
145 lines
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#include "git_client.h"
#include "update.h"
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
GitClient::GitClient(QString const &workingDirectory, QString const &branchName)
: m_workingDirectory(workingDirectory)
, m_branchName(branchName) {
void GitClient::setWorkingDirectory(QString const &workingDirectory) {
m_workingDirectory = workingDirectory;
QString GitClient::workingDirectory() const {
return m_workingDirectory;
void GitClient::setBranchName(QString const &branchName) {
m_branchName = branchName;
QString GitClient::branchName() const {
return m_branchName;
std::optional<QString> GitClient::gitCloneRepository(QString const &repPath) {
QString gitCommand("git clone ");
gitCommand += repPath;
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) {
QString result = c.getCommandResult();
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
// Cloning into 'customer_281'...\n
static QRegularExpression re("(^\\s*Cloning\\s+into\\s+[']\\s*)(.*)(\\s*['].*$)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(result);
if (match.hasMatch()) {
if (re.captureCount() == 3) { // start with full match (0), then the other 3 matches
return match.captured(2);
return std::nullopt;
bool GitClient::gitCheckout(QString const &branchName) {
QString gitCommand("git checkout ");
gitCommand += branchName;
Command c(gitCommand);
return c.execute(m_workingDirectory);
std::optional<QString> GitClient::gitCloneBranch(QString const &repPath,
QString const &branchName) {
if (std::optional<QString> rep = gitCloneRepository(repPath)) {
QDir wd(m_workingDirectory);
if ( {
m_workingDirectory = wd.absolutePath();
if (gitCheckout(branchName)) {
return branchName;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<QStringList> GitClient::gitDiff(QString const &commits) {
// 409f198..6c22726
QString gitCommand("git diff --compact-summary ");
gitCommand += commits;
Command c(gitCommand);
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) {
QString s = c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
QStringList lines = Update::split(s, '\n');
QStringList fileNames;
// each line has the format "etc/psa_config/DC2C_print01.json | 1 +
// or the format "etc/psa_config/DC2C_print01.json (new) | 1 +
// the filenames are relativ to the repository
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
int newIndex ="(new)");
if (newIndex != -1) {
QString fileName =, newIndex).trimmed();
fileNames << fileName;
} else {
int pipeIndex ='|');
if (pipeIndex != -1) {
QString fileName =, pipeIndex).trimmed();
fileNames << fileName;
if (!fileNames.isEmpty()) {
return fileNames;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<QString> GitClient::gitFetch() {
Command c("git fetch");
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) {
QString s = c.getCommandResult().trimmed();
QStringList lines = Update::split(s, '\n');
if (!lines.empty()) {
// 409f198..6c22726 zg1/zone1 -> origin/zg1/zone1
static QRegularExpression re("(^\\s*)([0-9A-Fa-f]+..[0-9A-Fa-f]+)(.*$)");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(lines.last());
if (match.hasMatch()) {
if (re.captureCount() == 3) { // start with full match (0), then the other 3 matches
return match.captured(2);
return std::nullopt;
bool GitClient::gitFetchAndDiff() {
if (gitFetch()) {
QString gitCommand("git diff --compact-summary HEAD..FETCH_HEAD");
Command c(gitCommand);
return c.execute(m_workingDirectory);
return false;
bool GitClient::gitPull() {
Command c("git pull");
return c.execute(m_workingDirectory);
std::optional<QStringList> GitClient::gitMerge() {
Command c("git merge");
if (c.execute(m_workingDirectory)) {
QString s = c.getCommandResult();
QStringList lst = Update::split(s, '\n');
return lst;
return std::nullopt;