2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
#include <stdint.h>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
#include "storeINdata.h"
#include "tslib.h"
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
#include "shared_mem_buffer.h"
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// gpi: grafical access to PI: access from external devices over device controller FOR GUI
// epi: external access from GUI to PI: FOR external devices (DC)
// store power on/off condition of the devices to control the data request
static bool indat_savePrnPwr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void indat_storePrinterPower(bool isOn) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool indat_isPrinterOn() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return indat_savePrnPwr;
static bool indat_saveMifPwr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void indat_storeMifarePower(bool isOn) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool indat_isMifareOn() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return indat_saveMifPwr;
static bool indat_MdbIsOn;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void indat_storeMDBisOn(bool isOn) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool indat_isMdbOn() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return indat_MdbIsOn;
void gpi_storeSlaveSerParams(uint8_t slaveBaudRate, uint8_t NrDataBits,
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t parity, uint8_t NrStopBits) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// store numbers
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->ndbs = NrDataBits;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->pari = parity;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->nsb = NrStopBits;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->br = slaveBaudRate;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
void epi_getSlaveSerParams(uint8_t *slaveBaudRate, uint8_t *NrDataBits,
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t *parity, uint8_t *NrStopBits) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
*NrDataBits = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ndbs;
*parity = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->pari;
*NrStopBits = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->nsb;
*slaveBaudRate = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->br;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getSlaveParamSTR() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
QString mySt;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
switch (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->br) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
case 1: mySt="1200 ";break;
case 2: mySt="9600 ";break;
case 3: mySt="19200 ";break;
case 4: mySt="38400 ";break;
case 5: mySt="57600 ";break;
case 6: mySt="115200 ";break;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
char ctmp = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ndbs;
ctmp += 0x30;
ctmp = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->pari;
ctmp = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->nsb;
ctmp += 0x30;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return mySt;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
// static QString genStrings[MAXNROF_GENSTR];
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// 0=HW 1=SW 2=State
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeGenerals(uint8_t genNr, QString text) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// 0=HW 1=SW 2=State
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (genNr < MAXNROF_GENSTR) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_loadGenerals(uint8_t genNr) {
if (genNr < MAXNROF_GENSTR) {
if (genNr==2) { // DC2 State is shorter (8byte, not 64)
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->genStrings[2][8] = '\0';
return QString(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->genStrings[genNr]);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return " ";
// -------------------------------
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeUID(uint8_t const *buf8byteUid) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
uint64_t udltmp=0;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
for (int ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.UIDstr[ii] = buf8byteUid[ii];
udltmp |= buf8byteUid[ii];
udltmp <<= 8;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.slaveUID = udltmp;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getUIDdec(uint8_t *buf8byteUid) {
for (int ii=0; ii<8; ii++) {
buf8byteUid[ii] = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.UIDstr[ii];
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getUIDstr() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// die UID besteht aus 8 bytes (8 dezimalzahlen)
// -> umformen in hexstring
QString myStr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
for (int ii=0;ii<8; ii++) {
myStr += QString::number(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.UIDstr[ii], 16);
myStr += " ";
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return myStr;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_backupSquareMode(uint8_t squMode) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.squareOutMode = squMode;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getSquareMode() {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.squareOutMode;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_backupTime(uint8_t *timeBuffer, uint8_t Leng) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// Daten kommen in gleicher Reihenfolge vom Slave
uint8_t *pTime;
if (Leng>44) Leng=44; // mehr brauch ma ned
for (int nn=0; nn<Leng; nn++)
// new, FastProt: 0=dayOfWeek 1=min 2=sec 3=hours 4=year 5=month 6=dayOfMonth
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.second = Leng; // nur damit CompilerWarnung weg ist
