker->machineNr()).leftJustified(m_width-3); lst << QString("Customer number : %1 ").arg(m_worker->customerNr()).leftJustified(m_width-3); lst << QString("Zone number : %1 (%2)").arg(m_worker->zoneNr()).arg(Utils::zoneName(m_worker->zoneNr())).leftJustified(m_width-3); lst << QString("APISM version : %1").arg(m_worker->apismVersion()).leftJustified(m_width-3); lst << QString("").leftJustified(m_width-3, '='); ui->updateLabel->setText(lst.join('\n')); ui->updateLabel->setEnabled(true); // ui->updateStatus->installEventFilter(this); m_startTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_startTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), m_worker, SLOT(start())); m_startTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_startTimer->start(1000); m_exitTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(m_exitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), ui->exit, SLOT(click())); m_exitTimer->setSingleShot(true); m_exitTimer->start(1800 * 1000); m_statusTimer = new QTimer(this); if (m_statusTimer) { connect(m_statusTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this]() { static QString p("."); QTime const &t = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time(); QString s = t.toString(Qt::ISODate); s += ": Update might take several minutes " + p; if (p.length() >= 5) { p = "."; } else { p += "."; } this->statusBar()->showMessage(s); }); m_statusTimer->setSingleShot(false); m_statusTimer->start(1000); } connect(ui->exit, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(onQuit())); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showSummary(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowSummary(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(disableExit()),this,SLOT(onDisableExit())); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showDcDownload(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowDcDownload(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showJsonDownload(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowJsonDownload(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showTariffUpdate(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowTariffUpdate(QString))); // deprecated connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showISMASChecks(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowISMASChecks(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showISMASConnectivity(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowISMASConnectivity(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showUpdateRequest(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowUpdateRequest(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showCustRepoStatus(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowCustRepoStatus(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showExecOpkgStatus(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowExecOpkgStatus(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showExecOpkgCommand(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowExecOpkgCommand(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showExecOpkgOverallResult(QString, bool)),this,SLOT(onShowExecOpkgOverallResult(QString,bool))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showDownloadDCJsonFilesStatus(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowDownloadDCJsonFilesStatus(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showSyncCustRepoStatus(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowSyncCustRepoStatus(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showUpdateDCFirmware(QString)),this,SLOT(onShowUpdateDCFirmware(QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(setDcDownloadProgress(int)),this,SLOT(onSetDcDownloadProgress(int))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(enableExit()),this,SLOT(onEnableExit())); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(stopStartTimer()),this,SLOT(onStopStartTimer())); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(restartExitTimer()),this,SLOT(onRestartExitTimer())); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(appendText(QString,QString)),this,SLOT(onAppendText(QString,QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(insertText(QString)),this,SLOT(onInsertText(QString)), Qt::DirectConnection); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showErrorMessage(QString,QString)),this, SLOT(onShowErrorMessage(QString,QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showStatusMessage(QString,QString)),this, SLOT(onShowStatusMessage(QString,QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showErrorMessage(QStringList)),this, SLOT(onShowErrorMessage(QStringList))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(showStatusMessage(QString,QString)),this, SLOT(onShowStatusMessage(QString,QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(replaceLast(QString,QString)),this,SLOT(onReplaceLast(QString,QString))); connect(m_worker, SIGNAL(replaceLast(QStringList,QString)),this, SLOT(onReplaceLast(QStringList,QString))); } void MainWindow::onShowSummary(QString text) { // QString s = ui->updateLabel->text(); QString s("\n"); ui->updateLabel->setText(s); ui->updateLabel->hide(); ui->stepLabel->hide(); ui->updateProgress->hide(); s += text; ui->updateStatus->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onSetDcDownloadProgress(int v) { ui->updateProgress->setValue(v); } void MainWindow::onShowTariffUpdate(QString) { ui->exit->setEnabled(false); QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp("Install tariff files "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } s += QString("%1 [OK ]
").arg(tmp); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowISMASConnectivity(QString status) { // ausgabe: connected, not connected, connecting m_stepLabelChopCount = 0; qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp("Check backend connection (ISMAS) "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } bool const custRepoExists = internal::customerRepoExists(); if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::ISMAS_CONNECTED, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (custRepoExists) { s += QString("%1 connected
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString("%1 connected (initial configuration)
").arg(tmp); } } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::NO_CUSTOMER_REPOSITORY, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 NOT CONNECTED
").arg(tmp); } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::ISMAS_CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 connecting
").arg(tmp); } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::ISMAS_NOT_CONNECTED, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (custRepoExists) { s += QString( "%1 NOT CONNECTED. STOP
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 not connected. (initial configuration)
").arg(tmp); } } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Check update request"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowCustRepoStatus(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp("Check customer repository "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::GIT_CUSTOMER_REPO_UP_TO_DATE, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 up to date
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Install SW packets (dry run)"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowExecOpkgStatus(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp = "execute opkg commands "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::EXEC_OPKG_COMMANDS_SUCCESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 success
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowExecOpkgCommand(QString cmd) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "cmd" << cmd; if (cmd.back() != QChar('\n')) { cmd += "\n"; } onInsertText(cmd); } void MainWindow::onShowExecOpkgOverallResult(QString status, bool noaction) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp = noaction ? "Install SW packets (dry run) " : "Install SW packets "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(internal::EXEC_OPKG_COMMANDS_SUCCESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 success
").arg(tmp); } else if (status.contains(internal::EXEC_OPKG_COMMANDS_FAIL, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 %2
").arg(tmp).arg(internal::EXEC_OPKG_COMMANDS_FAIL); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } if (noaction) { m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Install SW packets"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); } else { m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Install DC configuration"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); } ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowDownloadDCJsonFilesStatus(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp = "Install DC configuration "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::UPDATE_DC_JSON_FILES_SUCCESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 success
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Synchronize repository/filesystem"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowSyncCustRepoStatus(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp = "Synchronize repository/filesystem "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::SYNC_CUSTOMER_REPO_FILES_SUCCESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 success
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Update DC"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowUpdateDCFirmware(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp = "Update DC "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::UPDATE_DC_FIRMARE_SUCCESS, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 success
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN STATUS
").arg(tmp); } ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowUpdateRequest(QString status) { qCritical() << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << "status" << status; QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); s.chop(m_stepLabelChopCount); QString tmp = "Check update request "; int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } bool const custRepoExists = internal::customerRepoExists(); if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::UPDATE_NOT_REQUESTED, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (custRepoExists) { s += QString( "%1 NOT REQUESTED. STOP.
