3ccdcbae51Removed generation of upodate-object. This will be donw inside worker(-thread), and only when it is really needed, i.e. when there are json-files to be updated (or a deveice-controller).Gerhard Hoffmann2023-11-06 16:20:27 +0100
8c50e6cf59Added command-line option no-psa-hardware-update (future use for multipass).Gerhard Hoffmann2023-11-06 16:19:36 +0100
003bd0bf77Check if repository is corrupted: do not check for etc/ or opt/-directories, as they may be not existent inside of the repository.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-11-03 13:44:15 +0100
721c5dd7a5MAke sure removeDuplicates() is called for list containing file to be updated.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-31 09:16:24 +0100
4b3a39b0e6Set version to 1.3.14. Add compile flag -C (so it is possible to use /*fall through*/ without having the proprocessor to remove this comment.
Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:35:38 +0100
a44b780d93Minor: Add header for using RAII in sending SEND-LAST-VERSION to ISAMS.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:29:23 +0100
19dfae9b56Use output functions ISMAS(), GUI() and CONSOLE(), which point to friend operators<< in Worker-class.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:28:25 +0100
bef0d4fe12Refactor the update process: streamline code. When WAIT button is not active, the a clone or a fix of a defunct repository is possible, but not more. If WAIT button is active, the at least the opkg_commnds are executed. If there are chenged files, they are handkled as wll.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:25:49 +0100
7d0fdf4d6dSmall fixes: 1: fixed wrong parameters of a connect(). 2: Minor: improved onQuit().Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:17:59 +0100
c2ce44c79bAdding three friend operator<< functions to output status information of the update process: the first on outputs to CONSOLE(), the second one outputs to ISMAS() and the last one to GUI(), i.e. the text edit of the main window.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:15:30 +0100
48896f97ecAdding UPDATE_STEP_WRONG: helper variable to be used in text edit of main window.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:13:04 +0100
4486317cb2dd declaration for getAPISMYoctoVersion() and getAPISMYoctoInstallationStatus(): the first one returning the yocto-version of APIS, the second returning the installation status of APIS as display in 'opkg info'.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:11:06 +0100
6b9b88ea19Adding member variables to check if customer repository was a fresh clone, or if it was already existent.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:09:33 +0100
99a99d95a1Adding UPDATE_STEP enum plus associated interger defines. Adding QMap: Worker::smap, which contains names of UPDATE_STEP-members.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:07:28 +0100
d4ddbbee21Add class UpdateProcessRunning: use for sending SEND-LAST-VERSION as part of its destruktor: RAII-pattern.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:05:30 +0100
c44c805238Use some special output methods using ISMAS(), GUI() nad CONSOLE().Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 15:00:57 +0100
196f1a730egitPull(): don't use regex anumore, but just plain string-matching/searching. Regex seems to be quite error-prone.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 14:59:58 +0100
7dc04c4422Add helper function worker(), returning the worker-object.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-30 14:56:19 +0100
8aeb7ecfeaDon't check opkg_commands-file in the system-filesystem to remove confusing error-messages.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-19 13:43:53 +0200
4bb8e241b6Update process: check sanity of customer repository: are etc/ and opt/directories contained? If not, remove the repository and clone it again. This is done without checking the ISMAS-WAIT-button.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-19 13:41:44 +0200
6865056f4bReplace regex in gitCloneCustomerRepository() with straight-forward steing-handling: regex sometimes returned error.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-19 13:35:07 +0200
22f25e5251Replaced 'git clone' with 'git clone --filter=blob:none' to speed up cloning of customer-repository.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-18 11:36:13 +0200
504e242d42Implemented getATBUpdateToolYoctoVersion() and getATBUpdateToolYoctoInstallationStatus()Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-18 11:31:15 +0200
731cdcbe09Added getATBUpdateToolYoctoVersion() and getATBUpdateToolYoctoInstallationStatus()Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-18 11:30:12 +0200
b4e2d4c54aMinor: Move reading of machine_nr, customer_nr and zone_nr upwards.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-18 11:28:06 +0200
42961dea40Add command-parameters yoctoVersionOption (yocto-version of ATBUpdateTool as reported by opkg), and yoctoInstallStatusOption (info if ATBUpdateTool is installed as reported by opkg).Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-18 11:26:30 +0200
4b9dcc5e99Set version to 1.3.11: integrate extended version (VERSION + last git commit) in send-last-version-message.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-12 12:13:49 +0200
53639b55c9Integrate call parameter -V (= --extended-version) to show extended version (including last git commit)Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-12 12:12:16 +0200
3a83efbd3fIntegrate extended version of ATBUpdateTool into send-last-version command to ISMAS.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-12 12:11:48 +0200
c9d6a8d245Integrate extended version of ATBUpdateTool into send-last-versionGerhard Hoffmann2023-10-12 12:10:24 +0200
91db59b9f3Integrate version of ATBUpdateTool in send-last-version.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-12 12:09:19 +0200
0d353cfbcfCheck if opkg_command failed, and if this is the case, stop the update-process without showing a wrong UPDATE-SUCCESS.Gerhard Hoffmann2023-10-10 16:01:45 +0200