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.DayOfWeek = timeBuffer[0];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.minute = timeBuffer[1];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.second = timeBuffer[2];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.hour = timeBuffer[3];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.Year = timeBuffer[4];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.Month = timeBuffer[5];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->getGlobalTime.DayOfMonth = timeBuffer[6];
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getTime(uint8_t *hh, uint8_t *mm, uint8_t *ss) {
*hh = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.hour;
*mm = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.minute;
*ss = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.second;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getDate(uint8_t *yy, uint8_t *mm, uint8_t *dd) {
*yy = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.Year;
*mm = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.Month;
*dd = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.DayOfMonth;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getToday(uint8_t *dow, uint16_t *minOfToday, uint32_t *secOfToday) {
*dow = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.DayOfWeek;
*minOfToday = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.MinutesOfToday;
*secOfToday = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.SecondsOfToday;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_isLeapYear(uint8_t *lastLeapYear, uint8_t *NextLeapYear) {
*lastLeapYear = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.lastLeap;
*NextLeapYear = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.nextLeap;
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.IsLeapyear;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_isLeapYear() {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.IsLeapyear;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getSpecialWeekTimeDate(uint8_t *DayOfWeek,
uint8_t *HoursOfWeek,
uint16_t *MinutesOfWeek) {
*DayOfWeek = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.DayOfWeek;
*HoursOfWeek = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.hoursOfWeek;
*MinutesOfWeek = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.minOfWeek;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getSpecialMonthTimeDate(uint8_t *DayOfMonth,
uint16_t *HoursOfMonth,
uint16_t *MinutesOfMonth) {
*DayOfMonth = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.DayOfMonth;
*HoursOfMonth = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.hoursOfMonth;
*MinutesOfMonth = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.minOfMonth;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_getSpecialYearTimeDate(uint16_t *DayOfYear,
uint16_t *HoursOfYear,
uint32_t *MinutesOfYear) {
*DayOfYear = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.dayOfYear;
*HoursOfYear = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.hoursOfYear;
*MinutesOfYear = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.minOfYear;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getRtcTimeStr(uint8_t timeStyle) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// style: 0: hh:mm 1: hh:mm:ss
QString mystr=nullptr, tempStr=nullptr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tempStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.hour, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
mystr=tempStr.rightJustified(2,'0',false); // macht feste Länge, 5->05
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tempStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.minute, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
//mystr.append(':'); // so
//mystr+=':'; // oder so, =gleich
if (timeStyle==1) // hh:mm:ss
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tempStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.second, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
mystr.append(tempStr.rightJustified(2,'0',false)); // wie +=
return mystr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getRtcDateStr(uint8_t dateStyle) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// 1=german dd.mm.yy 2=american yy/mm/dd 3=mm.dd.yy
QString tmpStr=nullptr, YYstr=nullptr, MMstr=nullptr, DDstr=nullptr, mystr=nullptr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tmpStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.Year, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
YYstr=tmpStr.rightJustified(4,'0',false); // immer vierstellig
YYstr[0]='2'; // 2000 dazu
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tmpStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.Month, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
tmpStr.setNum(SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->getGlobalTime.DayOfMonth, 10);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
if (dateStyle==1) // Germany dd.mm.yy
mystr=DDstr + '.' + MMstr + '.' + YYstr;
} else
if (dateStyle==2) // american yy/mm/dd
mystr=YYstr + '/' + MMstr + '/' + DDstr;
} else
// mm.dd.yy
mystr=MMstr + '.' + DDstr + '.' + YYstr;
return mystr;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getSlaveTimeDateStr() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
QString myStr;
myStr=epi_getRtcTimeStr(1) + " " + epi_getRtcDateStr(1);
return myStr;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// analog values
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_getMaxNrAIs() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return MAXNROF_AI;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeAIs(uint8_t aiNr, uint16_t val) {
if (aiNr < MAXNROF_AI) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->AI_val[aiNr] = val;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint16_t epi_loadAIs(uint8_t aiNr) {
if (aiNr < MAXNROF_AI) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->AI_val[aiNr];
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0;
// measurement values
// ADC0: temp
// 1: voltage
// 2: brightness
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint32_t epi_loadMeasureValue(uint8_t ValueNr) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// ValueNr 0=ADC0, 1=ADC1 aso...