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString("%1 not requested (initial configuration)
").arg(tmp); } } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::UPDATE_REQUESTED, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (custRepoExists) { s += QString("%1 requested
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString("%1 requested (initial configuration)
").arg(tmp); } } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::UPDATE_NOT_NECESSARY, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 not necessary
").arg(tmp); } else if (status.contains(UpdateCommand::NO_CUSTOMER_REPOSITORY, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { s += QString("%1 UNKNOWN (ISMAS not connected)
").arg(tmp); } else { s += QString( "%1 UNKNOWN
").arg(tmp); } m_stepLabelChopCount = -s.length(); s += "Check customer repository"; m_stepLabelChopCount += s.length(); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowISMASChecks(QString) { // deprecated QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp("Check ISMAS connectivity "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } s += QString("%1 [OK ]
").arg(tmp); tmp = "Check update activation "; len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } s += QString("%1 [OK ]
").arg(tmp); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowJsonDownload(QString) { ui->exit->setEnabled(false); QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp("Send json files to dc-hardware "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } s += QString("%1 [OK ]
").arg(tmp); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } void MainWindow::onShowDcDownload(QString version) { m_targetDcVersion = version; ui->exit->setEnabled(false); // test // onShowISMASChecks(""); onShowISMASConnectivity("connected"); onShowUpdateRequest("activated"); onShowTariffUpdate(""); onShowJsonDownload(""); QString s = ui->stepLabel->text(); QString tmp("Send dc-firmware to dc-hardware "); int len = m_showLineLength - tmp.length(); while (--len > 0) { tmp += " "; } s += QString("%1 [OK ] (%2)").arg(tmp).arg(version); ui->stepLabel->setText(s); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete m_startTimer; delete m_exitTimer; delete m_statusTimer; delete ui; } void MainWindow::customEvent(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == ProgressEvent::type()) { ProgressEvent *pevent = (ProgressEvent *)event; int const progress = pevent->progressPercent(); QObject const *sender = pevent->sender(); if (sender == this) { switch(progress) { case 0: { ui->updateProgress->reset(); } break; case START_PROGRESS_LOOP: { m_progressRunning = true; ui->updateProgress->reset(); // m_progressValue = 10; QApplication::postEvent(this, new ProgressEvent(this, 1)); } break; case STOP_PROGRESS_LOOP: { m_progressRunning = false; // m_progressValue -= 10; // m_worker->setProgress(m_progressValue/10); } break; default: { if (m_progressRunning) { // m_progressValue = progress; ui->updateProgress->setValue(progress); // ueberpruefen: hauptfenster schickt sich selber ein event // QApplication::postEvent(this, new ProgressEvent(this, progress)); // QThread::msleep(500); }} } } else if (sender == m_worker) { switch(progress) { case 0: { ui->updateProgress->reset(); } break; case START_PROGRESS_LOOP: { QApplication::postEvent(this, new ProgressEvent(this, START_PROGRESS_LOOP)); } break; case STOP_PROGRESS_LOOP: { QApplication::postEvent(this, new ProgressEvent(this, STOP_PROGRESS_LOOP)); } break; default:{ ui->updateProgress->setValue(progress); }} } else { qCritical() << "!!! UNKNOWN SENDER !!!"; } } QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); } void MainWindow::onStopStartTimer() { m_startTimer->stop(); } void MainWindow::onDisableExit() { ui->exit->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::onEnableExit() { ui->exit->setEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::onRestartExitTimer() { m_exitTimer->stop(); m_exitTimer->start(5 * 1000); scrollDownTextEdit(); ui->updateStatus->setEnabled(false); } void MainWindow::onQuit() { m_exitTimer->stop(); int errorCode = 0; qCritical() << QString("ON QUIT: CURRENT STEP %1") .arg(m_worker->getSmap()[m_worker->currentStep()]); // TODO: replace SEND_LAST_VERSION with UPDATE_SUCCEEDED if (m_worker->currentStep() != Worker::UPDATE_STEP::SEND_LAST_VERSION) { errorCode = -1; } qCritical() << QString("ON QUIT: EXIT CODE %1").arg(errorCode); qApp->exit(errorCode); } void