{ "Project":"Szeged", "Version":"1.0.0", "Date":"01.01.1970", "Commiter":"", "Info":"", "Products" : [ { "tariff_product_id": 0, "tariff_product_name": "SHORT_TIME_PARKING" }, { "tariff_product_id": 1, "tariff_product_price_id": 2, "tariff_product_name": "DAY_TICKET", "tariff_product_time_ranges" : [100001] } ], "TariffAccuracy": [ { "tariff_accuracy_id": 1, "tariff_accuracy_label": "computation per minute", "tariff_accuracy_value": 1, "comment": "accuracy of tariff computation is individual minutes" } ], "TariffType": [ { "tariff_type_id": 1, "tariff_type_label": "linear", "comment": "same price for all computational units, typically minutes" } ], "TariffTimeBase": [ { "tariff_timebase_id": 1, "tariff_timebase_label": "dynamic-timebase", "comment": "computation starts at minute 0 (can be any minute during the day)" }, { "tariff_timebase_id": 2, "tariff_timebase_label": "wall-clock-timebase", "comment": "computation starts at fixed wall-clock time" } ], "TariffPriceCustomer": [ { "tariff_price_customer_id": 1, "tariff_price_customer": 165, "editable": true, "comment": "price per hour as entered by customer" }, { "tariff_price_customer_id": 2, "tariff_price_customer": 990, "editable": true, "comment": "price for dayticket as entered by customer" } ], "TariffConfig": { "tariff_config_id": 1, "tariff_config_label": "Tariff Config 1", "tariff_config_accuracy": 1, "tariff_config_type": 1, "MinimalTime": { "value": 15, "editable": true, "comment": "minimal parking time in minutes (net)" }, "MaximalTime": { "value" : 360, "editable": true, "comment": "maximal parking time in minutes (net)" }, "MinimalPrice": { "value" : 1, "comment": "price-id of customer entered price (for hour) expressed in minimal time: 15*(165/60) = 41.25" }, "MaximalPrice": { "value" : 1, "comment": "price-id of customer entered price (for hour) expressed in maximal time: 360*(165/60) = 990" }, "tariff_config_time_base": 1, "tariff_config_carry_over": true, "tariff_config_prepaid": true } }