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (ValueNr < MAXNROF_MEASURE) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.measurement[ValueNr];
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeMeasureValue(uint8_t ValueNr, uint32_t val) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// in mV, also bis 65,535V
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (ValueNr < MAXNROF_MEASURE) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.measurement[ValueNr] = val;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
QString epi_getSlaveTemperatureStr() {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
char myStr[8], halfDegree=0, Minus=0, oneChar;
int16_t val=0, pp, einer, zehner;
QString myqStr;
//qDebug() << "AIN0: " << epi_loadAIs(0) << "AIN1: " << epi_loadAIs(1);
uint32_t meas_temper=epi_loadMeasureValue(MEASCHAN_TEMPERATURE);
// im SaxFormat gespeichert, hier umwandeln in String
//qDebug() << "meas_temper: " << meas_temper;
for (pp=0; pp<8; pp++) myStr[pp]=0;
if (meas_temper&1) // ungerade, also ,5°C
meas_temper &=0xFFFE; // um 0,5°C abrunden
if (meas_temper<100)
} else
pp=0; // pointer auf string
if (Minus)
// val is now 0..150 for pos Temp or 0..49 for negativ temperature
if (val<10)
// only one digit, just change to ascii
oneChar = char(val)+0x30;
if (tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(oneChar))
} else
if (val<100)
// 10...99
oneChar = char(zehner)+0x30;
if (tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(oneChar))
oneChar = char(einer)+0x30;
if (tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(oneChar))
} else
// 100...150
myStr[pp++]='1'; // hunderter Stelle immer 1
oneChar = char(zehner)+0x30;
if (tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(oneChar))
oneChar = char(einer)+0x30;
if (tslib_isDecAsciiNumber(oneChar))
if (halfDegree)
return myqStr;
QString epi_getSlaveVoltageStr()
// value in "meas_volt" in mV, also bis 65,535V. Value range [6000...16000] (6V...16V)
QString myqStr;
uint32_t vor, nach, tmp32;
uint16_t pp;
char myStr[12], ke; //, kz, kh;
uint32_t ultmp=epi_loadMeasureValue(MEASCHAN_VOLTAGE);
for (pp=0; pp<12; pp++) myStr[pp]=0;
//qDebug() << ultmp << "mV";
//qDebug() << "vor: " << vor;
//qDebug() << "nach: " << nach;
if (vor>9)
//qDebug() << "ke: " << ke;
//qDebug() << "ke: " << ke;
//qDebug() << "ke: " << ke;
return myqStr;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// digital inputs
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/* come all in with 0x1201:
D0: upper door D1: low door D2:vault door
D3: cash box D4: bill box in
D5: bit 0: upper lockbar up bit1:down
D6: bit 0: lower lockbar up bit1:down
D7: 0
D7: DI_contact Power Is On
D8: OptoIn 1,2
D9: Aux0...5
D10:Wake from ptu
D11: DI Wake From Mdb
D12: Ready from printer
D13: Coin Shutter Input
D14: CoinEscrow switch
D15: Mifare IN
D16: Modem_Wake In
D18: DI Mif Pwr is on
D19: DI MDB_TxD_rdBack
D20: DI Aux Pwr is on
D21: DI GSM Pwr from PO2 is ON
D22: DI Credit Pwr from PO2 is on
=DI RdBack Credit Wake
D23: DI Printer Pwr from PO2 is on
D24: DI MDB Pwr from PO2 is on
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeDI_doorSwitches(uint8_t upperDoor,
uint8_t lowerDoor,
uint8_t vaultDoor) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.doorSwitch = 0;
if (upperDoor) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.doorSwitch |= 1;
if (lowerDoor) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.doorSwitch |= 2;
if (vaultDoor) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.doorSwitch |= 4;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_doorSwitches(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: upper door 1: low door 2:vault door
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.doorSwitch;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeDI_vaultSwitches(uint8_t CashBoxIn, uint8_t BillBoxIn) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.vaultSwitch = 0;
if (CashBoxIn) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.vaultSwitch |= 1;
if (BillBoxIn) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.vaultSwitch |= 2;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_vaultSwitches(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: cash box 1: bill box in
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.vaultSwitch;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeDI_lockSwitches(uint8_t indatUL, uint8_t indatLL) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// D5: bit 0: upper lockbar up bit1:down
// D6: bit 0: lower lockbar up bit1:down
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch = 0;
if (indatUL & 1) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch |= 1;
if (indatUL & 2) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch |= 2;
if (indatLL & 1) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch |= 4;
if (indatLL & 2) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch |= 8;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_lockSwitches(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// retval: bit 0: upper lockbar up bit1: upper lockbar is down
// bit 2: lower lockbar up bit1: lower lockbar is down
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.lockSwitch;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeDI_optos(uint8_t indatOpto) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// OptoIn bit 0,1: optoin 1,2
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.opto = 0;
if (indatOpto & 1) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.opto |= 1;
if (indatOpto & 2) SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.opto |= 2;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_optos(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: opto in 1 1: opto in 2
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.opto;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDI_auxIn(uint8_t aux) { // Aux0...5
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.aux = aux;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_auxIn(void) { // bit0: auxin 1 ... 5: auxin 6
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.aux;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_ptuWake(bool w) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.wakeFromPtu = w;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_ptuWake(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.wakeFromPtu;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_mbdWake(bool w) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.wakeFromMdb = w;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_mdbWake(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.wakeFromMdb;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_prnReady(bool ready) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.PrnReady = ready;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_prnReady(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.PrnReady;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_CoinAttach(bool attach) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.CoinAttach = attach;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_CoinAttach(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.CoinAttach;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_CoinEscrow(bool ce) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.CoinEscrowOpen = ce;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_CoinEscrow(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.CoinEscrowOpen;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:53:23 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_mifareCardTapped(bool tapped) {
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.mifCardTap = tapped;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_mifareCardTapped(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.mifCardTap;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_modemWake(bool w) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.wakeFromModem = w;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_modemWake(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.mifCardTap;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_contactPowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.contactPwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_contactPwr(void) { // invertiert!