MainWindow::scrollDownTextEdit() { // Utils::printInfoMsg(QString("SCROLL-DOWN-TEXT_EDIT CALLED AT ") // + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); ui->updateStatus->setEnabled(true); QTextCursor tmpCursor = ui->updateStatus->textCursor(); tmpCursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); ui->updateStatus->setTextCursor(tmpCursor); ui->updateStatus->ensureCursorVisible(); } void MainWindow::onInsertText(QString text) { scrollDownTextEdit(); ui->updateStatus->textCursor().insertText(text); } void MainWindow::onAppendText(QString text, QString suffix) { // Utils::printInfoMsg(QString("ON APPEND CALLED AT ") // + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); QString editText = ui->updateStatus->toPlainText(); scrollDownTextEdit(); if (!suffix.isNull() && suffix.size() > 0) { //qInfo() << "TEXT" << text << "SUFFIX" << suffix; if (suffix == Worker::UPDATE_STEP_SUCCESS || suffix == Worker::UPDATE_STEP_FAIL) { ui->updateStatus->insertPlainText(QString("\n").leftJustified(m_width-3, '=') + " "); // editText += QString("\n").leftJustified(m_width-3, '='); // editText += " "; } QString const &add = (QString("\n") + text).leftJustified(m_width - (2 + suffix.size())) + suffix; ui->updateStatus->insertPlainText(add); // editText += add; } else { QString const &add = text.leftJustified(m_width-9); ui->updateStatus->insertPlainText(add); //editText += add; } // debug // QString editText = ui->updateStatus->toPlainText(); // Utils::printLineEditInfo(editText.split('\n', QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts)); // ui->updateStatus->setText(editText.trimmed()); scrollDownTextEdit(); } void MainWindow::onReplaceLast(QStringList newTextLines, QString suffix) { // Utils::printInfoMsg(QString("ON REPLACE LAST (LIST) CALLED AT ") // + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); int const s = newTextLines.size(); if (s > 0) { QString editText = ui->updateStatus->toPlainText(); QStringList lines = editText.split('\n', QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); QString newText; if (lines.size() >= s) { for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) { lines.removeLast(); } if (lines.size() > 0) { newText = lines.join('\n'); newText += '\n'; } QStringList newLines; for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) { if (i == 0 && !suffix.isNull() && suffix.size() > 0 && suffix != "\n") { newLines += Utils::rstrip(newTextLines.at(i).leftJustified(m_width-10) + suffix); } else { newLines += Utils::rstrip(newTextLines.at(i).leftJustified(m_width-10)); } } lines += newLines; newText += newLines.join(' '); } ui->updateStatus->setText(newText); Utils::printLineEditInfo(lines); scrollDownTextEdit(); } } void MainWindow::onReplaceLast(QString text, QString suffix) { // Utils::printInfoMsg(QString("ON REPLACE LAST (TEXT) CALLED AT ") // + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs)); QString editText = ui->updateStatus->toPlainText(); QStringList lines = editText.split('\n', QString::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts); if (lines.size() > 0) { // removing the last line is really meant for refreshing the last line // with a string very similar than the original one, typically only // followed by a suffix. if (lines.last().contains(text)) { lines.removeLast(); } if (!suffix.isNull() && suffix.size() > 0 && suffix != "\n") { QString const add = text.leftJustified(m_width-10) + suffix; if (!add.isEmpty()) { lines += text.leftJustified(m_width-10) + suffix; } } else { QString const add = text.leftJustified(m_width-10); if (!add.isEmpty()) { lines += text.leftJustified(m_width-10); } } } Utils::printLineEditInfo(lines); ui->updateStatus->setText(lines.join('\n').trimmed()); scrollDownTextEdit(); } void MainWindow::onShowMessage(QString title, QString text) { this->statusBar()->clearMessage(); this->statusBar()->showMessage( // timeout: 10000 QString(title + " " + text).leftJustified(80, ' '), 10000); } void MainWindow::onShowErrorMessage(QString title, QString text) { onShowMessage(title, text); } void MainWindow::onShowStatusMessage(QString title, QString text) { onShowMessage(title, text); } void MainWindow::onShowErrorMessage(QStringList lst) { if (lst.size() >= 2) { onShowMessage(lst.at(0), lst.at(1)); } if (lst.size() == 1) { onShowMessage(lst.at(0), ""); } } void MainWindow::onShowStatusMessage(QStringList lst) { if (lst.size() >= 2) { onShowMessage(lst.at(0), lst.at(1)); } if (lst.size() == 1) { onShowMessage(lst.at(0), ""); } }