#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include // system() #endif #include "message_handler.h" #include #include "commandline_parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "update.h" #include "git/git_client.h" #include "ismas/ismas_client.h" #include "worker_thread.h" #include "worker.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "utils.h" // #include "process/command.h" #include #include #include #include #if defined (Q_OS_UNIX) || defined (Q_OS_LINUX) #include #include #endif #ifdef PTU5 #define SERIAL_PORT "ttymxc2" #else #define SERIAL_PORT "ttyUSB0" #endif //QString Orientation(Qt::ScreenOrientation orientation) { // switch (orientation) { // case Qt::PrimaryOrientation : return "Primary"; // case Qt::LandscapeOrientation : return "Landscape"; // case Qt::PortraitOrientation : return "Portrait"; // case Qt::InvertedLandscapeOrientation : return "Inverted landscape"; // case Qt::InvertedPortraitOrientation : return "Inverted portrait"; // default : return "Unknown"; // } //} // argv[1]: file to send to dc int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QByteArray const value = qgetenv("LC_ALL"); if (value.isEmpty() || value != "C") { qputenv("LC_ALL", "C"); } // qputenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/var/run/user/0"); openlog("ATB-UPDATE", LOG_PERROR | LOG_PID | LOG_CONS, LOG_USER); QApplication a(argc, argv); QApplication::setApplicationName("ATBUpdateTool"); QApplication::setApplicationVersion(APP_VERSION); if (!messageHandlerInstalled()) { // change internal qt-QDebug-handling atbInstallMessageHandler(nullptr); //atbInstallMessageHandler(atbDebugOutput); setDebugLevel(LOG_NOTICE); } //qCritical() << "Number of screens:" << QGuiApplication::screens().size(); //qCritical() << "Primary screen:" << QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->name(); //foreach (QScreen *screen, QGuiApplication::screens()) { // qDebug() << "Information for screen:" << screen->name(); // qDebug() << " Orientation:" << Orientation(screen->orientation()); //} //return 0; CommandLineParser parser; parser.process(a); parser.readSettings(); QString repositoryUrl = parser.repositoryUrl(); if (repositoryUrl.endsWith('/')) { repositoryUrl.chop(1); } QString gitSSHCommand(""); if (repositoryUrl.contains("ptu-config.atb-comm.de")) { QByteArray const v = qgetenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND"); if (v.isEmpty()) { QString sshKeyFile("/opt/app/tools/atbupdate/.keys/id_ed25519_ptuConfig"); if (QFileInfo(sshKeyFile).exists()) { if (qgetenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND").isNull()) { gitSSHCommand = "ssh -i /opt/app/tools/atbupdate/.keys/id_ed25519_ptuConfig"; if (!qputenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", QByteArray(gitSSHCommand.toStdString().c_str()))) { qCritical() << "ERROR: GIT_SSH_COMMAND not put into env. Exiting..."; return -1; } } } else { qCritical() << "ERROR ssh-key-file" << sshKeyFile << "does not exists. Exiting..."; return -1; } } else { gitSSHCommand = QString(v.toStdString().c_str()); qCritical() << "WARNING GIT_SSH_COMMAND already set in enviroment:" << gitSSHCommand; if (gitSSHCommand != "ssh -i /opt/app/tools/atbupdate/.keys/id_ed25519_ptuConfig") { qCritical() << "ERROR" << gitSSHCommand << "wrong. Exiting..."; return -1; } } } QString plugInDir = parser.plugInDir(); QString plugInName = parser.plugInName(); QString workingDir = parser.workingDir(); QString iniFileName = parser.iniFileName(); bool const dryRun = parser.dryRun(); bool const noUpdatePsaHardware = parser.noUpdatePsaHardware(); bool const showYoctoVersion = parser.yoctoVersion(); bool const showYoctoInstallStatus = parser.yoctoInstallStatus(); bool const showExtendedVersion = parser.extendedVersion(); bool const alwaysDownloadConfig = parser.alwaysDownloadConfig(); bool const alwaysDownloadDC = parser.alwaysDownloadDC(); QString const rtPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); int const machineNr = Utils::read1stLineOfFile("/mnt/system_data/machine_nr"); int const customerNr = Utils::read1stLineOfFile("/mnt/system_data/cust_nr"); int const zoneNr = Utils::read1stLineOfFile("/mnt/system_data/zone_nr"); QString const branchName = (zoneNr != 0) ? QString("zg1/zone%1").arg(zoneNr) : "master"; qInfo() << "pwd ......................" << rtPath; qInfo() << "repositoryUrl ............" << repositoryUrl; if (!gitSSHCommand.isEmpty()) { qInfo() << "GIT_SSH_COMMAND .........." << gitSSHCommand; } qInfo() << "plugInDir ................" << plugInDir; qInfo() << "plugInName ..............." << plugInName; qInfo() << "workingDir ..............." << workingDir; qInfo() << "dryRun ..................." << dryRun; qInfo() << "noUpdatePsaHardware ......" << noUpdatePsaHardware; qInfo() << "alwaysDownloadConfig ....." << alwaysDownloadConfig; qInfo() << "alwaysDownloadDC ........." << alwaysDownloadDC; qInfo() << "showYoctoVersion ........." << showYoctoVersion; qInfo() << "showYoctoInstallStatus ..." << showYoctoInstallStatus; qInfo() << "showExtendedVersion ......" << showExtendedVersion; qInfo() << "iniFileName .............." << iniFileName; qInfo() << "extended-version ........." << APP_EXTENDED_VERSION; qInfo() << "machineNr ................" << machineNr; qInfo() << "customerNr ..............." << customerNr; qInfo() << "zoneNr ..................." << zoneNr; if (showExtendedVersion) { printf(APP_EXTENDED_VERSION"\n"); return 0; } if (showYoctoVersion) { printf("%s\n", Worker::getATBUpdateToolYoctoVersion().toStdString().c_str()); return 0; } if (showYoctoInstallStatus) { printf("%s\n", Worker::getATBUpdateToolYoctoInstallationStatus().toStdString().c_str()); return 0; } QThread::currentThread()->setObjectName("main thread"); qInfo() << "Main thread" << QThread::currentThreadId(); if (!QDir(plugInDir).exists()) { qCritical() << plugInDir << "does not exists, but has to contain dc-library"; if (noUpdatePsaHardware == false) { exit(-1); } } // before loading the library, delete all possible shared memory segments #if defined Q_OS_LINUX || defined Q_OS_UNIX // system("rm -rf /tmp/qipc*"); #else #error "Only tested under UNIX/LINUX" #endif Worker worker(customerNr, machineNr, zoneNr, repositoryUrl, branchName, plugInDir, plugInName, workingDir, noUpdatePsaHardware, alwaysDownloadConfig, alwaysDownloadDC, dryRun); MainWindow mw(&worker); worker.setMainWindow(&mw); mw.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint); mw.showFullScreen(); // test //worker.jsUpdate(); worker.workList().exec(); // worker.summary(); return a.exec(); }