return !SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.contactPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_MifarePowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.mifarePwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_mifarePwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.mifarePwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_readbackMdbTxD(bool rdbkMdbTxd) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.rdbk_mdbTxd = rdbkMdbTxd;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_mdbTxd(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.rdbk_mdbTxd;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_AuxPowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.AuxPwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_auxPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.AuxPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_GsmPowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.gsmPwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_gsmPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.gsmPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_CreditPowerIsOn(bool on) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// invertieren!!!
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.creditPwrOn = !on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_creditPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.creditPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_PrinterPowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.printerPwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_printerPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.printerPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_MdbPowerIsOn(bool on) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.mdbPwrOn = on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_mdbPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.mdbPwrOn;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeDI_rejMot_home(bool reject) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.rejMot_home = reject;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDI_rejectMotor_homepos(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.rejMot_home;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDI_paperLow(uint8_t sensor) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// 0: Sensor sees paper 1: no paper 99: off
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->din.npe_sensor = sensor;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDI_npe_sensor(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->din.npe_sensor;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// readaback digital outputs
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
D0 bit0: MDB devices 0=off 1=on
bit1: MDB bus power
bit2: MDB WakeOut
D5: serial drv on/off, Serial mux1, Serial mux2
D6: Leds, Fan,
D7: Siren and relay
D8: PtuWakeOut
D9: Power Aux/Barcode
D10: AuxDir 1...6
D11: AuxOut 1...6
D12: Coin shutter output
D13: CoinEscrow Outputs
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_mdbRxTst(uint8_t mdbRxTst) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.mbdRxTst = mdbRxTst;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_mdbRxTestOut(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.mbdRxTst & 1;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_motorOutputs(uint8_t motorBits) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
//D1: motor outputs bit0: upper lock forw bit 1 backw
// Bit2: lowLock forw bit3: LL backw
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.motorBits = motorBits;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDO_motorOuts(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: upper lock forward bit 1 backward
// bit2: lower lock forward bit 3 backward
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.motorBits;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_serialSwitch(uint8_t serialSwitch) { // serial drv on/off, Serial mux1, Serial mux2
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.serialSwitch = serialSwitch;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDO_serialSwitch(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// serial drv on/off, Serial mux1, Serial mux2
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_serialDriverIsOn(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch & 1;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_serialMux1isSetToPrinter(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// mux1 off: serial is switched to printer
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch & 2) == 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_serialMux1isSetToModem(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// mux1 on: serial is switched to modem
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch & 2) > 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_serialMux2isSetToCredit(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// mux2 off: serial is switched to credit card terminal
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch & 4) == 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_serialMux2isSetToMifare(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// mux2 on: serial is switched to mifare reader
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.serialSwitch & 4) > 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_ledsAndFan(uint8_t ledState) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: coinled 1:front_illu 2: paper-led 3:pinpad-led 4:start-led 5:service-led 6:fan
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.ledsAndFan = ledState;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_coin(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 1);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_front(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 2);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_ticket(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 4);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_pin(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 8);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_start(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 16);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_led_inside(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 32);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_fan(void) {
return (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ledsAndFan & 64);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_sirenAndRelay(uint8_t sirenRelay) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: siren 1:relay
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.laermUndRelay = sirenRelay;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_sirene(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.laermUndRelay & 1;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_relay(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.laermUndRelay & 2;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_ptuWake(uint8_t state) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.ptuWake = state;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_ptuWake(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.ptuWake > 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_auxPower(uint8_t pwr) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.auxPower = pwr;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_auxPower(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.auxPower > 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_coinShutter(uint8_t state) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.coinShutter = state;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_coinShutterOpen(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: Coin shutter output, bit1: input-test-output
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.coinShutter & 1;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_getDO_coinShutterTest(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// bit0: Coin shutter output, bit1: input-test-output
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.coinShutter & 2;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_coinEscrow(uint8_t state) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.coinEscrow = state;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDO_coinEscrow(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// retval: 1:return flap is open 2:take flap is open 0:closed
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.coinEscrow & 1) {
return 1; // return flap is open
if (SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.coinEscrow & 2) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 2; // take flap is open
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeDO_printerPwrOn(uint8_t state) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->dout.printerPower = state;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_getDO_printerPwr(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->dout.printerPower;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
//----------------------------- Mifare Card Reader -----------------------------------
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t gpi_storeMifReaderStateAndCardType(uint8_t const *buf) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// retval 0=OK 1=error host buffer too small
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
memset(SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.MIF_STATE, 0x00,
memcpy(SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.MIF_STATE, buf, 8);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0; // OK
/* data description:
new fast version:
byte 0= still the same: current read state:
0=power off 1=reader-fault 2=ready
3=just reading 4=read complete
5=read partial, removed too early
6=state unknown
byte 1: reader state 1=ok 0=nok
byte 2: card preent (0,1)
byte 3: card selected (0)
byte 4: card type: 0...5
byte 5: card allowed (0=no 1=MifareClassic 1k or 4k)
byte 6: CardSize: 1 or 4 (kB)
byte 7: length of UID 4 or 7 (byte)
old long version
byte 0: current read state: 0=power off 1=reader-fault 2=ready
3=just reading 4=read complete
5=read partial, removed too early
6=state unknown
byte 1,2: read data length from card
3: 1=reader is OK (reported serial nr is OK) 0=wrong or no reader
4...15: reader version, expected "SL025-1.8"
byte16: 1=card is present 0:not
17: 0
18: card type reported from reader
19: 1=allowed card type 0=not
20: card size: 1 or 4 (dec) = card size
21: LengthOfUID: 4 or 7 (dec) (byte)
22: UID 8 byte in hex
byte 30: sector logged: 0
byte 31: current sector: 0
byte 32: result, always 0
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_restoreMifState(uint8_t *buf, uint8_t maxBufferSize) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// HWapi can read States from DC
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (maxBufferSize<8) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 1; // error
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
memcpy(buf, SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.MIF_STATE, 8);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0; // OK
// data come in blockwise, so safe them blockwise as well
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeMifCardData(uint8_t blkNr, uint8_t const *receivedData) {
if (blkNr<12) {
memcpy(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.MIF_DATA[blkNr][0], receivedData, 64);
return true;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return false;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_restoreMifData(uint8_t blkNr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t maxBufferSize) {
if (blkNr>11 || maxBufferSize<64) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 1; // error
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
memcpy(buf, &SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.MIF_DATA[blkNr][0], 64);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
return 0; // ois OK
2023-04-18 13:56:04 +02:00
void gpi_storeNewMifareCard(uint8_t typ, uint8_t const *holder) {
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->mif_cardType = typ;
strncpy((char *)holder, (char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->mif_cardHolder, 7);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->mif_cardHolder[7] = '\0';
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_mifGetCardType(uint8_t const *holder) {
//holder[8] = name of card holder
// retval Type of MifareCard, 1=upper door, 2=lower door 3=test printer 4=test coins
strncpy((char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->mif_cardHolder, (char *)holder, 7);
return SharedMemBuffer::getData()->mif_cardType;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restorePrinterState(uint8_t *buf) {
memcpy((char *)buf, (char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.PRN_STATE,
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storePrinterState(uint8_t const *buf) {
memcpy((char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.PRN_STATE, (char *)buf,
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restorePrinterFonts(uint8_t *buf) {
memcpy((char *)buf, (char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.PRN_FONTS,
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storePrinterFonts(uint8_t const *buf) {
memcpy((char *)SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.PRN_FONTS, (char *)buf,
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// DB0: mdb_bus_ready (switched on)
// DB1: rdBackV12devicePower
// DB2: rdBackV5busPwr
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool gpi_storeMdbState(bool busReady, bool V12on, bool V5on) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.mdb_busRdy = busReady;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.mdb_V12on = V12on;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.mdb_V5on = V5on;
return true;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_restoreMdbBusReady(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.mdb_busRdy;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_restoreMdbV12Ready(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.mdb_V12on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_restoreMdbV5Ready(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.mdb_V5on;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// last received mdb answer (from mdb device)
// only needed if a special command was sent directly
// DB0: mdb Device-Nr
// DB1: last sent mdb command
// DB2: nr of received (payload) data bytes (apart from ACK, can be 0....34)
// DB3...DB38: rec.data (payload)
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeMdbResponse(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
memset(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.RecBuff[0], 0x00,
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.mdbNrOfRecData = leng;
memcpy((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.RecBuff[0],
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreMdbResponse(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.mdbNrOfRecData;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.RecBuff[0], *leng);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeEmpSettings(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
if (leng > 64) {
leng = 64;
memset(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.emp_settingsBuff[0], 0x00,
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.empNrOfsettings = leng;
memcpy((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.emp_settingsBuff[0],
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreEmpSettings(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.empNrOfsettings;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.emp_settingsBuff[0],
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// ......................................................................
// Münzbuffer[10]: Münze für Münze auslesen (LIFO)
// 4.5.21
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
static void sub_enterData(uint8_t valid, uint8_t signal,
uint8_t error, uint16_t value) {
if (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ctr_gotCoin < MEMDEPTH_GOTCOINS) {
uint8_t const gc = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ctr_gotCoin;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->gotCoin[gc].valid = valid;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->gotCoin[gc].signal = signal;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->gotCoin[gc].error = error;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->gotCoin[gc].value = value;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->ctr_gotCoin += 1;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeEmpCoinSignal(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// leng is number of coin record with 5 bytes each
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t LL = leng; // nr of coin records
uint16_t vv, pp = 0;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
//while (LL>0) // with FastProtocol only one coin
vv=uchar2uint(data[pp+4], data[pp+3]);
sub_enterData(data[pp], data[pp+1], data[pp+2], vv );
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint8_t epi_isNewCoinLeft(void) {
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
// retval: 0...16 coins left in FIFO
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ctr_gotCoin;
void epi_restoreEmpCoinSignal(uint8_t *valid, uint8_t *signal,
uint8_t *error, uint16_t *value) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->ctr_gotCoin -= 1;
if (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ctr_gotCoin < MEMDEPTH_GOTCOINS) {
uint8_t const gc = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->ctr_gotCoin;
*valid = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->gotCoin[gc].valid;
*signal = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->gotCoin[gc].signal;
*error = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->gotCoin[gc].error;
*value = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->gotCoin[gc].value;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeRbDeviceSettings(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) { // getestet am 12.4.23TS
if (leng > 64) {
leng = 64;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.NrOfDeviceSetting = leng;
memset((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.DeviceSettingBuff[0],
0x00, sizeof(SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.DeviceSettingBuff));
memcpy((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.DeviceSettingBuff[0],
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreRbDeviceSettings(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) { // getestet am 12.4.23TS
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.NrOfDeviceSetting;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char const *)&SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.DeviceSettingBuff[0],
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeMachineIDsettings(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
if (leng > 64) {
leng = 64;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDSetting = leng;
memset((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDBuff[0],
0x00, sizeof(SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDBuff));
memcpy((char *)&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDBuff[0],
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreMachineIDsettings(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDSetting;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char const *)&SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->Sdata.NrOfMachineIDBuff[0],
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
static uint8_t p_lastCoin;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_clearCurrentPayment(void) {
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
// call at beginning of coin collection
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.insertedAmount = 0;
p_lastCoin = 0;
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeCurrentPayment(uint32_t insertedAmount,
uint16_t lastCoinType, uint16_t lastCoinValue) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.insertedAmount = insertedAmount;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.lastCoinType[p_lastCoin] = lastCoinType;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.lastCoinValue[p_lastCoin] = lastCoinValue;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint32_t epi_CurrentPaymentGetAmount(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.insertedAmount;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint16_t epi_CurrentPaymentGetLastCoin(void) {
uint8_t pp = p_lastCoin;
if (pp==0) {
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
return 0; // noch keine Münze erhalten
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
if (pp>0) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.lastCoinValue[pp];
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_CurrentPaymentGetAllCoins(uint16_t *types, uint16_t *values) {
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
// alle bei diesem Verkauf eingeworfenen Münzen sind gespeichert falls die jmd. braucht
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if (p_lastCoin==0) {
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
return false;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
for (int nn=0; nn<64; nn++) {
types[nn] = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.lastCoinType[nn];
values[nn] = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.lastCoinValue[nn];
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
return true;
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeWakeSources(uint8_t const *receivedData) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc = 0;
for (int nn=7; nn>=0; nn--) {
uint8_t const uctmp = receivedData[nn];
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc |= uctmp;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.wakeSrc <<= 8;
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
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uint64_t epi_getWakeSources(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.wakeSrc;
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void gpi_storeExtendedTime(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
if (leng > 64) {
leng = 64;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.rbDevParamLen = leng;
memset((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.rbDevParams[0]), 0x00,
memcpy((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.rbDevParams[0]),
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreExtendedTime(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.rbDevParamLen;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char const *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.rbDevParams[0]),
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
// store device conditions
void gpi_storeDeviceConditions(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
if (leng > 64) {
leng = 64;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.deviceCondLen = leng;
memset((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.deviceCond[0]), 0x00,
memcpy((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.deviceCond[0]),
(char const *)data, leng);
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
void epi_restoreDeviceConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.deviceCondLen;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char const *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.deviceCond[0]),
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
// store dynamic machine conditions
void gpi_storeDynMachineConditions(uint8_t leng, uint8_t const *data) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.machCondLen = leng;
memset((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.machCond[0]), 0x00,
memcpy((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.machCond[0]),
(char const *)data, leng);
void epi_restoreDynMachineConditions(uint8_t *leng, uint8_t *data) {
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.machCondLen;
memcpy((char *)data,
(char const *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.machCond[0]),
void gpi_storeDCbackupAccNr(uint8_t /*leng*/, uint8_t const *data) {
// if (leng > 32) {
// leng = 32;
// }
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[0] = uchar2uint(data[1], data[0]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[1] = uchar2uint(data[3], data[2]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[2] = uchar2uint(data[5], data[4]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[3] = uchar2uint(data[7], data[6]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[4] = uchar2uint(data[9], data[8]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[5] = uchar2uint(data[11], data[10]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[6] = uchar2uint(data[13], data[12]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupAccNr[7] = uchar2uint(data[15], data[14]);
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.DcBackupNrOfAccNr = 8;
void epi_restoreDCbackupAccNr(uint8_t *leng, uint16_t *accNrs) {
// return accNrs[0..7]
*leng = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.DcBackupNrOfAccNr;
for (int nn=0; nn<8; nn++) {
accNrs[nn] = SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.DcBackupAccNr[nn];
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void epi_iniVRstorage(void) {
memset((char *)(&SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.vaultrecord[0]), 0x00,
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.gotNrBlocksOfVaultRec = 0;
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void gpi_storeVaultRecord(uint8_t blkNr, uint8_t const *data) {
uint16_t start = blkNr;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
// setze pro Block ein bit, wir brauchen block 0...4
// also muss store_gotNrBlocksOfVaultRec auf 0x1F stehen
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.gotNrBlocksOfVaultRec |= (1<<start);
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
start <<= 6;
2023-04-11 14:04:38 +02:00
2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
for (int ii=0; ii<64; ii++) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.vaultrecord[start+ii] = data[ii];
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bool epi_checkIfVaultRecordAvailable(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.gotNrBlocksOfVaultRec == 0x1F;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
bool epi_restoreVaultRecord(uint16_t *length, uint8_t *buf) {
*length = 0;
if (SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.gotNrBlocksOfVaultRec == 0x1F) {
*length = 320;
memcpy((char *)buf,
(char const *)SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.vaultrecord,
return true;
return false;
2023-04-13 10:58:17 +02:00
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void gpi_storeCBlevel(uint32_t amount, uint16_t nrOfCoins) {
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.amount = amount;
SharedMemBuffer::getData()->store.nrOfCoins = nrOfCoins;
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uint32_t epi_getCashBoxContent(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.amount;
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2023-04-18 13:43:37 +02:00
uint16_t epi_getNrOfCoinsInCashBox(void) {
return SharedMemBuffer::getDataConst()->store.nrOfCoins;